The mention of her family and husband drove Lady Parthia once again to the edge, as guilt and pleasure fought for dominion.
Yet this time she did not try to stop herself.
Rather she kept on kissing, wanting the pleasure to overload her mind for now.
Thus before long, Alexander even felt the mature woman grinding her hips against him, rubbing all her moistness over his thighs.
It was hot and her dense pubic hair made it ticklish.
So, in turn, Alexander also turned up his caresses of the belly, driving the hands below her naval and grabbing the spot just above the hot womb,
"Ahhh… your womb is so hot, my lady, ahhh… I know you want me to have me! Did you know I can feel it quiver with excitement every time I thrust inside…especially the mouth of your cervix, it shakes and cries every time my tip kisses it. And then it bursts open like a fountain when I come!... Can you deny it?"