Queen and Princess

Lady Parthia listened to Alexander's directive intently, not even for a second doubting it. He had already displayed enough credibility for her to believe he had divine knowledge.

His words also did not strike any bottom lines, as Alexander was only recommending against the act, not outright forbidding it.

While the man, having explained himself, turned to face the lady once again, pressing his hand against the hot womb and musing, 

"So you see Parthia… you and your daughter are different. Your loins are pure and fertile- the best of its kind. I wish to sow them with my seed. Come, submit to me. Let me shave your pubic hair and pray to the Mother for her blessing." 

"Mmmm…" Lady Parthia moaned at these tempting words, especially as she felt those naughty fingers start to creep along her soft garden, lewdly pinching and pulling the pink lips, turning the entire place wet and muddy.