Queen and Princess (Part-4)

Lady Parthia's heart perhaps shattered for a second time in her life upon hearing her daughter's answer. 

Camelia had really left no doubt in her mind whose voice she heard. 

Despite there being no clocks, Lady Parthia could instinctively tell it was indeed around midnight, the time when the darkness was the deepest when Alexander had her stand in front of her mirror, taking her twice and driving both her body and soul to never before felt euphoria.

But as Lady Parthia recalled her past night's joyous activities, she suddenly found her heart aching greatly, perhaps even slightly more than the time when she learned of her husband's defeat. 

Because this time involved herself personally- it involved her honor.

In fact, the only reason Lady Parthia was still sitting straight with a composed face was because her daughter did not show the slightest hint of suspicion that it was her.

That was perhaps her greatest solace.