Lol! You died

[Your mother appeared in front of you and she seemed to be breathing quickly. You noticed the lust in her eyes and found that you can't rest anymore.]

[After that, you spent three hours fucking your mother until you finally passed out of exhaustion.]

[You woke up the next day feeling refreshed. You found yourself back in your room and sleeping alone. You came out of your room and walked around the mansion.]

[After you didn't find your mother, you crossed-dressed and left for the sect. You got the news that those five senior sisters will be leaving the sect with your mother for the upcoming tournament and it will take them a whole month to return.]

[You smelled an opportunity. Your mother didn't take you with her and now no one could truly control you here. The first thing you did was to enter the library.]

[Although you could do a lot of things, you were prohibited from entering the library, not the sect library but your mother's personal library. But now that your mother wasn't here, you had no problem.]

[When you entered the library, you suddenly fell into a strange trap. You found yourself inside an illusion where you saw your mother. You felt strange because when she held you in her arms, she looked happy.]

[After your birth, you have never seen her happy but now, she was smiling in your illusion. A strange emotion erupted inside your heart as it wanted you to be happy as well.]

[But, you kept your heart in solitude and calm. You waited for the illusion to play. You saw a man standing next to her. After that man got closer, your mother suddenly stopped smiling and her eyes were filled with killing intent.]

[They were so strong that you could feel it from the illusion. Your heart was shaking and your blood was trembling. You were sweating all over your body. You tried your best to stay calm and watch the illusion.]

[You saw your father making a conversation. You couldn't hear anything but you could simply understand most from their lips and expressions. They seemed to be arguing.]

[After a while, it seemed like your father lost his patience and tried to catch you but your mother instantly pushed him away. At this moment, a voice rang in your mind.]

['You wrenched bastard, you think you can take my son while I am at my weakest. My son will stay with me.']

[When you heard those words, you felt the emotion outbreak. You couldn't help but notice the tears coming down your eyes. You didn't know why you were crying. You hated your mother.]

[She was just using you as her tool but right now, you felt like she was truly your mother. Suddenly, Tyler's expression changed and he wiped away his tears. Once again, he maintained his calm expression as he continued t watch.]

[After that, he couldn't hear anything. You saw your mother killing your father but only at his death, you saw his body disintegrating. Although you couldn't hear it, from your mother's expression and a little bit of knowledge about cultivation, you understood that was just your father's clone.]

[At this moment, you understand why she was in such a hurry to use you as her dual cultivation cauldron. Just a clone was able to fight your mother. Even if she was weak, she was still a Half Immortal. Now, you finally understand why she wanted to become Immortal as soon as possible.]

[Your mood became complicated. But, once again, something inside you trigged. It put your mind at ease and your expression returned to normal. You didn't know what this was but it had always helped you maintain your calmness no matter how emotional the situation gets.]

[It was the only reason why you were fully able to use women for your benefits. It wasn't the lust. You never lusted over any woman but you wanted to get more because you always had this desire to get stronger.]

[After the illusion ended, you returned to normal and walked toward the library. You took a stroll around the library and started reading books. You had a whole month and you wanted t properly utilize it to its fullest.]

[After reading books for weeks, you finally gained a lot of knowledge, enough to start your new project 'Ecstasy Seal'. It was a seal that resembles the Erotic Touch but it was only part of a bigger project 'Yin-Yang Harmony Seal'.]

[After dual cultivating for a long time, you have come to realize that the reason why dual cultivation is faster than normal cultivation is because of harmony between Yin and Yang energy.]

[So, your desire is to create a seal that can activate the dual cultivation with your thoughts. Not only that, but it should also allow you to control the lust of your women.]

[After being used like a cauldron, you finally understood that you mustn't let others control you. You hated the idea of someone controlling you because every time it reminded you of your lack of strength.]

[It reminds you of the death of your father. You wanted to be restricted, free, and powerful. That's why you decided to create a powerful way to control your women.]

[You realized the potential of the Erotic Finger that can completely make other females subservient to you so much so that they would give up everything just to have sex with you.]

[Yin-Yang Harmony Seal was designed to allow you to control the women that you have sex with whether it is in the simulation world or the real world.]

[Age 15- You spent four years designing and perfecting the Yin-Yang Harmony Seal. At the same time, you managed to have sex with fifty senior sisters from your sect.]

[You finally decided to use your seal on your mother. During one of your sex nights, you used the Yin-Yang Harmony Seal on her but she instantly find out. Suddenly, her anger burst out like flames and she thrashed you severely on the ground.]

[Unknown to her, you became so weak after using the Yin-Yang Harmony Seal for the first time, that your skull got crushed.]

[Lol! You died.]