Lightning Talent- Acquired

'What the….' Tyler was speechless when he woke up. He couldn't believe that he died just like that. It was pure death. He couldn't even avoid it. Of course, he understood why.

He had reached the peak of the Xiantian Realm and knowing his mother, she didn't hold back that easily. He never expected her to be so defensive because of the seal.

He wanted to curse her but he realized that something was definitely wrong with her. It was probably something that happened in her past that made her so cautious.

'Damn it! I was this close to having sex with thousands of women in the sect. If only I could make her subservient, I can freely do anything I want in that sect.'

'Haaa! I need to calm down. There is nothing much I can do now that I am already dead inside the simulator. Let's wait for the rewards. Since I managed to get 50 women at the age of fifteen years, I should get three rewards and a new gift, right?'

[[Congratulation on your fourth simulation. You have survived for fifteen years in simulation and acquired 50 women. You will be granted three rewards and a small gift. 50 women have been recorded into your profile.]

[The next time, these women won't be counted in your achievement. You have unlocked a hidden achievement, 'Become a fucktoy'. You will be granted an additional reward.]

[The next simulation will start after a week.]

[Reward 1- Lightning Dao (It contains the comprehension of Lightning Dao you achieved inside the simulation)]

[Reward 2- Spiritual Energy (It contains the spiritual energy you gathered in your life inside the simulation)]

[Reward 3- Holy Lightning Body (The talent you received from the simulator.)]

[Additional Reward- Shard of Immortal Energy (It was inside your body. Gifted by your mother)]

[Your gift has arrived]

[God's Tree Sapling]

At this moment, a small golden branch appeared in front of him. At the same time, his mind was filled with the comprehension he had inside the simulator.

Just because he had comprehended something inside the simulator doesn't mean he will be able to do it outside. There are certain conditions to it such as talent and luck and support.

His Lightning Dao Comprehension was a mixture of all of that. He had the talent of the Holy Lightning Body. He had the luck of being born as the son of the Palace Head of Lingwu Palace.

And, he also had his mother's resources to support him. At this moment, sparks of blue lightning appeared on his body. A massive amount of spiritual energy came out of the seal and entered his body.

Inside his Dantian, his spiritual root started sucking in all the spiritual energy and at this moment 'Tyrant Lightning Body Technique' started to run in his mind.

Unlike before, the spirit root started emitting purple light brightening the dark space of his dantian. Soon, the sparks of lightning also appeared inside his body.

'Woah! Woah! He has a Lightning Body?' Miao who was just laying down on the ground couldn't help but keep his eyes wide open when he saw the sparks of lightning around his body.

Constitution/Physique is quite different than normal talent. They don't need spiritual energy to work. A person with Innate Strength doesn't require spiritual energy to activate the strength.

And, same goes for Holy Lightning Body. His body burns stamina to produce lightning, not his spiritual energy though it can be controlled. He can use spiritual energy to produce lightning instead of stamina.

Miao looked at the small branch that was still floating in the air. He was curious about it. He felt like Tyler used that same power that summoned him here.

But, he didn't know how Tyler was able to do it. He turned his eyes to Tyler and thought 'Looks like he is going to practice that cultivation technique. If he practices that technique to the third level, he should be able to fight Peak Energy Refinement Cultivator with his body alone.

'I wonder where he will stop.'

Miao kept his eyes on Tyler as he sensed a massive outbreak of lightning energy from his dantian. At this moment, this lightning energy entered each of his cells and slowly tempered them.

After three hours, his body released a wave of lightning energy outside. It produced a blue aura and covered himself with it.

'He reached it. He reached the first level. Yes, keep on going. The stronger you are, the more resources you can earn, and the faster I can improve. Keep going.'

Miao's eyes brightened as he kept watching Tyler.

At this moment, Tyler's body was immensely strengthened. An immense amount of spiritual energy was used to complete the first level but it was good for him.

Tyler didn't stop and tried to push into the second stage. Once again, a massive amount of lightning energy traveled through his veins and entered his cells.

The constant vibration of lightning energy produced so much charge that it managed to increase the power of his cells. After nearly five hours, his body once again released that same aura.

Second Level!

At this moment, his lightning energy suddenly disappeared. A massive amount of spiritual energy, almost emptying his seal burst out.

'What's going on? I noticed that he had an immense amount of spiritual energy but this is insane. Does he have a tool to store spiritual energy? He could summon me so I think that's plausible.'

'But even so, what's he doing? He doesn't need this much spiritual energy and why did he stop transferring lightning energy to his cells? Is he going try something new?'

Yes, Tyler was trying something new, or rather, something new suddenly activated and Tyler didn't know how to stop it. Inside his sea of consciousness, a gigantic red star appeared, and in front of that star was a massive read gate.

But, that red star looked quite ordinary. It was neither releasing heat nor gravity. It was just like an illusion. Of course, it wasn't an illusion. Tyler felt that enormous amount of spiritual energy entering through the gate and reaching out to the star.

'Nine Star Gates'

'First Gate- Red Star Gate'
