Teaming up

As soon as he slashed one of them, he swiftly moved to the next one. But, suddenly the man in grey clothes shouted.

"Watch out!"

Tyler instantly reacted by moving to the side. He quickly condensed the Lightning Armor around his body as he looked at the creature which he just slashed. Its body was torn apart but this creature was still alive and moving.

"You need to cut them in pieces or you need to cut their heads. That's the only way to kill them." The man in grey clothes swings his blade as he chopped the head of that creature and shouts.

"They are called Gamma. They are the weakest creatures in the Dimensional Rifts but they can be quite a trouble because of their ferocious nature of the battle."

After chopping the head of one of the Gamma, he explained.

Tyler nodded his head and instantly dashed to the side where he stood in front of nearly five Gammas.

'I haven't tried it before with my left hand but I need to do it right now. There are no excuses. I have to do it.'

Tyler said to himself before infusing his sword with Iron Sword Essence and spinning it. His sword spun like a crazy tornado, conjuring the gust of wind that circled around as he wanted.

[Violent Wind Strike]


Nearly tens of Gamma creatures got sucked into his wind disk. When the wind disk disappeared, those creatures smashed into the ground with an intense force enough to injure them severely.

Unfortunately, it didn't kill them. Because he was using his left hand, he couldn't control his sword properly and didn't manage to slice their skin when they were sucked inside the wind disk.

But even so, with his overwhelming increase in strength, it managed to prove to be quite a powerful force.

When those ten Gamma creatures were destroyed, the man looked at him with a stunned gaze but he didn't waste any more time before releasing a powerful flame slash.


Nearly every remaining Gamma Creature was burned by that slash. Of course, it didn't end the fight since these creatures could continue to fight for a long time even if they are injured.

Tyler quickly released the bolt of lightning on his feet and using the lightning boots, he moved around while slashing those creatures. All of his strikes were directly aimed at their necks.

The man who saw him moving like that couldn't help but feel shocked.

'Is he left-handed? Why can he move his hand so swiftly? It's like he is cutting tofu.'

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

'Oh, no! He will get more points than me if I don't do anything.'

Thinking so, he immediately swing his blade at the Gamma Creatures who were burned before and hacked their body in half. He also tried to aim for their neck but his aim wasn't that great.

The only reason why Tyler was so good with his left hand was because of his Swordsman Training inside the simulation. While he wasn't using his left arm, he was still using the sword in perfection.

That perfection was inherited from him. And, now even if he couldn't perform the perfection, he could still outdo many people. After a while, they finished killing all the Gamma Creatures near them and finally looked at each other.

The man in grey clothes slowly stretched out his right hand and introduced himself.

"My name is Joseph. I just arrived in Dimensional Rift two days ago. Thanks for the help."

Tyler glanced at his right hand and then raised his head.

"My name is Tyler. I just arrived here right now."

"So, are you going to the city or continue here?" Joseph asked. He was planning on asking him to team up since both of them have shown similar levels of strength.

"I need to enter Ember Hall." Tyler said.

"Ahh! I almost forgot that you are a newbie. Don't bother wasting your time going there right now. If you want to reach Ember Hall, you need to pass through the hordes of hundred Gamma Creatures."

"But maybe if we team up, then we could make it easier." Joseph pointed his thumb at himself and spoke with a cheesy smile on his face.

But, Tyler had doubts in his eyes. The reason he revealed his destination to an unknown person was that he wanted to get more information out of him. Although he did the information, his problems didn't vanish rather the next showed up.

He didn't want to rely on anyone to get what he needs but without doing so, it also seems impossible. Because right now, he doesn't have time.

"Alright, but how long are we going to stay here? If possible, I would like to leave right now." Tyler nodded his head and replied.

"Have you brought enough Energy Crystals? We might need to buy some things like Cells Recovery Pill, Energy Enhancing Talisman, and especially a blade for myself."

Saying so, Joseph showed him the blade which was full of cracks, and said "When you buy a Rank One Weapon, it gets damaged quickly even if you are in the correct realm to use it."

Hearing his words, Tyler glanced at his sword which was also Rank One Sword but it was more powerful since it was crafted with a mixture of Cold Iron and Dexrot metal ores.

Normally, Dexrot Metal was heavily used in every weapon but when it is combined with Cold Iron, it surpasses the normal level of hardness and reaches the hardness level that can only be destroyed by an outside force.

The reason why Tyler chose this ore instead of going for the higher rank weapon was that he needed a weapon with a stronger core to hold the Sword Essence.

And since the higher rank weapon already costs a lot, he didn't want to use Cold Iron on that level of the weapon until he reaches that level himself.

"Mine is fine. Let's go buy those things and leave for the Ember Hall."