Sun in the sky

"Oh, man! I have been thinking of entering the Ember Hall but nobody here wants to team up until you know each other very well. I was surprised that you agreed to team up with me." Joseph put his hand behind his head and spoke.

"What do you mean? I thought people team up quite often here since it seems hard to defeat those creatures." Tyler looked at him with a surprised gaze and asked.

"Are you kidding me? Do you really think people would want to give up their prey to others? I was surprised that you agreed so easily. But then again, if your goal is only Ember Hall, I can understand why you would agree so easily." Joseph rolled his eyes as he explained with a boring expression on his face.

"Then, what about you? Why would you agree so easily?" Tyler looked at him and asked.

"Me? Well, I just wanted to get more prey. And, alone it would be impossible. These people do not understand." Joseph's eyes turned cold suddenly as he continued.

"Those who hunt in groups always get to have a bigger feast."

"So, your plan is to take down at least fifty Gamma Creatures from those hundreds. And, if you do that, then you might not need to hunt for five or six days." Tyler glanced at his eyes and responded.

"Hahaha! I am not planning on resting after this. I have something more to do. Besides, who knows I might get eighty while you only get twenty. After all, you don't have any motivation to hunt those creatures." Joseph's cold eyes swept toward him as he spoke.

"So, you knew I wasn't interested in the Gamma Creatures? Since when?" Tyler was surprised by his observation so he asked.

"When you let me take your kill. Normally, this only happens in two situations. First, it must be because you weren't interested or it could be because you made a mistake."

"If it was the latter, you would've complained till now but since you didn't I can only assume it's the former case." Joseph pointed his finger up as he explained.

"You aren't completely right. I do want to make more kills. I only left them because it was my mistake. But, I didn't complain because it WAS MY MISTAKE."

"So, don't worry I am not going to repeat that mistake again." Tyler showed his clear intention through his tone as he kept on walking.

"Well, alright." But it seemed like Joseph was completely unaffected by his tone. He shrugged his shoulders and kept walking next to him. While they moved toward the city, they encountered a few Gamma Creatures but they managed to finish those creatures quickly.

After a while, they finally reached the front of the giant city gate. Before it, there was a gigantic bridge that holds the disconnected land between the city and the Elithrin. Under it, there was a giant river.

Seeing this, Tyler turned his eyes at Joseph and asked "Do those creatures often come to the city?"

"You don't know a single thing about the Dimensional Rift, do you? Look at the sky."

Hearing his words, Tyler slowly raised his head. But when he raised his head, his eyes widened. The red sky was emitting light but there was no sign of the sun.

He tried to find the clouds but he couldn't. There were no clouds, just the red sky like blood.

"Does this place has no sun?" Tyler lowered his head and asked.

"Of course, it has. But, this sun is a bit different than our sun. You can even call it moon to a certain extent but it doesn't cast light, it casts darkness. The dark sun that rises in the bloody sky."

"Every night, the dark sun provides an enormous amount of energy to these creatures. They are called Gamma for a reason. Whenever the rays of the black sun hit them, their cells burst out an enormous amount of energy, putting them into a berserk mode and giving them an enormous boost in strength."

"Want to fight those creatures at night? That's just suicide. It's like fighting against the green rage monster. And, that's not the worst part. During the night, they also lay eggs underground."

"Since they don't have gender, every creature lays eggs with their DNA and the energy from the sun. And more importantly, instead of laying one, they lay ten eggs."

"You cut down ten today, they will have ten more tomorrow. It's just that vicious cycle that never ends. This is what it means to be part of Dimensional Rift."

"Now, you should've already understood why we dug that massive river around the city."

Hearing his words, Tyler took a deep breath. Nearly a month ago, he wasn't even considered a cultivator. He had no talent or anything whatsoever. But, after he encountered this Dual Cultivation Simulator out of nowhere, his cultivation began.

The goal that was hidden deep in his heart finally started beating again. He thought he would never get a chance to fulfill his goal. After all, without being a cultivator, a talk about eternal life and bringing the dead back to life is just nonsense.

Even with cultivation, Tyler knew it would be hard. But, he had never considered it impossible. Because when you reach the peak of the cultivation, you can even transcend thousands of years in lifespan so having eternal life wouldn't be impossible.

As for the bringing dead back to life, he has no idea how he is going to accomplish it. He just knows that he must accomplish it. He must bring his father back to life.

Because of this insane goal and his fast cultivation, he almost forgot to understand more about this world. After all, it wasn't just the simulator that was different from the real world.

The Dimensional Rift was different as well. In fact, it was so much different from the real world. On the contrary, simulation felt like the real world than this.

A world with a dark sun and bloody sky.

At this moment, Tyler couldn't help but ask himself.

'If the simulation world is heaven, then is this hell?'