Ember Hall Trial Part 3

"Of course not! You can only choose one item. If you have the Talent, you can choose the Innate Ability. It seems like you still don't understand much about Innate Ability."

"Let me explain it to you. Innate Abilities are the elemental arts that are mastered and stored inside a script which doesn't just record the elemental arts but also all the experience."

"Once you read the script and learn how to perform, it won't take you even more than five tries to perfect the elemental art. Thus, they are called Innate Ability."

Hearing his words, Tyler scratched his head in confusion and asked "But, aren't Innate something that we are born with? Shouldn't they be something that we inherit with talent? Like Innate strength."

"Yes, and that's the second thing that makes the Innate Abilities even more amazing. Before I said, they are the Elemental Arts, right? Well, they are Elemental Arts but in a different sense than your normal Elemental Arts."

"Your Elemental Art is the utilization of elemental energy. Whether it is for defense, offense, or support, you utilize the elemental energy in the form of Elemental Art."

"But, Innate Abilities are basically enhancers. For example, when you use Fire Slash as Innate Ability, it would be five to ten times stronger than the Fire Slash Elemental Art."

"So to achieve the Innate Ability, you need to train your talent with something we call 'Disasters'. These Disasters are basically different places where the environment is seriously harsh."

"For example, a volcano. If you have Fire Element and if you train near Volcano, your elemental art will slowly transform into the Innate Ability. And, from then on, whenever you it, the power would enhance immediately."

"That's why we call them Innate Abilities. Humans normally don't possess Innate Ability unless they inherit it from their constitution even so the chances of true Innate Abilities appearing is sacred, especially in your world."

Hearing his explanation, Tyler sighed and decided not to choose it. But, now he was confused. Because he doesn't know what he actually required. He had everything.

He had a special attack. He had powerful elemental arts. He had powerful cultivation techniques. He had a powerful Physique. The last thing that he would require was a bloodline.

But, these were low-level bloodlines. They won't give him any advantage at all.

Suddenly, his eyes twinkled as an idea emerged in his head.

'Right now, I am worried about my mother. The thing that makes me worried is my mother. So, if I can make my mother stronger, wouldn't it be better?'

'Low-Level, Middle-Level, High-Level….. I plan to cross all five levels. What I truly need is the flame from Fourth Trial. Maybe if I find something good in the fifth trial, I could take it.'

'But right now, if I gather enough things for my mother to start cultivation, it would be amazing.'

Tyler instantly turned his head at the Rabbit and asked.

"Zero, if I take that talent for a certain element for a certain person would it help her who is not a cultivator awaken Spiritual Root and dantian?"

The rabbit was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"You will get the talent in the form of a pill. You can take that and give it to whoever you want. They will be able to awaken Spiritual Root and Dantian."

Tyler's face beamed with a smile as he quickly asked.

"Then, can I choose the reward later like at once…"

The rabbit was once again surprised but he nodded. Tyler could indeed choose the reward later.

"Then, I will recover and challenge the next trial." Tyler took the pill and eat it. He held the Energy Crystal in his hand and sat crossed-legged. Running his Tyrant Lightning Body Cultivation Technique, he started absorbing the Energy Crystal.

The rabbit stared at Tyler and his mind was in deep thought.

'He definitely possesses the strength to reach Level Five. His physical strength is definitely closer to the peak of the Energy Refinement Realm. He strangely possesses the power of stars as well.'

'But, he doesn't have the left arm. It is his greatest weakness. If I am not wrong, then he asked that first question because he planned to train his swordsman inside the trial.'

'But, something about him doesn't add up. He has Holy Lightning Body but then why is his Spiritual Root artificial? Did someone help him awaken his Spiritual Root?'

'Maybe someone noticed Holy Lightning Body staying dormant inside his body for some reason and decided to help him. Artificial Spiritual Roots aren't surprising.'

'If you are born into a strong family without talent, they would force you to awaken the Spiritual Root. It has practically become a joke now. But, the worst thing about Artificial Spiritual Root is that it doesn't provide the talent.'

'It only gives people a chance to cultivate. Right now, this boy has talent and artificial spiritual roots. I guess, his future is set but with his current talent, there is no way he can overcome Solar System Stage.'

'Sigh! It is another failure.'

While the rabbit was busy thinking, Tyler was recovering at a rapid rate. He had a perfect plan in his mind but first, he had to finish this trial at any cost.

After half an hour, he slowly stood up and the surrounding once again changed a bit. The rabbit disappeared and a blue projection appeared in front of him.

This projection looked just like before except this time it wasn't holding the sword in his hand. He had a sheath connected to him his waist.

'Something about him has changed. His powers should have increased by a lot. Let's see how powerful is he.' Tyler thought as a new blue panel appeared in front of him.

[Life and Death Battle

Difficult- High (Two Star)

Opponent's Cultivation- Energy Refinement Realm- Fourth Stage

Inherent Ability- Sword, Lightning Energy

Skills- All sword skills and elemental arts that the participant possesses.]

Tyler took a deep breath after looking at the panel and his left hand held the hilt of his sword.



