History Lesson Part 1

"Alright! Alright! That's your choice. Anyway, since 3D has already controlled the situation here, I can open my eyes right?"

"Yes, Lord." Carl replied.

Tyler opened his eyes as he withdrew his mental energy into his sea of consciousness. After a while, he noticed a slight change in his body. He found that his body was beaming with energy.

He released his spiritual sense and noticed this energy coming out of his right arm. He couldn't help but chuckle. He could feel the excitement in his right hand.

Suddenly, a ridiculous thought came to his mind as he asked.

'Wait, if I use my right hand for something like that, wouldn't that make a gay?'

His body shuddered for a moment.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Miao walked in front of him and asked.

"Yes, yes, everything is alright." Tyler was going to tell his thoughts to others especially these kinds of thoughts. He quickly hid his embarrassed expression and turned his head.

"Mom hasn't finished yet?"

"No, just as he predicted, there is a high probability that her spiritual root will reach a High Level. So, it's taking some time." Miao shook his head and explained.

"Ahem! Anyway, there is something that I wanted to tell you. It is not good news for you." The rabbit walked forward as he spoke.

Hearing his words, Tyler looked at him with confusion.

"It is currently night outside. The person you came with had already left a long time ago. I can send these two back to where they came from but I can't send you out otherwise I would be breaking the laws."

"And, believe me, you don't want to break the laws of Dimensional Rifts. So, after a few minutes, I will be forced to throw you out of the Hall. Hopefully, you can survive." The rabbit explained.

Hearing his words, Tyler rolled his eyes.

Survive when the monsters' strength has reached its peak? That's almost like suicide. But he also knew there was no other way. He had to do this.

But, he got curious about something.

"Can you tell me more about that PPR, dimensional rifts, and overall about this world?"

Hearing his words, Miao and the rabbit looked at each other in surprise. Miao extended his hand to the rabbit. The rabbit sighed and spoke.

"Alright, let's start with the basics. As you already know, there was a spiritual energy wave that hit your planet nearly fifty years ago. Once the planets hit the fifty-year age mark, you will lose basic guard."

"This means now, you have finally joined the War of the Universe or we call it Survival of the Fittest. You see, the people of certain planets do not want the spiritual energy to spread around the universe."

"It only decreases the reserve of spiritual energy around the world. So, they are afraid that the cultivation will eventually come to an end. Because spiritual energy is just like fossil fuel."

"It is created out of the dead bodies of the people. So, understand this, they decided to play a massive game, a game of survival. Kill half of the creatures of the universe, and the spiritual energy of the universe will double."

"It was true and due to their greed, people started this game. Several small planets started invading the newly formed planet and destroying them. And, slowly, it was becoming easy to kill more people just by slaughtering those who weren't cultivators."

"Later, it was found that only the creatures that have evolved with spiritual energy can produce spiritual energy. That means killing those people who weren't cultivators was just a waste of time."

"But, there were still people who didn't care. So, to stop that, the combined forces of the universe decided to create a law where the planets without cultivators can live in peace."

"And, if anyone disturbs them, those will face the wraith of the entire universe. Soon, those people started attacking those planets which receive spiritual energy waves as soon as they do."

"This also took the lives of countless non-cultivators. So, the Fifty Years Guard Law was applied. And, this also means the other races are free to go to those planets but they aren't allowed to launch a full-scale war."

"Because they understood they can't stop and check every single planet for small battles. This is how Fifty Years Guard Law was introduced. As for PPR, it was simply a ranking system for the power level."

"Remember when I mentioned the people who decided to apply those kinds of rules? How do you choose these kinds of people? Who decides the laws? In this world, only strength checks everything."

"So, the ranking of the planet was introduced. There is an organization known as 'Universal Justice Court' created by my master and later approved by the Top 100 strongest planets."

"UJC decides those laws and gives justice to this universe's people. It also checks the Top 100 strongest planets in check and prevents any war between these planets. Because if they go to war, it would be deadly for the universe itself."

"UJC is also supported by the Universal Spirit and opposite to that, those Top 100 Planets are supported by Universal Laws. So, these planets have no choice but to listen to UJC because Universe Laws listened to Universe Spirit."

"Of course, this is about how our universe operates. But, there is something more about the Dimensional Rifts. I told you previously that UJC stopped other planets from killing the non-spiritual planets, right?"

"It wasn't because UJC was suddenly kind or anything. It turned out that some of the most powerful beings in the universe get their power from the people. So, if those people die, they will lose their powers."

"These people are called gods. Every planet has its own belief in certain gods and these gods get their powers from Universal Laws. But, Laws are actually the Gods that people pray to."

"For example, people pray to the sun. It is the power of Fire that is represented by Universal Fire Law. Every person prays to a certain god or concept, and these concepts are represented in the form of Universal Laws."

"So, when the people die, the Universal Law stops getting the faith or belief of people. And, when that happens, Universal Law gets weaker which makes the God weaker."

"And, during this moment, our universe was invaded by Outlanders from Dimensional Rifts. Can you imagine what kind of situation they got stuck in? Their strongest powers were destroyed by themselves and now, someone was trying to invade and conquer them."

"This was the reason why those 100 planets finally agreed to not hunt non-cultivators and even create rules against those who try to kill the non-cultivators."