History Lesson Part 2

"The outlanders do not possess incredible powers but what they possess is territory. We have studied them a lot and from what we have found, they have conquered over a hundred universes and devoured those universes completely."

"By devouring them, they managed to feed every single creature living in their universe and also grow different circumstances where they could get power up."

"Those Gamma Creatures. They get their powers from Dark Sun. It was their genetics that has been altered to fit into such a situation. Outlanders would do anything in order to conquer and devour that universe."

"We have been fighting against them for millions of years. First, they launch small numbers of Dimensional Rifts around the universe and invade small planets."

"Then, slowly, they increase the number of Dimensional Rifts and also the number of invaders. Unlike us, they grow stronger by devouring more universal giants, so if we let them devour planets or stars or even dark matter or dark energy of our universe, then they will just continue to grow."

"This is why every race or planet in our universe takes Outlanders seriously. The stronger you get, the more powerful Outlanders you will fight against. Currently, you have just started."

"This is all you need to know. As for more details, you will learn about them when you grow stronger."

Hearing his words, Tyler was a bit sad but his sadness was much less important to them. After all, the information about the world was too vast to explain at once.

"Don't worry about the world. Right now, you need to focus on what you are going to do about the war." Miao patted his leg and said.

Hearing his words, Tyler nodded his head and asked.

"Can't I just escape?"

Miao shook his head and said.

"Even if it is possible, you can't survive long in space. You see, the universe runs in order. Just like how you need a passport to visit different countries, you also need a passport to visit different planets."

"First, you need to get that passport from the major power of your planet. Then, you need to get it authorized by the Galactic Governmental Officer. Once you do that, you can finally buy a spaceship and leave the planet."

"And, after you leave a planet, based on the power of your passport, you can only visit certain planets. For example, those planets with low ranking on PPR can't visit the planets high on PPR."

"So, escaping is quite impossible. Unless you want to become a space pirate and get hunted by the Galaxy Police Force. So, don't think about getting those things. Rather, think about how you are going to help your planet win the war."

Hearing his words, Tyler clenched his fist and asked "Is that even possible?"

"Do you really think your planet is just sitting around and letting the other planets destroy them? Every planet would do everything in its power to fight in those wars."

"Obviously your planets should be preparing some powerful forces like those artificial constitutions created by Ditto Family." Miao rolled his eyes and spoke.

"Wait, they created Artificial Constitution?" Instead of Tyler, the rabbit was more shocked by this news. He almost jumped in fright.

"I was also surprised when I heard that. It seems like they have been experimenting on people to create those artificial constitutions." Miao turned his head at Tyler and said.

"Alice was part of that experiment. During her batch, they partially succeed. They managed to create the constitution that consumes life force for their powers."

"Since the constitution doesn't require spiritual energy to work, they managed to create people with the desired constitution. While a normal constitution would be easy to counter, can you truly counter the constitution that dominates your Will or the constitution that creates poison?"

"She told me that alongside her, the other ten children were also part of that experiment. Now, their experiment has succeeded and they have created people with an artificial constitution and no side effects."

"That's why you don't need to worry about the war. What you need to be worried about is your personal grudge. If you make enemies with such powerful people, you would not just get outclassed in power but also in support."

"The major powers of the Earth would definitely favor them more than you because you are just alone while they have an army of powerful people. I don't believe the family that is considered rivals to them would be any less powerful."

Hearing his words, Tyler's expression dropped even lower. He knew that he had already made an enemy with Esobi Family especially due to their previous attack.

He also made enemies with Sulen Family. So, it wouldn't be long before he makes enemies with Ditto Family. Even if he could fight against them, he won't last long.

"But, you don't need to be that worried. Right now, you are part of a Guild. From what I know, this organization holds even greater power than an individual family."

"Right now, you have an opportunity with you. It is nighttime outside. It would be dangerous but if you kill nonstop and become a member of that Guild in just one night, they would start treating you like a jewel and keep you safe at any cost."

"Show your talent, show your strength, and crush them. That's the only thing you can do now."

Tyler nodded at Miao's words. That's the only thing he could do now.


"Alright, your mother has finished awakening her element. Now, I will send them back. And, also keep these two things."

The rabbit took out a key and a ring

"Normally, you can't take Energy Veins with you by holding them in your hand. But, these rings are specially crafted to hold the Energy Veins inside them."

"They also harvest the Energy Crystals once a month. Right now, there should be around one hundred thousand Energy Crystals. As for this key, you can use it to open the door of the Ember Hall of Solar System Stage."

"That Hall can be found on the Dimensional Rifts of the fourth level. Currently, this is the entrance and also the first level Dimensional Rift. So, best of luck!"

Saying so, he passed both of those to Tyler.

Tyler nodded his head and released his mental energy into the ring. When his mental energy entered the ring, he saw nearly thousands of Energy Crystals on the ground. It was a gigantic hall and it looked more like a treasure hall.

He took out a few thousand Energy Crystals and passed them to Miao.

"Use them however you want."

Miao took those crystals and put them inside a strange space that only he could see. Of course, the rabbit could also see. But, Tyler and Rose could only see the Energy Crystals disappearing in mid-air.

Tyler walked in front of his mother and said.

"Take care of yourself."

Rose nodded and patted his cheek.

"You too."

They turned around as a portal appeared behind them. They walked into the portal as Tyler watched them leave. At this moment, the rabbit sighed and raised his hand.

"Alright! Your time is up."


The next moment, Tyler suddenly disappeared from the Hall.