
Pamela strolled lazily along the streets deep in thoughts. It was her first day at University tomorrow and she wanted to familiarize herself with the environment. She didn't know what life in University will be like and she wasn't too enthusiastic about it

She had just left her parents to stay with her aunt in Lagos. Her dad said she needed a new environment, especially after the incident that happened back home. She knew that was just part of the reason though. Her parents thought she didn't notice, but she did; the hushed quarrels, glares at each other when they thought she wasn't paying attention frequent misunderstandings. Everything had changed after her brother died. Just the thought of him brought tears to her eyes. Patrick was the best friend she ever had. He had been her twin and her confidante and she knew that he wouldn't want their parents fighting because of him. 'I just hope everything works out fine' she thought sighing.

Immersed in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice the car honking at her. She had just enough time to dart out of the road before the car zoomed past her. She stared at the buildings around her, noting the names of each and making sure that she didn't get lost. She had just moved into the school hostel a few days ago. Coming to school from her aunt's house in Lawanson wasn't feasible since it was too far.

Glancing at her wristwatch and seeing that it was already six, she started making her way back to the hostel. She didn't want to be on the streets after dark. Especially in a place that was still unfamiliar to her.

The hostels were divided into various halls of residences. Her room was in the Moremi hall. Students were lazing around the campus area, some strolling, others seated in the lounge. Music was playing from a speaker nearby at full blast. The sweet aroma of popcorn filled the atmosphere. 'Maybe I'd get some of that,' Pam decided as she meandered her way over to the popcorn seller just across her hostel.

Pam hurried over to her hostel. She couldn't wait to dive into bed with her popcorn and read her favourite comic series. The author had just updated it yesterday. Muttering a greeting to the porter who was dozing off on a chair at the entrance, she ran up the stairs. She almost bumped into a girl coming down the staircase clutching her phone in her hand.

'Hey Pam,' The girl looked up at her with a beam on her face. It was Lizzy, a dark complexioned slender girl with full lips. They had met each other during the screening and registration process.

' Hi, Lizzy. Where are you heading to?'

' I'm just going downstairs to the garden to lounge around and maybe get some popcorn' Lizzy shrugged.

' Oh , I just got some of those,' Pam raised her popcorn slightly.

' Alright, I'll see you later. Might come to your room tonight,' She said as she walked down the stairs.

Oh, no , Pam thought, Please don't. I just want to read my comic and sleep tonight.

' Ok, Goodnight,' Pam called out.

The hallway was quiet and deserted. It was a weekend and most of the students were either not in school or were on the campus grounds. All the hangout spots usually frequented by the students were filled.

She reached her room and opened the door, peering inside. The bulbs were switched off but with the light streaming in from the window, she could see that someone was lying on the top bunk on the right. Fumbling around, she flicked the light switch on. The person on the bed groaned with annoyance.

It was Stephanie, one of her roommates. She was a Law student in her final year. Pamela had taken a liking to her after being her roommate for a while. She was quite easy going but you just had to make sure not to bring up an argument near her because you could never win . She sat up on her bed, with a frown, her eyes in a squint.

' Oh Pam , it's you,' her voice was hoarse.

' Hey, didn't you go home'

' Yeah, I came back early,' Stephanie answered, yawning.

' Alright'

Pam made her way over to her bunk, the one opposite Steph's. She was on the top bed. The room had been better than she had expected. There were two bunk beds opposite each other, a reading desk, two chairs and four lockers. The floor was tiled. The room was clearly meant for four people but they had two squatters in the room. These were people who couldn't get any room and had to stay with someone. It was usually prohibited by the university, so it was settled privately. Of course, they had to pay money, unless the person was letting them stay for free.

' Are you making use of the light,' Stephanie inquired.

Pam turned to her, while tying her hair in a bun.

' I just have to arrange my things. Can't sleep?'

' Yeah, the light is too bright. Times like this , I wish I wasn't on a top bunk.' She yawned lazily. ' I'm so tired'

' Funke is not around. Can't you stay on her bed'

Funke was Stephanie's bunkmate

' Ah! You want me to sleep on Funke's bed, ' Stephanie up quickly. ' You know how that girl is; she doesn't like someone touching her things. I don't want her trouble'

' Oh! ,' Pam had a grimace on her face, ' Forget I even said that'

' Please don't forget to turn off the light, am going back to bed'

' You're sleeping early' Pam observed

' Yeah, I'm not feeling so good' Stephanie replied, wrapping herself with her blanket.

' Okay'

Pam returned back to picking out her nightwear. She wasn't planning on taking a bath. It was a cold night. She took out her power bank from her backpack and plugged it in the charging spot. She arranged her bed, switched off the light and climbed the bunk; which was a struggle because the stairs of the bunk was no longer there. She hissed slightly as a sharp part of the bunk grazed her knee. She sat on the bed and checked her skin. It was just a scratch.

Taking out her phone from under he pillow, she made herself comfortable on the bed. She decided to check her WhatsApp first. Her friend, Victory had sent her a message. Victory was her classmate in secondary school. She scrolled past the message. She didn't want to talk to her, not yet. Her betrayal still hurt. She opened her comic app and settled down to read. She had her popcorn beside her and a blanket wrapped around her. Soon enough, she was lost in a whole different world filled with fictional characters.