First Day

Pam woke up with a groan and searched around blindly to find her phone. She turned off her alarm. She sat up and stretched while yawning.

'Swallow me oh' A voice sounded from the doorway. It was her bunkmate, Zainab. She had a towel tied around her chest.

Zainab was from the North. She was a true definition of a black beauty. With her ebony skin, tall build and full pouty lips, she always had that ability to turn heads wherever she went.

'Sorry' Pam said chuckling as she climbed down from her bed.

'Where's Stephanie' she asked, glancing at her empty bed.

' In the kitchen' Zainab answered. She was on her bed creaming her body.

' Okay' The kitchens were along the corridor.

Pam quickly undressed from her nightwear. She didn't want to be late for class. Her classes started at eight. She had seen the timetable yesterday. Her course rep had sent I to their class group chat.

Zainab groaned in frustration

' What's wrong?' Pam glanced at her.

' I don't know what to wear' She grumbled. Her clothes were strewn over the bed.

' Right,' Pam said, eyeing her suitcase, ' You have more clothes that me and you're telling me you don't have what to wear'. She spoke in an amused voice

' Hey, I didn't say I don't have what to wear, I said I don't know what to wear' Her face was set in a frown.

' Well,' Pam shrugged, ' You're obviously asking the wrong person'

Zainab laughed. ' If Lisa was here, she would have been a great help.'

Lisa was one of the girls squatting in their room.

'Have to head to the bathroom,' Pam said, picking up her toiletry bag and bucket. 'Figure it out yourself'

Pam didn't take long in the bathroom. The bathrooms were filled with multiple smells, plus she didn't like using a public bathroom. She always tends to be conscious of her body. Stephanie was back in the room. She was sitting on her bed with a plate of spaghetti on her lap. The aroma of spices permeated the room.

Pam dried herself off and applied her cream.

' Your cream, does it bleach?' Zainab asked. She had been on her phone. Her clothes were still scattered over the bed.

' No, why are you asking?'

' I like the scent, maybe I will get it' Zainab answered as she examined the cream container.

' Don't you have classes today'

' Not until 10' Zainab replied, her eyes returning to her phone

Zainab was in her second year in the Architecture department. Her designing skills were impeccable. Pam had seen her design before. Pam searched through her suitcase for a suitable wear. She finally settled for a red sleeveless dress and a black jacket. She planned on pairing it with her black flats. Her hair wasn't much trouble since it was in braids. She always loved braiding her hair. Keeping her natural hair was rather cumbersome. Sure, she loved her hair, it was long, black and curly, but it was stressful to comb at times. She applied powder and lipstick and then clipped on her earrings. She had never been one to use much makeup.

She double checked the things in her backpack to make sure her things were complete. Her stationaries, books, debit card, power bank, charger, phone, journal, nose mask. All check. Uh-huh. She had almost forgotten her inhaler. Pam had been diagnosed with asthma since she was four. Whenever her attacks occured, they were usually severe. It had landed her in the hospital several times, which was why she always made sure to take necessary precautions.

' Bye guys' She called out as she slid her legs into her shoes and headed for the door.

' Bye' Stephanie answered

Zainab just waved at her. She didn't even look up from her phone. Pam smiled. That girl was way obsessed with her

phone. She glanced at her watch as she made her way downstairs. It was 7:00. Good, she thought, She had enough time to get breakfast.

The food court in front of Moremi hall was packed with people lounging around, eating or using their phones. There were not even any free seats left. It didn't even seem to matter that it was still early. Pam had discovered a few days ago that that spot had a free WiFi network. I bet that's why a lot of people are there. Well who doesn't like free things. Pam shrugged as she decided to go to a different place. There were so many restaurants and cafes around the campus. Pam walked briskly down the road as she looked for a suitable eatery. She didn't want to be late for class. Her roommates had warned her to go early for class r she wouldn't be able to get a good seat. She saw a restaurant across the street. It's red and white designs caught her eyes and she decided to go inside and check it out.

The place was large. There were different foodstands each displaying different kinds of food. There was a short queue at the first stand and Pam joined it. There were so many varieties of food and she didn't even know what to get.

' What am I even going to buy now' She mumbled.

' You could try the spaghetti' A deep voice sounded from over her shoulder. She turned her head and saw who the voice belonged to. It was a tall, dark boy with a crew cut hairstyle. He shrugged and gave her a slow smile, 'It's good'

' Okay' Pam smiled back.

' By the way, am Boma' He introduced himself, the smile never leaving his face.


'Wow, love your name. Hey, it's your turn.'

Pamela quickly turned around and gave the woman selling the food her order. She settled for jellof spaghetti and boiled egg with a bottle of water. She paid the bill and left carrying her plate and water. Her eyes quickly scanned the area looking for a suitable place to sit. She went for an empty table in the corner which was beside the window. She carefully set her food on the table and then dropped her backpack on a chair beside her. She quickly cleaned her seat and sat down.