She failed

This journey was very stressful and tiring Mrs Pluto said am hungry like talie also said.

Knock knock Regina open the door

Regina: how is everybody doing please move back a little so the gate doesn't hit you

Talie: instead of you to allow us inside you are pushing us back.

Their mom: I will give you slap move away

Regina: wait now I have a surprise for you guess

Their mom: common get out of my way if you know wher we are coming from you would not be wasting my time.

Talie: big head. move

Screams brother Tim (talie screaming)

Regina and Tim: surprissse

Brother Tim how are you l have missed you so much you look good relocating is really good on you. Talie said.

Mrs Pluto: how are you and your health is it ok

Tim: mom I'm fine and everything is ok, how is your business and everything going

Mrs Pluto: great we can only thank God

Tim: I heard you went to write an exam

Talie: yes my nursing exam

Tim: nursing(confused) what does modeling get to do with nursing.

Mrs Pluto: which modeling so she can expose all her body to the world you are not going to tell him you changed your mind to become a nurse.

Regina: let us forget about that and be happy brother Tim is here she says while hugging him.

Later that night

They where having dinner in the living together and it was a joyful one the girls just kept on bombarding him with questions about the new city he moved to.

Talie: and the girls of the city are they beautiful uh

Tim: chuckles yes there a lot of girls but I just haven't found any that I am into

Mrs Pluto: am just glad that you settled in well it might have taken time but hope you did the right thing.

Tim:(softly) yes

Talie: he must have sold a lot of his paintings and even become an expert in it people must definitely cue up to buy it and like 100 sold no 150 going umm what is it called again

Tim: an auctioning

Talie: yes an auction she laughs

Tim: I just shade them and people buy them

Phone rings

Mrs Pluto: bring my phone for me.

Regina: like how much do you sell a painting is it up to a hundred.

Tim: if the painting is that good.

Regina: wow

Tim: so tell me I heard you are soon going to be a designer.

Regina: just wait a minute I will show you some of the clothes I made she returns with two gowns look at these.

Tim you made these

Regina: uhuh

Tim: just keep up with the good work you are going to get far with these ok

Regina: yeah

Mrs Pluto: your dad is going to be here by tomorrow

Talie; that is great it is going to be a full house then.

They chatted for a while and did their necessary things for that night.

The next day.

Regina: daddy welcome

Talie: good evening sir

Mr Pluto:good evening how are you children

Talie and Regina: we are fine

Mr Pluto where is your mommy and brother

Regina: they are upstairs

Inside the house

Welcome how is everything Mrs Pluto asked

Mr Pluto: very well fine

Tim: welcome sir

Mr Pluto: how are you and how is everything you look good by the way.

Tim: everything is fine thank you.

Mr Pluto: I guess if you say so then it is, how long are you going to be staying

Tim: a week and three days

Mrs Pluto: can't you stay longer

Tim: no mom I have work to do

Mrs Pluto: ok no problem

They spent the few days they had with their son and brother it was amazing. Six days later talie received an email from the school she applied for nursing the results were out,she didn't even had the mind to open it she was scared. But somehow she still opened it.

Release of result for the exam they took place on the 3rd of 8 2022 you are to reach a score of 30 to be accepted,View result.she was very anxious to open it to see her result she opened it anyway and boom.Miss Natalie breece Pluto you scored a 22 out of 60. She was so heartbroken and what was even more heartbreaking is telling the news to her parents she couldn't believe that she failed.

After everything she later showed the email to her parents.

Mr Pluto: I cannot believe you is this a good mark answer me I am very disappointed.

Mrs Pluto: you did not read your book

Mr Pluto: what was needed of you that I did not provide tell me

Talie: nothing

Mr Pluto: and you went ahead to score this sort of thing just get out of my side you will suffer if you don't take time.

She left the room crying

Regina: it's ok don't cry

Tim: please don't be upset about this she would be better next time,and also I would be going back in three days time cause I have a lot of work.

Mrs Pluto: no problem you should get back to work.

Regina: you promised to stay with us longer

Tim: am sorry work calls

Talie over heard all the discussion and a lot of thoughts were going through her mind. It was not a happy night after all for neither of them but later that night she was sure of a decision she needed to make.

Brother Tim can I talk to you, talie asked. Sure come sit don't feel bad about you failing your exams ok he said.

I heard you were going back and I was if I could come with you, she said.

Tim: what, no why

Talie: it is not what you are thinking ok I just feel like I can be better and that place is more developed than here I mean I can hardly find any person who is in the same line of education to rub minds with but in ther am sure there would be tutorial centers, you and if you think I am going to be a burden then I promise I will listen to any thing or rules you put down for me I won't be a disturbance or push back for you please tak ma along with you.

Tim: listen to me you are letting your failure get to you and

Talie: my failure isn't getting to me now but if I stay here every conversation will end in my failure I will be talk of the town and dad is just going to only get more mad at me please.

Talie: is there any reason you are refusing to take me with you

Tim: no. not really but convincing mom and dad will be had.

Talie: ok just tell them that you are going to register me in a good school to learn nursing you have to be really convincing and that you need someone to help with your work please

Tim: ok let's try that tomorrow now go to sleep

His phone rang and he immediately ended the call.

Tim: (breaths out) she wants to go with me shit