It is gone

Back to country B

How is your preparation with your security team going Humphrey asked. It's tight any unknown person or vehicle even as close as 2 kilometers to that train will be eliminated. Greg replied.

Humphrey: ok tomorrow is the big day do not forget. Don't worry I have a lot of men securing the whole place the train is going to pass through so you can be rest assured.but still keep your eyes on you know Greg said with a grin.

Humphrey: I know I have people watching him till the end of the game.then goodbye end call.

Inside Stuart's car

Sir I think we are being followed. By who he asked I think those are Humphrey men his guard replied.

Are there any trackers or recorders detected he asked

Moss: yes in the office, what do we do?

Stuart: is my conversation being recorded and do they know we know about me being followed.

Moss: No sir

Stuart: then go to my manor and continue with the plan.

Moss: yes sir your mother has been sending so many messages to know when you are coming to the mansion and Miss Lydia is requesting a business lunch.

Stuart: cancel

Moss: sir I think this is a good way to cause a better distraction, you won't be so suspected when things are in action.

Stuart: whatever

It was 1: 30 sharp in country B

The train was suppose to take exactly two hours to get here and it was delayed.I do not understand what is causing the delay where is the train why isn't anybody talking to me say something Humphrey yells.

Greg walks into the room

What is the matter with you will you calm down, you want me to calm down when I don't know what has happened to my diamonds I told you they where going to be stolen,call your security men and ask them about the he situation right now he panicked.

Hello Simon can you here me,Simon, he repeated.

Simon: hello sir

Greg: what is the situation right now why is there a delay.

Simon: nothing much sir we were delayed by a group of students going on a field vacation.

Give me the phone Humphrey said. Take before you eat me Greg replied.

Humphrey: listen here I want that train here in the next fifteen minutes do you here me.

Simon: yes we are on our way it wouldn't even take that long to get there.(ends call)

Greg: satisfied,now how about the highest suspect.

Humphrey: his been with Lydia all day nothing much suspected.

Greg: common let's go welcome your diamonds that I am going to have a 40% share of, he smirks.

Back to town

Brother Tim where did you and talie go so early Regina asked. I went to the embassy to get a visa applied I had to go early since it was an emergency the procedures should be done in not more than 24 hours.

Mrs Pluto: who is the visa for

Tim: for talie I think she needs a little more push and if she is going to achieve that it has to be done in a standard way this place doesn't get ve her what she need and I can manage it you should please let her come with me

Mrs Pluto: (Looking at her husband)that is a very good idea I think if it wouldn't cause much trouble then it is ok I think she needs more advance learning.

Mr Pluto: it is ok by me go ahead

Talie: thank you Ma thank you sir( feeling happy)

Regina: what about me.

Tim: I promise to get everybody out of here including you ok be patient

Regina: ok

Tim: we would be leaving the day after tomorrow, since her visa is going to come by today latest.

Mrs Pluto: you need somebody to tell you to start packing,and you better take reasonable things.

Back to country B

Behold my train is here. Hope this is the first place this train is stopping he asked.

Train attendant: yes sir and you are to sign here and your thumbprint. Ok bring out the box please confirm the serial number is it ok.

Humphrey: yes it is, move it into the van.thank you.

Listen here your security men still need to escort us to the bank after that it will be finished Humphrey said I know and it better worth it Greg replied. Let's go.

Inside the black bank there were only three people inside the sound room. Humphrey,Greg and the carver Mr John.

I will open this slowly and fuck it's gone look there is nothing in here look at this I knew it listen here you promised to protect it where are my diamonds huh.

Greg: you better keep your blame to your self my men did their best protecting that train so how I suppose to know where your diamonds are, this is what they want so you better act wise and find a way to fix your problem.

Humphrey: now it is my problem haaaaaaaaa hello what has he been doing all day

Speaker: nothing much he has been with the lady all day and now he is heading back to his office, I need you to get the whole search team here the diamonds have disappeared right now.

Mr John: I should take my leave now

Humphrey: get out.

It has been three days since we have been searching for your missing diamonds maybe it disappeared and each new investigation there were only Greg's men involved at that time so I think if they were really stolen your biggest suspect would be Greg.Henry one of Humphrey trusted men said. So that fool could do this to me Humphrey said. And sir that same train that brought your diamonds also had a package for Mr Mendes and the package had literally nothing to do with your diamonds.

I have been taking as a fool by these stupid is fine they are only seeking for war and that they shall get, it's fine.cancel all the lunching of the diamonds.

Henry: what about the news of the stolen diamonds.

Humphrey: I don't care anymore and I am on my way to give that Greg a piece of my mind.

In Greg's office

What do you want now you still owe me and my security team a lot for their hard work, hard work laughs sarcastically you did nothing you and your fucking security team did nothing you hear that Nothing. You have never been a good business man Stuart was always and will always be better than you you here that, you have always tried to meet up with him in every way but you will still fail he yelled.

Greg: get out of my office right now before I do something we both would regret and how dare you ingrate compare me to a coward get out, fool.

Humphrey: I will go but remember you are no match for him fool.

Back to the town

Remember to always do the right thing and study ok so you can pass your exams we do not hate you failure is one of the things that leads to success ok Mrs Pluto said. Take care of yourself Mr Pluto also said. Thank you mom I love you, regina bye, talie said bye, bye brother Tim be safe and send me lots of gift Regina said. They got into cab and it left.

Yes yes finally haha talie said, I am going to start a new life it awaits me oh God please give us a safe journey thank you for answered prayers.