Put a tracker on her

Everybody was sitting quietly in the car, but the only sound that could be heard is that of talie munching her ice cream cone. She put the last piece in her mouth and then finally asked Stuart. Where are you taking me to? Talie asked.

When you get there you will know. Stuart replied her. She murmured grumpy.

Did you say something, asked Stuart. No, did you hear something she smirked and face front.

Stuart reached for his inner pocket and brought out a white handkerchief, he then stretched it towards her saying, your whole face is covered with ice cream.

She took it and wiped her face, your nose as well Stuart said.

The car finally arrived in a place that looks like a suburban area there was rarely any residents in the area.it was a big flower farm.

They got down from the car and started heading towards a shade where three men were patiently waiting for them.

The distance from the parking lot to were the men where waiting was enough for talie to view the environment, it was beautiful and awesome.she was beside Stuart as they work together, she kept on staring at him to see if he was enjoying the view like she was, but he didn't even show concern he just kept moving with a straight face.

They finally reached the shade and the men greeted him , they were all shocked to see a lady so close to him usually the only woman that would be sited around Stuart was his female assistant and it was rare. But he brought a girl with him.

Welcome Mr Mendes,said Philip the farmer, please have a sit. Have a sit, Stuart said to talie. She sat down then Stuart sat beside her, the farmers were quite surprised, but they don't dare say a thing.

This place is a quite beautiful, talie said. Thank you the farmer replied.

It's been three years,since you paid any of the money you owe with such a big scale farming like this I see no reason why you still haven't cleared your loan. Stuart said. Mr Mendes you and I have been partners in business for a long time now, please have more patience with me,I just chose the wrong type of farming to do this time, please give me a little more time I will pay up, Philip said.

Talie was just staring at the men talking about things that did not involve her instead of her sitting here doing nothing she prefer to go and take a good look at the area.Can i please go over there if you guys don't mind? Talie asked. Yes you can, Philip said. She immediately jumped up and left without even bothering whether Stuart approved it or not.

The area where she was, was only covered with sunflowers, she wasn't enjoying the smell so much but she sited a more vibrant colored plant she decided to move over there.

The men were still pleading for Stuart to give them more time. Please we promise to pay up before the end of next year, flower business isn't so popular this time of year, we promise to pay before the end of next year.

You have been saying this for over how many years now, the last three years you didn't do flower business but still didn't pay up. I don't mind taking over this whole place now and converting it into a hotel I would get my money in six months, but you aaahhh they heard a scream.

Stuart quickly stood up, he knew that was definitely from talie.

He ran towards the sunflower along with the men but she wasn't there, he ran further and finally saw her among rose thorns covered with splashes of her own blood,he didn't mind the area at all he picked her up used his arm to cover her face, as he stood up some of the thorns scratched his face, he didn't mind at all he walked away with her and brought her to the shade.

He sat her up and she was sweating profusely ,remove it please, talie said. She opened her palm and there was a thick thorn inside, Stuart saw her hand and felt bad for her, he was gently trying to remove it but she kept on pulling her hand and sobbing, look at me. Stuart said to her.

He made sure she kept her eyes on her and then he pulled it out, ouch she cried out, she looked at her bleeding hand and suddenly passed out.Where is the nearest health center here, it is just two miles away from here,said Philip. Moss, get the car.

They drove away and when they got to the health center, Stuart quickly ordered for a room, the doctor came in to look at her.

What happened the doctor asked, she had a thorn in her palm and when I took it out she passed out, Stuart explained.the doctor cleaned her bruises and rubbed a cream on it, he also applied the cream on her palm and plaster it.she is going to be fine it's just a scratch,take this and apply it on her hand three times daily it will clear the bruises.he left the room.

Moss walked in, sir I have something to talk to you about, can't it wait,Stuart said. No sir I believe this is the right time, I want to you about her, moss said.

I don't think you should trust this girl so much especially when we know the fact that her brother works for your greatest enemy Greg,moss said. So what are you insisting, I need her because my parents know about her and she already said her brother is an artist, Stuart said. Maybe we can confirm tonight, this is a tracker we can hear whatever conversation she has with her brother m, sir I believe prevention is better than cure, take this sir,moss stretched the tracker towards his boss and left the room.

Stuart didn't want to do this but he considered that,faces are innocent not intentions, he raised her up a little and place the small wireless speaker behind her ear, and placed her back to the bed properly, her bag was still around her neck,he removed but something fell off he picked it up and saw it was the handbill of the other day, so she is serious about modeling for real he said to himself and place the paper back into her bag and zipped it.

After a while,Natalie finally opened her eyes she saw Stuart sitting beside her, she looked down at her hand and saw it was covered with scratches she was just so unhappy about it.

Don't you have any sense at all,how can you not know that there are thorns on those roses, Stuart scolded her.

Do you think am happy about this, I have a modeling audition tomorrow and you think I would want my body to be covered with bruises, talie said. I want to go home,she climbed down from the bed picked her bag and walked away. Stuart followed behind her.

Throughout the whole ride nobody said anything, they got to her house she came down Stuart came down as well, she turned around to head upstairs but then Stuart called her back.

Take this apply it on your hand three times a day Stuart said. She snatched the tube from his hand and went up stairs angrily.

Stuart felt guilty he shouldn't have spoken to her like that, he got into the car and left. On their way out they passed by her brother. Sir that is her brother Tim m, I am going to on the speaker to hear their conversation,Moss said.

Tim arrived home he saw Natalie sitting on the chair, he decided to put on a good mood. Who had a fun weekend today uh he said then touched her hand, her hand was full with scratches and her palm was covered with a plaster. Natalie what is this, he asked. She turned to face him and he saw her face was full with tears, she started crying.

Natalie what happened, tell me why you are crying what happened to you,Tim asked.what happened after I left the restaurant please tell me you are scaring me, he pleaded with her.

Natalie kept on crying without saying a thing,you don't want to talk about it then it's fine, Tim said. But please stop crying so you don't have an headache ok,come on I will take you into the room. lay down gently, it's ok stop crying.I will go get you a cup of water, ok.

He came back with a glass of water and made her drink it,she finally said something.

Tim,does my hand look awful like this, talie asked.no not at all, Natalie listen I will go get you a cream after a day or two it will cover up and not be seen ok, don't think so much about it ok.Tim said

On the other hand Stuart was listening to their conversation and felt real bad, they didn't discuss anything concerning him, and if he hadn't let her out of his sight nothing will happen to her.

Disconnect the speaker immediately and no further tracking of her should be discussed, is that understood, Stuart asked. Yes sir they both replied.

Natalie finally fell asleep, then Tim checked the house to see if anything happened but the house was in order it didn't seem like something happened here, he was just worried about his sister.