
Stuart got home that night, he texted Natalie so many times to apply her cream and how she was doing but there was no reply from her.he then decided that he must have hurt her so bad.

Natalie slept through the whole day and woke up the next morning.

The next day, she suddenly opened her eyes remembering that the audition was today, she stood up checked her phone, it was forty three minutes to 8 she was happy since the audition will start from ten o clock,she also saw messages from Stuart she just ignored the messages and put the phone to charge.

She came out of the room and saw Tim was ready to leave for work. She greeted good morning. Natalie he said, morning how are you feeling now.

Am fine and am sorry I made you worry about me yesterday, these scratches were gotten from roses I wanted to buy a rose for the house but I didn't know it still had it's thorns.she lied. Tim reasoned that one rose can't give her so many cuts but he still decided to believe her, so an free to leave today, he asked.

Of course am better now I wouldn't want to hold you back,talie said. Ok I will leave after I wear my shoes Tim said.

Immediately Tim left the house, talie locked the door took her bath, she brought out different clothes to try but she just couldn't pick any and her hair what was she suppose to do with her hair. She didn't even know how to apply make up at all. Suddenly the door bell rang, and she was wondering who it was.

She rushed to the door with a long face, and when she opened it there were two ladies standing right in front of her. Are you miss Pluto one of the ladies asked.

Umm yes I am talie stammered, here this is for you the lady gave her a white envelope, she opened it and read it.

Natalie am sorry about your hand but let me make up for it by letting these ladies take care of you today for your audition.


She looked up at them, so can we can me in, that place is full right now she f we waste anymore time you might not be allowed in. Talie immediately agreed seeing that she is helpless herself and doesn't want to be late.

They took her in brought out six different dresses and they picked the red one put it on her and it fit perfectly, the dress was a v-neck and had net sleeves it covered her hand till her wrist and the back was straight with flay on the front side and a belt. They did her hair up and then her make up was vey light with a dark lipstick the whole thing look good on her, when she looked at herself she was beautiful,she never thought she could look like this. These ladies were really good at what they did, then they brought a high heel for her but talie was not comfortable with it so they brought another shoe, it was a cover shoe not so high but she felt better with it and she could walk with it.

They finally left the house, there was a taxi waiting for them they got in and it took them to the venue.

Where they got there, really the whole place was full with people, talie walked her way to the entrance with the two ladies, but the security didn't let them in.

Sorry we are accepting no more people. She felt really bad. Listen to me she already has a tag ok, said one of the ladies. Talie was staring at her when she brought out a tag with number seventy two and gave it to talie. The nan let them in and there was a smile on her face again.

Ok common let's quickly get you to the cue one of the ladies said. Over here this is number seventy, common stay behind seventy one.

The line was full with people doing their hair and make up, different clothing and shoes people were wearing.but it was still moving and when it got to some people turn they haven't even done their make up or wear a shoe properly. Some fell on the runway and some were panicking.

Look at me there is nothing to worry about you look great just do your best ok, and yes let me touch you up a little more, you look amazing all the best. And wear your tag be careful not to scatter your make up, the ladies said.

I really don't know how to thank you for this I really appreciate it so much, thanks a lot.talie said.

Don't thank us just do your best ok, we are only doing our job ok, all the best ok bye.the ladies said and left. Thanks bye,talie said.

They went to meet Stuart assistant to tell them they were done, moss paid them and instead of leaving they went to the audience to watch Natalie walk.

Moss sent a message to Stuart who was among the audience but in the vip lounge that talie was ready and was number seventy two,he looked at the message and put his phone down.

Some days ago Lydia sent an invitation to Stuart inviting him and some other ceos to the show, when Stuart arrived to the show today she was really surprised that he came so many times he invited him to her shows he wouldn't show up, but today he came,but she was a little disappointed because she was part of the judges and couldn't talk to him, but she kept her eyes on him through out the runway.

She just kept on commenting negatively on anyone who walks on the runway,Stuart didn't even care about any of them he was busy with his phone through out.

The line was moving and it will soon be Natalies' turn, she was now able to see the stage from where she was. The contestant that was in stage fell on her face. Everybody was murmuring about it.

Lydia: pathetic

It was getting to Natalie's turn, even when most people were not ready they still walked the runway, and now it was talie's turn.

Calm down you got this, she kept on telling herself that and now the moment came. As the announcer called her number Stuart stopped what he was doing and looked up,talie walked in she hadn't done this before but she had faith in herself, she walked the runway smiling her clothes danced around with her earrings she was looking perfect and almost without flaw she turned around then left.

Stuart was impressed by her, he really made a good decision to make up with her, she was looking beautiful.

She came out, that is all. The audition finally came to an end.

She was anxious but she new she did well, whatever the result was,then it is what it is.