|U.A. High and Incident(1)|

"So, what's the plan mister Sebas?" Asked Rhys to Sebas as his eyes flashed gold under his round sunglasses as if he found something interesting.

"Oh~ Am I imagining things or is your eyes glowing under those sunglasses Mister Shield?" Asked Sebas somewhat warily.

"No, you're not imagining things. It's a part of my Quirk you see? It glowed when I am excited~" Lied Rhys with a natural face. Only a person with lie detection quirk would be able to tell that he's lying, that's how good Rhys is at lying. Rhys was able to lie so well thanks to him inheriting some of his memories from his other lives that lived in a world that required it.

"Your Quirk? Wow~ it should be something good right? I wished I am born with a quirk..." Complimented Sebas as he muttered the last part to himself but is audible for Rhys to clearly hear it.

'What's he up to now? Hiding the fact that he have a quirk?' Rhys thought while smiling without a change in his facial expression. Rhys had seen the Quirk energy that Sebas is giving off since he activated the first phase of his 'Clairvoyance' Quirk not too long ago.

"So where's the private plane we're boarding?" Rhys asked as he walked ahead of Sebas, not answering his question.

'Heh arrogant brat...Did he even feel pity? I don't think so...as expected, you'll be treated badly everywhere you go if you're Quirkless... I wonder what his quirk is...it might be useful to my savior. I first need to gain this little genius's trust first...But his smile creeps me...' Thought Sebas as he looked at Rhys's back without his usual smile before following Rhys not far behind.

"Gate H, is where the plane is located~!" Said Sebas energetically.

"Laa~ I wonder what sweets is famous in Japan~ Can't wait to try it out." Muttered Rhys who only thought of this trip to U.A. as his vacation.

'I wonder if I'll meet Uncle Might...Nah, he's very busy these days' Thought Rhys with a nostalgic smile as he walked passed the first stage security check.

And so...after passing through the strict security gates, Rhys then hand over his luggage that would be transported to the private Jet by the people Sebas brought with, so he didn't need to always hold his luggage.

Soon, Rhys boarded the plane with Sebas which then departed not long after.

Several hours later, the plane has been landed safely without any incident.

"Welcome to Japan Mister Shield~!" Sebas welcomed Rhys who's looking out of the plane window with his hand supporting his chin.

"Japan huh?" Muttered Rhys while thinking about something.

'Did you just ignore me?! Damn brat!' Sebas screamed internally while maintaining a happy face outside.

"Let's get going then" Said Sebas

"Yeah, lead the way." Replied Rhys, somewhat tiredly.

Rhys had a nap a few hours ago, and he had a dream...more like memory of his other life but it was unclear and blurry.

'...Is the person in that life also me?...I must be really admirable to have such a good disciple whom sees me as a father-figure...' Thought Rhys as he recalled about his dream...

'What was her name...? Sienna?' Rhys thought as he grabbed his head as if he's having a headache. Rhys had a hard time remembering the girl in his memory.

"Are you having a headache Mister Shield?" Sebas sounded out his question.


It was the evening of Saturday,

A black car can be seen driving smoothly through the road of Musutafu, with the destination being the U.A. High School which is located.

It was a long yet short ride for Rhys as his mind is mostly occupied with thoughts relating the blurry memory he recently received today.

Peeking out of the window, Rhys spotted a huge 'H' building that proudly sits atop a forested hill which overlooks Musutafu.

"That's U.A. High School right there Mister Shield~!" Said Sebas, who's sitting in the front seat next to the driver.

"I see...Huuuuaaaah~ Where will I sleep then?" Asked Rhys after yawning.

"The principle had already prepared a room for you in the Teacher's Dormitory. Once you get there, the staff there will show you the way" Stated Sebas as the park came to a stop in front of U.A.'s gate.

"This is our stop Mister Shield, we've arrived~!" Sebas said as he unbuckled his seat belt.

Rhys then proceed to get out of the car, breathing some fresh air and then carry his luggage from the trunk of the car.

"Follow my lead Mister Shield." Sebas gestured as he pulled out an identification card and showed it to the scanning camera in front of the huge gate.

It only took the scanning camera to scanned the card as the gate was then lifted open not long after.

"Whew~ Talk about the security" Rhys whistled upon seeing the tight security of U.A.

"Of course! U.A. securi-" Sebas started talking proudly but was then interrupted by Rhys.

"Yeah yeah~ I've heard about it. Can you walk faster? I wanna go to bed~"

'...Damn brat!' Screamed Sebas internally as he then answered Rhys with his usual tone,

"Of course~!"



'U.A. is impressively huge...as expected of a place I'll be applying in 3 years time' Thought Rhys as he looked around with his eyes glowing gold under his sunglasses.

"Your room number is 403, on the fourth floor." Said a staff member, who's a short old man to Rhys.

"Thank you, here's a candy for you~" Rhys handed the staff a candy, which he gladly accepted it.

Rhys then walked entered the elevator and pressed the button with no. 4 on it.


The next morning,



"Good morning~! Mister Shield, are you in there?" Sebas knocked on the room number 403 and called out Rhys.

"It's 7 in the morning..." Rhys tired voice can be heard from within the room, he didn't sound like his usual self.

"We'll meet the principal at 8 AM, see you then mister" Sebas said as he walked away.


Inside the room, Rhys can be seen going back heading towards his bed before grabbing the metallic water bottle that is laying on it.

Looking at the small bottle in his hand before clicking his tongue and opened the bottle cap. Looking at the dark liquid inside for a second, Rhys started chugging it.

As he was drinking, his hair turned midnight black while his eyes turned bright crimson. His face's veins started popping out along with his other body parts. His canine tooth became longer and sharper.

"Huuu...Haaa" Rhys controlled his breathing using the basic breathing technique to calm his turbulent emotion.

His hair then slowly turning back to its initial color along with his eyes. Before long, Rhys came back to being his usual self.

'...I hated this but it can't be helped' Thought Rhys as he looked at the bottle in his hand.

What Rhys drink is neither milk nor some strong alcohols...it was 'Blood'.

Yes, since he inherited the memory and power of himself when he's a half-High Demon and Human, Blood is needed to quench his thirst for blood and to improve his control.

He only needed to drink a few gulp of blood once a week or else it will affect his mental health. This fact is only known to his father who supplied him with blood from the donor's blood in the Hospital of I-Island.

'4 more bottles...it'll probably last 2 months...' Rhys peeked at the remaining bottles in his luggage before going to take a seat on the study table in the room with an opened notebook on it.

The content in the notebook is written as 'Memory #4', 'My time as a battle Mage'

"It will be interesting..." Thought Rhys as his silver eyes flashed gold before closing the notebook and headed towards the bathroom.

'I better get ready, first impression is important after all~' Noted Rhys in his head.


U.A. hallway,

"Laa~ Why are the door so tall? Is everyone here 5 meters tall or above?" Rhys muttered to himself as he walked through the hallway alone. Sebas said he'd be waiting in the principal room without giving him any direction nor the information to the principal office.

Along the way, Rhys met some students and asked for the direction to the principal, at which they gladly helped.

"Principal office~...Principal office...I wonder where i-...huh?" Rhys muttered, walking pass one door by another before he walked pass a door that has a well-dress rat? standing in front of it. Causing him to walk backwards to take a proper look.

"..." Rhys looked at the well-dressed mouse?

"..." The rat too looked at Rhys with a small smiling face.

The two did a short staring contest before Rhys asked. "Are you the Principal...?"

Rhys just remembered that the principal of U.A. is unique looking...and the most unique person he met since coming here is definitely this guy.

"Yes! Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? My real identity is...the principal!" The principal revealed.

"Oh~! I'm Rhys Shield, nice to meet you Principal~" Rhys bend down a little as he introduced himself before extending his hand for a handshake.

The principal accepted his handshake with his small cat-like paw.

"I've been waiting. Come on in, let's discuss the detail shall we~?" The principal invited as he slid the door behind him open and went in.

"Okay~!" Rhys trotted in the room, following the principal.



"So, I'll start working on building 'Gravity Room' with the person called 'Power Loader' from tomorrow right?" Rhys summarized.

"You got it right!" Principal Nezu nodded with his hand behind his back.


[An hour later]

A mother and a small icy-haired little girl can be seen walking on the footpath beside the road and an apartment with an ice-cream in her little hand.

She's too focused on licking the ice-cream that she didn't see the step she needs to cross, and so...it's inevitable for her to trip.


"Oof! O-Ow-Owww!" The girl fell, and the ice-cream in her hand fell off, crashing into the ground.

"Are you okay? Get up, come on~" The girl's mom worriedly check the girl's body parts that hit the floor.

"M-My i-i-ice-cream! Nooo!" The girl started crying upon seeing her destroyed ice-cream.

"Aki, shh~ don---AKI!" The mom didn't get to console her daughter as her daughter's lower body suddenly froze along with the ground that is continuing its freezing range. She just awakened a strong Ice quirk and had no control over it...in the worst possible place.

The ground and a large portion of the road around the girl was frozen.

The driver on the road instantly hit their break upon seeing the ice, they knew that ice stepping on ice that has low friction is not a good idea...Unfortunately, there's a heavy truck among those that stepped on the ice.

It wasn't easy for a speeding truck to stop on a frozen road nor was it easy to control the direction of it...

The truck driver spotted that his uncontrollable truck is heading towards a mother-daughter duo and started trying his hardest turn away from the girl and her mother, but it just wasn't working.

"Ah!" The girl's voice was stuck in her throat as she spotted a speeding truck coming to her direction. She's too shocked to even scream nor cry.



Two gunshots rang and accurately broke the ice that froze the girl's lower body.

A figure then swiftly appeared in front the mother and the frozen daughter. The mysterious figure then grabbed onto the girl, pulled her out of the ice, and pushed the stunned mother out of the way of the truck with a force enough to blow her away for tens of meter.

All this happened within a second before...


The truck slammed into the apartment, causing a huge explosion. The explosion wasn't from the truck but from something that the truck hit in the apartment.

"Kuh-!" The figure instinctively covered the girl's small body with his body as the explosion blown him several meters away.

The figure was didn't have a smooth landing as he's covering the girl's body with his.



He rolled on the ground for a moment before coming to a stop by hitting a parked car, the sunglasses he's wearing also fell off his face during the process revealing his silver eyes.

"Ugh...You okay little angle~?" The figure gave out a warm yet bright smile as he peeked at the girl who's burying her small petite face in his chest.

The figure's word caused the girl to look up, the girl didn't say anything as she just nodded with her cute teary face.

"Ahhhh! Call the Heroes! The apartment is burning!" A civilian screamed causing the figure to look at the apartment as his eyes turned multi-colored for a second before returning back to its initial color, silver.

Yes, the mysterious figure is none other than Rhys.

"Not good...Go to your mommy" Rhys put the girl down as he dashed towards the apartment.

'There's 31 people in the apartment...Not good' Rhys thought as he activated the first phase of his 'Clairvoyance' Quirk, Thousand-Miles Eyes.

Rhys used its ability to have a satellite view.

'The hero will be here in a minute to two...' Rhys spotted a few Heroes who's heading this way and calculated the distance and the speed at which they're moving.

'No time to think. There's people to save.'

[Reinforcement Magic!]

Rhys activates [Reinforcement Magic] as golden vein-like lines course throughout his body that coincides with the energy flowing through him.


The ground cracked as Rhys took a long leap.


Rhys punched through the window on the second floor. He didn't need to worry about the truck driver as a brave civilian had already pulled him out of danger.

Fire starting to break out all over it as the explosion kicked off a chain of events.

"Hey! Someone just went in there!" A civilian spotted Rhys jumping in the burning building.

"Is he a Hero?!" Another civilian chimed in.

"I don't think so!" The other answered.

Inside the apartment,

Smoke is rising everywhere and is starting to get suffocating even for Rhys.

Through his Thousand-Mile Eyes, Rhys spotted the closest lives to him.


Rhys blasted the door to a room open.

"Hiiik!" Two children can be seen hugging each other.

"Don't move~!" Rhys commanded he punched the wall, causing it to break, creating an exit to the outside.

"Don't worry, you're safe" Rhys reassured the children as he mentally controlled 'Aether'. The transparent golden ring on Rhys's right middle finger started stretching into a transparent flexible rope, grabbing the children and safely brought them out of the building.

"That's two. 29 more to go." Rhys muttered to himself before dashing at a speed comparable to speed type quirk to another room.

And so...

3 people rescued...

5 people saved...

9 people saved...

15 people...

Rhys has already noticed that the heroes have arrived, some are putting out the fire while some barge in with wet clothes.

"WAAAaaa! M-Mommy!" A cries of a child was heard before,


Rhys came through the door like a real Hero with a smile on his face. His long white-hair with purple tips are covered in ashes and smokes from the fire.

"Don't worry, you're safe~" Rhys reassured the child as a transparent rope moved from his right finger at will and tied the child.

After dropping the child safely to the ground through the hole he created, Rhys scanned the area again.

'Phew~ The heroes really did a good job' Rhys thought as he stopped reinforcing his body with Magic.


