|U.A. High and Incident(2)|

After dropping the child safely to the ground through the hole he created, Rhys scanned the area again.

'Phew~ The heroes really did a good job' Rhys thought as he stopped reinforcing his body with Magic.

Just as Rhys is about to jump off the hole he's made a water attacked his face.

*Gulug Gulug*

"Haa~ The water temperature is perfect~ truly a convenient bathe...?...As if!!! HEY! Watch where you're aiming!" Rhys's change in mood is really comical.

"There's one more person up there!" The hero who's still watering Rhys informed the other hero, rendering Rhys's speechless.


Rhys then jumped down and landed safely on the ground as he breathe out a mist indicating that he's utilizing his breathing technique to temporary enhance his body.

Standing up, Rhys patted his dirtied clothes before rummaging his pockets and took out a wet black blindfold.

'Safety first~ but...it's wet...' Rhys thought as he had a blank expression before wearing his wet blindfold.

Just then, footsteps got closer to him.

"You there! Stop right there!" A hero who's responsible for wetting Rhys and his blindfold yelled.

"Is that how a hero asked someone?" Rhys didn't turn around and said as he retied his long hair.

"C-Chotto matte kudasai! (P-Please wait a moment)!" The hero rephrased his sentence in a more polite tone.

"Hnn~ Much better~ What can I help you with Mr. Hero?" Rhys turned around with a smile and asked.

"Are you the one who rescued the people before we came?" The hero with a black hair asked, wearing a red vest with a helmet.

"Yes. You see? I was just having a stroll while I happen to witness this accident. I just did what normal people with power would do." Rhys stated.

"Mr. Water Hose! What's the next order?" Another hero came running and asked the hero who's talking to Rhys.

"The ambulance would be here soon. Meanwhile, try calming the situation down" The hero in front of Rhys professionally gave out orders.

"Wait. How many are injured?" The hero called Mr. Water Hose asked his sidekick.

"There are currently 2-" Just as Mr. Water Hose's sidekick is about to give out report, Rhys interrupted him by giving a detailed report.

"16 are injured with first degree burns while 7 are injured with second degree burns. Total: 27 injured out of 31 people"

""..."" The hero duo went silence before Mr. Water Hose look at his sidekick for confirmation, which the sidekick could only nodded.

"I am Mr. Water Hose. What's your name brave kid?" Asked Mr. Water Hose to Rhys.

"You can call me Rhys, I'm a foreigner" Rhys introduced uninterestedly.



[Blood Reanimate]

[Blood Clot]

[Blood Heal]

Rhys can be seen healing people with first and second degree burn while the pro hero are watching.

"You have some nice Quirk kiddo!"

"A healing quirk! That's one of the most rare heroic type of Quirk!"

Rhys is receiving different kinds of compliments from the pro heroes as well as the people in the area.

'So they judge this power as Heroic? I wonder if they'll think the same after knowing what this power's true face really is...' Rhys thought but kept smiling on the outside, healing patient after patients.

And so...

Rhys finished healing all of the injured people.

"Thanks son" A person thanked Rhys.

"Here, drink this" Another person offered Rhys a cold drink.

"How can I repay you young man?" An elderly woman asked.

"Would you like to engage my daughter?" Said a person within the crowd.

"Are you planning on becoming a hero?" A person who Rhys could only assumed to be a reporter asked.

"Woah~ Woah~ HeY! ALL MIGHT IS OVER THERE!" Rhys figured a way to escape this situation by using his uncle name.

""ALL MIGHT!? WHERE?!!"" Rhys successfully tricked everyone before using this chance to escape with all his might.

"I'm off in style for now~ May fate reunite us one day~ As for now...I'm off~~~!!!!" Rhys ran off while coolly gave a speech as he didn't want to be rude to them...But little did he know, because of his Heroic achievements of rescuing people and healing them along with the last cool speech...he's bound to become the talk of the town for a few months.

"Phew~ That was intense~!" Rhys stopped and turned right, only to stop in his track as a person is blocking his path.

"Excuse me~ Passing through~" Rhys said with a smile to a slender and tall, pale-skinned man with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hangs in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. He has a worn-out appearance, looking fatigued. His facial hair is in a stubbly, unkempt state, and his eyes tired and flat.

"I thought Principal Nezu told you to go for a stroll." The fatigued-looking man stated.

"W-Well, errr~ You know, things happened...See you in U.A. mister~!" Rhys immediately knew that the person in front of him is someone from U.A.

'Close call...I almost give him 100 yen...' Rhys is sweating bullets due to the close call of getting on U.A.'s staff bad side. Rhys then walked away...

Seeing Rhys's departing figure, the person resumed his walking pace towards the police station to ask for a CCTV footage of the recent incident.


[The Next Day]

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hey hey~ Are you in there Mr. Power Loader. I'm Rh-"

"You must be Rhys that the principal talked about right? Come on in, let's see what you got kiddo." A person who Rhys assumed to be Power Loader opened the door and said excitedly.

Power Loader is a short, skinny man with a very youthful appearance for his advanced age. He has spiky ginger hair, reaching just past his shoulders, and dull blue eyes, as well as a notably large mouth. His hands appear to be the largest part of his body, disproportional to his rather small frame, and due to his Quirk, he has an orange L-shaped piece at the end of each finger.

"O-Okay~?" Rhys entered the room filled with many incomplete and completed support items.

"Here, *Thud* This is the blueprint for the Gravity Chamber I invented." Rhys brought out the blueprint of his invention and spread it on the table.

"I see...You're quite a genius aren't you. There's many gravity-related items out there but not to this level..." Power Loader analyzed the blueprint and gave Rhys a compliment.

"Well...this is not what we're going to set up here in U.A. We'll create something more grand, 'A Gravity Room' " Rhys said as he crumbled the blueprint of Gravity Chamber on the table and took out a plan for the 'Gravity Room'

"Hoho~ You're more interesting than I thought Kiddo. As expected from someone from the famous 'Shield'" Power Loader once again compliment Rhys.

"So, the machine will allows the user to train under Earth's gravity multiplied by a certain number. The increased gravity increases a persons body weight, which they must build up their muscles to deal with, lest they have a hard time moving. Once the user returns to normal gravity, they enjoy the increased muscle they built up, and they feel much lighter and faster compared to how much they weighed in the increased gravity. The Gravity Chamber can increase the earth's gravity by 3 times...As Gravity Room has larger capacity, I think it should be able to hold up to 7 or 8 times." Stated Rhys in a thinking pose.

"You talk too much for a kiddo, let's check this theory first" Power Loader suggested.

And so...Rhys and Power Loader started working on building the first ever Gravity Room.


[A Week Later]

"Hey, what do you think the new training project that Power Loader and that hot boy is building" A second year student asked her friends while eating in Lunch's Rush Eatery.

"Ah! If only he's older..." The girl's friend stared at the air in a daze as she muttered.

"That's not what I'm asking!" The girl snapped, bring her friend back.

"Oh right...To be honest, I had no idea. Maybe the boys will know something." She stated.

"Right...those muscle head might know something"


[2 Months Later]

Rhys can be seen walking in Musutafu Park,

'I feel sorry for those over confident students that jumped to 5 times Earth's gravity...It's good that a staff will be stationed there.' Rhys thought as he's walking, finding a place to sit and relax.

Rhys spotted an empty bench to sit on.

"Noice~!" Rhys went on and sit on it,

"Haa~ Perfect scenery, perfect weather...A perfect vacation..." Rhys muttered in relaxation as he brought out a book to read in peace.

"This is hilarious~!" Rhys enjoyed himself commenting on the book he's reading.

And so, time flew by quickly.

The park has become livelier as more children and their parents came here after school.

Some children are playing Hero and Villain in front of Rhys while the others are doing their homework.

'Such liveliness~' Rhys liked seeing the smile on those innocent children.

"Excuse me..." A soft voice came from Rhys's right.

Rhys turned his gaze away from the book and looked at his right. He saw a cute girl with bob-shaped black hair, looking at the empty seat next to him while holding a book.

'Well, there's no other empty seat in the vicinity.' Rhys analyzed the situation.

"Sure~ Go ahead~" Rhys moved aside towards the left side of the bench.

"Thank you" The girl thanked Rhys is a small voice.

'She's not a talker eh~?' Thought Rhys as he resumed reading his book with the girl beside him minding her own business.

'Hn~?' Rhys spotted a kid with horns sticking out of his forehead walked out of a group of kids while crying and is coming closer to the bench Rhys is in.

"..." It seemed that the girl next to Rhys wanted to reassured the boy but her nature of being introvert prevents her from doing so.

"Hey Hey Kiddo~ Come here for a sec~" Rhys called the boy in cheerful way. The girl next to Rhys looked at him with a curious yet normal gaze.

"*Hic* Me?" The kid with horns sticking out of his forehead wiped his tears and pointed at himself.

"Is there someone else there~?" Rhys asked as a matter of fact.

The kid looked around before walking towards Rhys somewhat warily.

"W-What is it? *sniff*" The kid looked at his reflection via Rhys's sunglasses and asked getting uncomfortable with seeing himself.

"Don't be scared, I'm Rhys. What's your name?" Rhys asked as he puts the book in his hand down next to him.

"S-Shin..." The kid answered weakly.

"Say Shin, why did you come crying out of that group?" Rhys got to the main topic.

The kid was startled before tears started forming in his eyes,

"B-Because...*hic*...T-They said I-I-I-I...*sniff*...look like a monster so I should play as a villain...*Hic*" The kid started crying and Rhys got the gist over the situation.

"Shin, do you want to be a hero when you grow up?" Rhys tapped the boy, Shin's shoulder and asked seriously.

Seeing the person in front of him suddenly turning serious made Shin stopped crying and nodded.

"I want to be a hero when I grow up..." He answered in a low, almost inaudible voice.

"Heh...Remember this Shin, I'll only say it once. It's not the face that makes someone a monster; it's the choices they make with their lives." Rhys stated coolly, not realizing that the girl next to him is looking at him.

"...Then, I?" Rhys 's word hit Shin hard who's been called 'monster' since he awakened his quirk.

"Yes, it's your choice, Shin." Rhys predicted Shin's question and answered.

"*Sniff* Un!" Shin wiped away his tears and resolutely looked at Rhys.

"So!" Rhys stood up and said in a semi-loud voice.

"What's your name?" Rhys asked which confused the kid as he's already told him his name.

"?? Shin-" Just as Shin was about to complete his answer, Rhys interrupted him.

"Not that name...Your Hero name" Rhys smiled mysteriously as he said that. The sunset high-lighted Rhys's figure, making him look majestic in front of Shin and the girl who's sitting on the bench.

"My hero name...?" Shin muttered.

"Yes, I would like to hear your hero name when you become a full-fledge hero. Remember that, it's your choice." Rhys gave a fist bumped to Shin's chest before walking away.

"...Hero" Shin started shedding tears of happiness after knowing that someone believed in him.

"I will become a Hero on day! Rhys san!!" Shin yelled at Rhys who just waved at him while walking further and further into the distance.

The girl's eyes sparkled upon witnessing how the man named 'Rhys' completely changed the boy, 'Shin', with just a few speech.

The girl then pack her stuffs before she spotting the book that belongs to Rhys.

'...He forgot the book...' The girl thought before grabbing it.

"Yui, let's go home" The familiar voice of her mother called her.

"Yes, Mom..." The girl named, Yui, answered her mother with a small smile.

That day, Rhys lost a book and gained two little admirers without him knowing.

"OH NOOOoo~! MY BOOOOooooook~~~!" Rhys kneeled in front of U.A. and yelled comically in English as he remembered that he forgot his book. Rhys even used his Quirk, to check the bench that he sat in the evening, all the way from U.A. only find a kissing couple...


[The Next Day]

Rhys can be seen packing his bag, ready to leave U.A. but there's a problem...a serious problem.

"I've run out of Blood supply..." Muttered Rhys as he clutched his head at how, realizing how stupid he was to not once thought of going to the hospital to get himself extra blood...

"I hope-"

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock on the door rang.

"Are you ready Mister Shield?" Sebas asked.

'Perfect...' Rhys thought as his he wiped away his drool.

"Yes~ Come in Sebas...The door is not locked"

'I have a great excuse to deal with the aftermaths of this situation...' Thought Rhys as he once again wiped away his drool.


"Mister Shield, we have to hurr-" Sebas opened the door to the room and only managed to enter it halfway before he fell unconscious with the last thing he saw is a smiling Rhys.

"I'll only take two bottle worth of blood from you...Think of it as me being generous to a rat like you" Said Rhys with a smile after confirming that Sebas had fallen unconscious.

Rhys's index finger turned into a sharp scalpel made of blood...And so, Rhys 'extract' two bottle worth of blood from Sebas before healing him to hide the cut.



Rhys then can be seen walking in U.A's empty hallway as students are in class with Sebas hanging over his shoulder.

Rhys is heading towards the principal room.


"Principal Nezu, it's me Rhys." Rhys knocked on the Principal Room door.

"Come in" A replied came from within the room.


Rhys entered the room as he put down the unconscious Sebas next to the door before turning to look at the principal who's standing on the table.

Principal Nezu is a stout man who appears to be a possible combination of several different animals, including a dog, a mouse, and a bear, which would make him a chimera. He has the head of a mouse with circular black eyes, a large scar over the right one, relatively rectangular-shaped ears with pale pink insides slanting outwards from the top of his head, and an elongated muzzle with a small round nose. His fur is white and has large, dog-like paws with pink pads and a thin tail like that of a cat. He sports a white dress shirt, a dark red tie around his neck, a black double-breasted waistcoat and matching dress pants. He wears orange lace-up sneakers with incredibly thick soles

"Good Morning Principal~" Rhys greeted the always smiling principal.

"Morning~ What happen to him?" Principal Nezu asked Rhys.

"Well...remember the time I asked you about Sebas and you told me that he's Quirkless?" Rhys started the explanation by asking the principal.

"Of course, why? Did he somehow have quirk then?" The principal who's extremely clever quickly made his assumption.

"As expected of you, principal. Yes, I think he have a quirk and also I've been getting a feeling that he's been observing me" Rhys explained a half truth.

Rhys knew that Sebas has been trying to get him to trust him and is observing him from a distance since the first time he met him.

"We'll investigate...Do you by chance know what Quirk he has?" Principal asked. His question made Rhys smile deepened.

"His quirk is...no, let me rephrase it..." Rhys mysteriously stopped mid sentence to observe the principal expression.

"Go on" Much to Rhys dismay, the principal's facial expression didn't change.

"His Quirks are, 'Presence Concealment' and 'Blending'" Rhys revealed with a sigh.

"...Two Quirks huh?...Thanks for letting me know. We'll detain him for now. You may take your leave." Principal dismissed Rhys as he's thinking about something.

'This should be related to 'All For One' that All Might talked about...So, he's still causing trouble even in his death' Nezu thought.

Few individuals who knew about the existence of All For One from All Might believed that he's dead fighting All Might, Two months ago.

'To think that a potential spy of All For One is in this school...It's unfortunate since Sebas has been working under me for three years. Thanks to Rhys, we've avoided potential future threat.' Thought Nezu as he looked at the unconscious Sebas laying in front of the door.

Nezu then pressed a button under his desk, calling available Pro Heroes.


Break---01/10/2022...Will continue on 20/10/2022...Gomen!!