Chapter 10.

Eve's POV.

It was a very strange morning. First I woke up to no on else in my room which was weird since I know that Zach slept in the room with me.

So I went outside and found him just running up and down our hill. Turned out he had been doing it since five in the morning. Two and a half hours!

Next we had breakfast and that was a whole affair of nerves and awkwardness that I would be very much never like to experience again.

Then I find out that my bodyguard/ driver served with my husband in the army. Just how much of a crazy coincidence was that.

Luckily though we made it to my office without any more surprises or problems.

As we were walking through the entrance and in the hallway of the building, my employee's ad talents already started staring and gossiping to one another about who the man I was walking in with was.

Leave it up to those working at a talent agency to spread gossip faster than the press.

I was trying to make my way to the elevators as quickly and quietly as possible. I didn't want to draw anymore unnecessary attention to myself or to Zach. However, it seemed that Zach had some other thoughts going on in his head.

I looked at him and saw him smiling like a little devil, staring directly at me!

"Do not worry all employees and talents for I am Eve's husband!" He said like a maniac at the top od his lungs.


"What did he just say."

"No way, he's crazy."

As soon as he yelled that he was my husband out loud everyone started whispering even more and most of them couldn't believe what he had just said.

"Noooo!" I screamed.

Luckily the elevator door opened just in time, so I quickly grabbed Zach's arm and yanked him into the elevator.

It closed shortly after. I was fuming mad at him now.

"Why did you say that! DO you have any idea what they will think of me now!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at him.

"Well now they will know that you have a husband and are taken. That's what i was thinking." He said with a dumbass smile.

"Also all your would be suitors will now come crawling out of the woodwork. Which means that I can take care of them all at once. Perfect solution."

He was smiling now like a complete lunatic. I didn't even know what to say in response to that so I just left the elevator as soon as it hit my floor and headed to my office.

Surprisingly he didn't follow me. He stayed in the elevator, when I asked whether he was going to come or not he just said "I have stuff to take care off."

I didn't see him for the rest of the day and was able to somewhat keep my mind off of him and get most of my work done.

Time flew by and it was the end of the work day five o'clock. I packed my things and headed down to the lobby where I expected everyone to stare and gossip about me some more.

I was surprised to see that, that wasn't the case.

Instead Zach stood their in the middle of the lobby with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands.