Chapter 5: Am I missing something?


My phone rang for the hundredth time today.

I made the mistake of answering it once because it was Jeremy. If I had known I wouldn't answer confirming that he got the right number. It doesn't need the genius to guess how he manages to get a hold of my contact. What surprised me is that it took him this long when he is capable of knowing my whereabouts.

"If I hear your phone ring one more time I'm gonna throw it out the window. For god's sake just answer it!" Clarisse yelled at me.

"It will stop soon," I simply answered which pissed her off more.

"Laila, I've already posted information regarding your booksigning tour and all we had to do is wait for confirmation on some of the venues and we are all set," Tina gleefully told me.

It's been three years since I signed under Creative Talent Unites.

They are one of the biggest agencies that are behind the talents of award-winning films and TV shows. At first, the company was just a small publishing company. They had collaborated with a few big-shot companies in the past but since it was small and not known, the company began to lose its investors and was on the brink of bankruptcy. I happen to have just finished my first novel at that time and offer to shoulder the expenses of editing, proofreading, and even promotion. They just need to distribute it. The cover art used was one of the paintings I made during college. All in all my first novel was really a low-budget one and I did it just for fun to cheer Tina up.

Who knows that even with no advertising or big-scale promotion my book would sell out. It earned so much that it was able to save the company. I gave all my author royalties to Tina to help with the company and now it has become so well known that not only did it publish books but it also caters to training aspiring writers and agencies for writers. Tina wanted me to be a co-CEO since I had invested a lot of money during the crisis of the company but I refuse. I'm also in a complicated situation during that time and I'd rather stay out of doing business which is why I used a different name. Because of the growing popularity of my books only then did people start to get interested in the author that someone hired a hacker and leaked my information.

Tina then grabbed the chance to put me in the spotlight thinking I deserve all of it. And now here we are.

I glance at Clarisse who is busy typing on her laptop.

"Don't you have someplace to go?" Tina asked, Clarisse when she made a grunting sound as my phone rang again.

"Well, I was supposed to be at the studio to finish that design project but then I thought I'll come along here," she stated as she picks up my phone and then turned it off.

Tina looked displeased at her. She snatched my phone and then turn it on again.

"Laila's phone needs to be reachable at all times," she reminded Clarisse which she just rolled her eyes at.

"But she doesn't want to be reached by someone." Clarisse flat out stated.

Tina then turn a suspicious look at me, "Am I missing something?"

I snatched my phone back. There were text messages sent saying to answer his call.

"Before I forgot, you need to go to London in two days for the Writer's Guild Award. I've already booked your ticket and the hotel you'll stay at," Tina informed me of the other details.

Just what I needed. I think going to London for a while will help.


I didn't forcefully get her number from Brian just for her to ignore my calls. That dude got almost beaten up by me and she just flat-out ended the call that lasted for only ten seconds.

Why are you ignoring my calls?

I screamed at my head not realizing that I'm in the middle of a meeting.

"Sir?" I heard one of my managing directors snap his fingers in front of me.

I glared at him before lashing out. I ended the meeting by saying to them that they all need to report to me again by the end of the week about the final conclusion.

It's unlike me to get distracted at work just because of a woman. But since after the event, Laila had been occupying my head and I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my sanity.

"You've officially lost it, man," Brian affirmed.

He went inside my office holding two cups of Starbucks. He placed one cup on my table together with a newspaper.

"Read that one article," he instructed me pointing at the end column in the newspaper.

I was planning to ignore it as it may be just some stupid gossip but the sight of Laila's photo caught my interest.


Ghostwriter Caught.

It was only recently that people got to know the brain behind the great novels we all admire and can relate to. And not only was it all brain but a beauty as well.

Laila Condes finally made herself known after years of hiding behind her pen name and having us wonder about who she is.

She made sure to stay reclusive for years. Not the type to want attention from others but a beauty like hers, no one can ever not notice her.

Laila Condes surprised many when she went to the 'YA Novel festive event' wherein various authors also attended. What's more surprising was the fact that Laila just announce that her book will be turned into a movie and revealed the trailer. She also announced the dates for her first-ever booksigning tour. But the most shocking of all is that there was a rumour that Laila came to the event with someone.

Numerous insiders reported that the famous Jeremy Malarkey told everyone that she was his date. Just how these two people cross paths will be a mystery for all of us.

"Well it seems like someone actually paid attention," Brian mused.

I ignored him. I picked up a folder and read its content realizing it's been needing my sign and confirmation.

"Laila wouldn't know about that, not after a week I guess," he went on.

I know it was his bait for me to spill and I find it hard to resist. Giving up, I closed the folder and pushes back my chair.

"What do you mean?" I gave in.

He had a smirk on his face knowing he had won. He didn't speak for a moment holding the suspense.

"She's about to board her flight right now going to London," he informed me and that just made me want to actually kill him.

"You're saying that just now!" I got up from my chair and was heading out when Brian gripped my left arm stopping me from going anywhere.

"What will you do?" he questioned me. His eyes filled with amusement at what is happening. He is taunting me, "You can't stop her from going Jeremy. What happened to that cold and mighty friend of mine who never gives a damn about anything?"

I yanked my arm back and came face to face with him. Anger already rising up from me and all I want at that moment is to go to Laila. Brian must have felt my mood as he started to back up and raised his palm to stop me from moving.

"Right now, the only thing that ever matters to me is moments away from leaving. And if she disappeared again I swear I'll vent all my anger at you," I warned him through gritted teeth.

If I thought it will put sense to him, I was wrong. Brian started laughing so hard that he fall back on the couch in my office. Right then and there I really wanted to kill him.

"What is wrong with you? You are not the Jeremy I know," he said in between his laughter.

I stood there watching him as he laugh his ass off. If looks could kill he's probably a melted piece right now by the deadly glares I'm sending him. It took him three more minutes to finally calm down. He came closer to me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said she wouldn't hear the news for a week not that she'll be gone and never come back," he's suppressing the urge to laugh. "You really lost your mind when it comes to her. That didn't happen before, so why now?"

That question of his hit me. I went back to my chair as Brian sat on the couch. I wasn't like this, I've never been like this. Old feelings that I hide away for so long resurfaced and I'm feeling every bit of emotion I held back. The moment I saw Laila at that cafe, no, the moment I heard her voice I knew it was her. At that moment all I ever want is to hold her but the second her eyes meet mine, the eyes that used to look at me like I'm some kind of a treasure for her were replaced with a hateful ones.

I never planned on letting her go. It was her own choice to leave. I thought I was just giving her time to think things through. I never expected that she'll be gone without a trace. My parents were mad at me then for what happened that I stopped looking for her when I realized they are blocking me from finding her. I focused so much on work as I tried to forget her but thoughts of her still creep at me at night.

"I thought I can forget about her. I tried forgetting but every night, the face she had when she broke things off haunts me," I admitted after a long silence.

Brian seemed to think it through, "I thought you'd honestly let go of her seeing how you get easily jealous whenever some guy approaches her. Then out of the blue, you say you two broke up. What happened between you two was complicated."

"I never wanted to let her go," I muttered.

There was another silence after I said that. After a minute, Brian's face lit up in a very unpleasant way. The huge grin on his face reminded me of Joker. He got up excitedly as he came in front of me, both his hands on the table helping him lean closer to me.

"What if I tell you I have an idea to make Laila be the one coming to you instead."