Chapter 6: You're not going anywhere.


It wasn't twenty-four hours yet since I came back and all of a sudden my phone keeps on ringing asking about something I don't even know.

Just as I was passing by a store I saw pictures of me and him plastered to every newspaper and tabloid.

The secret relationship between the most wanted bachelor and a famous writer as most headlines read.

It wasn't actually the fact that such news is spreading that made me fume in anger but it was because of the pictures that are being used. How can paparazzi even get a hold of those photos taken way back when I'm still in college? Then a realization hit me.

I wasted no time as I went out and hail a cab.

I'll definitely kill that moron today.

After a twenty-minute drive, I finally arrived at one of the tallest buildings in the city. I never expected I'll set foot here but I have no other choice. The guard by the lobby smiled at me, as much as I'm annoyed I don't want to be rude so I awkwardly smiled back.

People around send me looks probably recognizing me.

"Excuse me, Miss, do you have an appointment?" a lady asked me after I got out of the elevator.

I looked around to check if I guessed the right floor and saw an executive assistant written on the glass plate on the desk.

"No, Mars" I answered reading her name, "but, where's Mr Malarkey?"

Before she can answer, a new voice joined us.

"Laila?" a familiar voice interrupts us. I turned around to see Brian, Jer's bestfriend.

"Laila! It is you. What are you doing here?" he asked but before I could even reply he answered his own question. "You're here because of Jeremy, am I right?"

"He's at the conference room," Mars whispered to him and without a second thought, I made my way.

"Wait, Laila!" Brian called, "Do you even know where you're going?"

"No," I answered nonchalantly, "but I'm guessing it's this room that says Conference room."

I mean really, there's just a sign on the door that actually says what room it is which made my search easier.

"Laila, you can't just go in there. There's-" I didn't listen to what he was saying. All I can think about is how I will kill that moron once I see him.

I didn't even think about what I am doing. I barge inside the room and immediately saw him sitting at the far end of the table. His eyes widen in surprise seeing me.

"Laila-" he started but I toss the papers I'd been holding in front of him stopping him from saying anything.

"What the hell does this mean?" I bawled out. Never had I imagined that a day like this would come when the devil inside of me goes out. I angrily crossed my hands over my chest.

He looked at the newspaper and I can see a slight smirk that formed on his lips before he hides it away. He looks up at me with a now serious face.

"It says we have a secret relationship."

"Duh! I know that. I want you to explain how the hell they even got a hold of that rumour?"

"Rumour?" he repeated and I can sense a slight irritation in his voice. "So you think of our relationship just as a rumour? A made-up story?"

"Relationship? Why would I get involved with a moron like you?"

"Well that's a nice way to describe the person you love," he taunted me as he casually leans back in his chair.

I snorted, "cut the crap. Maybe five years ago it did happen so stop manipulating things like before?"

"How can you be so sure that I am behind this?"

I pointed at one of the pictures, "I'm not stupid Jer. How the hell will they even get hold of that photo?"

"That still won't justify that I'm responsible for all of this."

Without a word, I picked up his phone which he had just put on the table.

"You've got to be kidding me," I was amused that he still use the same old password on his phone. I searched his gallery until I saw the same picture on the paper and showed him. His eyes widen not believing I found him out.

But that surprised look was immediately replaced by a huge smirk on his face. Looking as if he won a bet I know nothing about.

"I'm surprised you still remember."

"Yeah, I can still remember how you throw me away as if I was nothing."

I can see the pain that suddenly appeared in his eyes. "I didn't throw you away. You left me."

"Just stop," I said as I put a hand on his chest when he stood up in front of me. He can't and I won't allow for him to be so close that I can feel his breathing. "I want you to shut that rumour down."

"What's the big deal about this anyway."

"I've been living my life in peace without you. I didn't work hard for everything just for you to ruin it. I don't want to suffocate myself in your world."

"How am I ruining everything for you?" he yelled at me. He ran his fingers through his hair pulling it in frustration. His anger was also rising at the same time as mine and I know that we both wouldn't like how all of this will end.

I dared myself to move an inch forward toward him and gave him the same intensity of his eyes on me.

"I exactly know the kind of guy you are. And after all that had happened, I can't and wouldn't allow myself to get tied to you again."

There was silence between us. He was looking straight into my eyes as if searching for even the slightest hint that I didn't mean what I said. We stared at each other until a cough was made that made me realize where I am.

I looked around to see at least a dozen people inside the room with us who just witnessed my outburst. I try to hide my embarrassment but I know I'm turning red as a tomato.

I saw Brian just behind me clearly amused by everything.

You really got to think first. I told myself. I was about to just leave when I took notice of the screen. They were actually in the middle of a meeting when I interrupted. The picture on the screen seems familiar I started to look at the laptop and scroll through the presentation.

"That's private Laila," Jeremy told me.

"You know you're just going into a trap by investing in that right?" I informed him.

"What do you mean?"

"You are just wasting your money and time with that project."

"And how can you be sure of that?" One of the men sitting at the table finally speak out.

I shrugged, "Because I perfectly know Vincent." I turn my attention back to Jeremy. "Shut the rumour down. Before more damage is done."

I take that as my cue to leave. Jer tried to stop me but I just continued my way to the elevator. I kept on walking until strong arms pick me up.

"You're not going anywhere." Jer's deep voice said as he carry me on his shoulder like a sack of grain, his arms touching the back of my legs.

What the hell was he thinking? I was yelling at him to put me down as he made his way. I can upside down see that all his employees were staring and I am sure that all those males are actually looking for another reason because as I can remember I am wearing a skirt.

"Cancel whatever I have on schedule today and do not call for me unless it is a life or death situation," I hear him say to someone before going inside his office. He tosses me down on his couch in a not-so-good way.

"You are completely insane!" I yelled at him to which he replied with a chuckle.

"I've heard you say that to me for about a thousand times now. Now, care to explain how in the hell you even know Vincent?"

"Why do you even care about that?"

"Because I don't like knowing you interact with male species."

I just rolled my eyes at him, "Well that's just stupid."

Without warning, he pressed his lips against mine taking me by surprise. I tried to push him away but he was just too strong. I kept my lips shut as he try to open them biting down at my lower lip.

Knowing too well my weakness, he took that advantage as he deepened the kiss. I lost my sanity, how can I just give up like that after putting up a fight?

Because a part of you actually missed that lips of his, an evil voice said in my mind. My hands that are trying so hard to push him away found their way around his neck. His lips travelled down my neck as he found his favourite spot. I can feel him smile at my reaction before his lips find mine again.

I almost forgot how his lips taste like, the way he caresses me. It didn't last long. I opened my eyes as I realize what was happening. I got up and away from him. I can't believe what just happened. How can I just let him kiss me and not fight back?

I immediately storm out of his office before he can do anything else. All eyes were on me again as I walk away.

"Laila stop-" Jer called, without even thinking I took off one of my heels and throw it at him. He easily dodge it but it did distract him because I took that moment to run to the elevator before he could catch up to me.

"Stupid, obnoxious, selfish, arrogant jerk," I muttered not realizing there are five others inside the elevator. I recognized seeing them at the meeting.

I walked away as fast as I can once I got in the lobby. I decided to just throw away my other heel at the trash bin and completely do barefoot. The guard who smiled at me earlier took a sceptic look at me but didn't say anything.