Chapter 7: I am so happy you two are together again,




An angry voice had brought me out of my reverie. I took a deep breath before facing the owner of that voice. It keeps happening to me lately. I would just space out. Memories keep coming back, especially the nightmares. I know that there is no way I could make them go away and having them makes me lose myself.

"Laila, are you back to earth now?" Tina questioned me sounding concerned. Her lips are pursed as she waits for my answer. There was warmth in her eyes that told me how genuine she feels about me being concerned.

I almost forgot that she was there when I was struggling and she was the one that had helped me land the biggest break of my life. If it wasn't for her, I could be still a freelancer.

"Just got a lot of things to think about," I shake off her worry and forced a smile on my face. She must have seen through it but decided to ignore it and trust me.

"Mae, I just want to know if venues are all set for the event and if promotions are ongoing." I wasn't myself and I'm sure everyone was aware of it. The meeting went on and I just can't seem to focus on the project.

I went straight to the pantry and brewed myself a coffee, maybe having it will help calm me down. I felt a warm touch on my shoulder and saw Tina smile at me as a mother would.

"Are you okay?" the same old question she will ask every time I wasn't being myself.

"Yeah, I'm just tired I guess," I smile though I know she can see through that facade.

After a moment she sat down with me and pushed a paper in front of me. I looked at it and saw the news. The story about me and Jeremy hasn't died down and that someone took a photo when I was leaving his office worsened the situation. Though neither of us said anything officially, it still didn't change the fact that people got more interested and I can tell Tina was fed up with it.

"I'll talk to him about it," I said before she can say anything. She raised an eyebrow at me as she figure out the whole situation.

"I try not to invade your personal life but it does seem weird this happen out of nowhere and you telling me you'll talk to him confirms my doubt."

"Is there something I should need to know about?" she asked when I didn't say anything.

There are some things I can't tell you about. Even if you are next to being a family to me. My demons are mine alone.

"OH MY GOSH!" a high-pitched squeal brought me out of my thoughts.

"Laila! I didn't know you know Jeremy Malarkey," Mae went on gushing about him. Her eyes widen as if they will fall off their sockets any minute.

"Mae," Tina sternly warned Mae which made her cough and compose herself.

"Sorry, anyway there is someone looking for you Laila," I got up from my sit immediately using this as an excuse to avoid Tina's question.

I followed Mae to a lounge where she led my visitor. It is weird now that I think about it, who will visit me that no one in the office knows about?

It was my turn then to have my eyes fall off their sockets. I left without saying goodbye I thought I'll never ever see her face again.

"Mrs Malarkey," I never imagined I'd say that title again nor will I see her sweet face.

She hasn't changed much, just a few lines from what I can guess was because of the stress her son must have given her. She put me in an embrace like a mother would to her lost child. I hug her back not wanting to be rude. The smile on her face was like a Cheshire cat.

"Laila, I told you many times to just call me Fern or mom," she reminded me with a chuckle.

"I don't think I have any right to call you that," I answered as I led her to sit back on the couch.

The lounge wall is made of glass and I can see that everyone is sneaking a peak at what is happening inside with my mysterious visitor. Tina gave me a look and I just shrug.

"Dear, I must say I'm a bit disappointed with you. I'd understand Jeremy but I never thought you'd do this." She started which got me confused.

"What do you mean?" And again for the second time today, a newspaper was tossed in front of me.

"I am so happy you two are together again," as much as I wanted to see her happy, I have to break her happy bubble.

"There is nothing between me and him anymore," I flat-out said without any emotion.

She wasn't expecting my answer. Her eyes filled with disappointment as she grip my hand asking me if I was just joking.

"But I thought, that doesn't matter. I'm glad you are back. I missed you, Laila." I can tell that sincerity in her voice. Jeremy's mother was always so fond of me that she even ordered me to stay at Jeremy's place when I was struggling back then.

"I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye." It was a long-due apology I had to make.

"I understand you dear, but let's not talk of the past. How are you? I heard you are quite famous now." And just like that, she had to change the sullen atmosphere between us.

"I don't know about famous but I'm doing much great now. How did you even know I'm here?" I questioned and she just gave me a sheepish smile.

She avoided my eyes and I had a feeling I wouldn't like the answer.

"Well, you just disappear and I was upset and missed you. I hired someone to track you down a year ago, and yes I know we made a promise to you but I just want to know if you are okay." she admitted.

I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. I'm mad that she did that but at the same time, I'm not. But if she had been tracking me, how come Jeremy doesn't have any clue that I still exist?

"Don't worry I never told anyone. Just me and Jeremy's grandfather. I know you wouldn't like it if we suddenly showed up seeing you left for a reason. After finding out, we can't do anything but do what we can to stop Jeremy from going after you. Anyway, after your first book I wanted to do anything to help and then I heard Brian's family had been pursuing you for a project so I gave them a helping hand."

Shock finally overcome me. I stood up as I pace back and forth trying to process what she had said. "You mean to say you were the one who made that deal. But why?"

"Calm down dear, like I said I didn't want to intrude on your life. I thought you wouldn't like seeing any Malarkey back in your life." she sighed deeply.

I sat back again beside her. There was an awkward silence between us. Fern kept looking at me like a child would seeing her favourite toy again that was lost.

"I promise I never told Jeremy about anything. If I did, he would have done something about it. I can't say that I didn't like what happened to him after you left but I guess it helped him to be who he is today though I hardly see him now." There was something about what she said that is comforting.

Our time together was cut short when she receives an urgent call. I didn't ask what since I don't want her to do the same to me.

"Come visit us soon," I wanted to say no but doing so would make things complicated for me.

So against my better judgement, I agree to something I know I'll regret.