Chapter 14: ..can't you just have a decent conversation

Laila POV


Clarisse half yelled on the other line of the phone. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself and not be annoyed by her demandingness. It was my fault actually. I made a promise to her the last time I was late at one of her showcases that now she demands things because of that promise.

I really need to stop making promises out of guilt.

"I'm already on my way. I'm about to get on the plane so can you just please stop calling." I pleaded. It was her tenth time calling me since morning.

"I don't believe you. Send me a picture of you." I was about to complain when she hung up the phone.

I looked at the monitor screen and saw that the gate for my flight is now open. I quickly assemble my things and went on. On my way, I receive a message from Clarisse demanding the picture so I took a quick photo and send it to her.

A flight attendant helped me find my seat, seeing my name she said that my ticket had been upgraded. When I asked her why she just said they were randomly selecting the ticket numbers and I was chosen. I almost curse out loud when I saw the person sitting beside me and the whole random ticket upgrade seem like a scam now.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I grumbled.

Jer looked surprised as well but his expression change quickly. I had no other choice but to sit as the flight attendant said someone already took my last seat and that people still keep coming and looking for their place. Arguing would delay the flight and I know Clarisse would never believe me anyways so I just have up fighting about it. I turn to Jer and saw him still having that silly smile on his face.

I glare at him, "Look, don't get stupid ideas."

"I can't believe that a flight would be a way for me to see you. Unless you're following me." My jaw dropped at his statement.

"Why would I follow you?" I snapped.

"I don't know. Maybe you miss me?" there's a smirk on his face. He clearly likes the situation while I'm not. I'm obviously fuming which he took no notice of.

Why does this have to happen to me? Had he forgotten what he did to me at his office the last time?

I put on my headphones and listen to some music just to avoid any contact or conversation with him. A few minutes later flight steward tap me on my shoulder and told me to keep it for a while because the plane is about to take off.

As always, the same routine when it comes to flight. The flight stewards will give reminders and we all have to listen and turn off any electronics we have. I tried my best to avoid Jer's gaze.

I'm getting uncomfortable with the situation. Jeremy hadn't said anything nor he starts bothering me. Knowing him, he would have taken this chance so I took a glance at him and saw his brows in a furrow as he reads a file on his laptop. Even on a plane, he couldn't take a rest.

"You know this is weird right," I said breaking the silence between us.

"What's weird?" he asked.

"Just. Anyway, don't you have a private plane?"

"It's on repair and the other one, my parents used it." he simply answered.

Fine. I guess I'll just have to bear with this situation. He seemed so focused on his file that I decided not to bother him anymore.

I took out my own laptop and decided to start on my next book but nothing comes to my mind. I'm just staring at the cursor waiting for me to type words so that it can move.

"Would you like some drinks?" a steward asked us. She had on very red lipstick and I can see the look in her eyes when she looks at Jeremy.

"No thank you." I simply said.

Jeremy didn't even take a glance at her as she waited for his answer. I rolled my eyes at him. "Jer, the beautiful lady over here is asking if you want some drinks?"

"No." was that too hard to say a few minutes ago?

The steward just smiles and moves on to the next seat in front.

"Miss Laila?" I heard a tiny voice call my name. I turn and saw a brunette girl about twelve years old.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Sorry to interrupt but I'm a huge fan of yours," she said in a stuttering voice. I stared at her. My works aren't the ones girls her age would have a liking to.

"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked her.

"Ashleen. I love the stories you wrote. I wanted to go to your book signing last time but I was sick." Ashleen said. She turn around and I saw a lady nodding her head to her, probably her mom.

"Oh, hey would you want to take a picture with me." the girl's eyes beamed in delight as she took her cell phone out.

"Wait," I stand and try to make some space so we can have a better position when she saw who I was sitting with. If I thought her eyes were in delight to see me, her eyes almost fell off its socket when she saw the person next to me.

"I didn't mean to interrupt." she apologized for all of a sudden.

Jeremy looked up at her and gave her one of his infamous smiles. "It's okay. It's not like we're on a date."

I had to slap his shoulder which he and Ashleen only laugh at.

"So it is true that you two are dating," Ashleen said in a slightly higher tone that I can see the steward from before looking back at us.

"I'll take picture of you two." Jer offered. Ashleen handed the phone to him. "Okay, one, two, three, smile."

"Thank you, Miss Laila." She said before going back to her seat.

"That was something. I'd never imagined this day would come when little girls would ask to take pictures with you." Jer remarked.

"How can you even imagine when you know nothing." I simply said.

"Laila-" he started but I interrupted him.

"Jer, just stop. Please." I cut him off

"But Laila, can't you just have a decent conversation with me with you not telling me to stop or lash out." he pleaded.

"There's nothing we need to talk about Jer." I snapped. I know that he already figured out there is no use in trying.

"Are you mad that I didn't help Henry?" he asked.

"It's not that Jer. There's just one thing we can't fix no matter what." I said to him. He tried to talk to me more but seeing how uncomfortable I am he stopped.

We both go back to our own little world. I can't focus on my writing so I just opted to watch a movie. About halfway through the movie, I dozed off.


Jeremy POV

I didn't know when I dozed off. The last I remember was that Laila was watching a movie and as much as I tried to focus on reviewing the contract I'm reading I can't.

I kept glancing at Laila who shows no interest in talking to me. I still can't figure out why she wanted so badly to be as far away from me as possible. I hadn't given up on trying to win her back but she oppose all the things I'm doing. I have no idea how she kept blocking all my efforts for her. If it wasn't only for the fact that I'm facing a crisis in my company I would have put all my focus on her.

Then there was that issue of Henry. She came to me asking for help but just for that reason had my blood boiling. She's willing to put everything down for him but even resorts to asking for help from me, the one she hates the most right now.

After that meeting with Laila, I asked my EA to look at the information about what happened to Henry. He should have known the consequence of what he did.

I dozed off and when I woke up, Laila's head was on my shoulder. The movie she was watching was rolling the credits and she must have fallen asleep halfway.

Slowly I adjusted her head to make her more comfortable. I missed this feeling. Having her lean on me.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I whispered which made her move and snuggle her head on me.

I missed everything about her. All I want at the moment was for it to freeze. Slowly as to not wake her, I kissed the top of her head hoping that the Laila before would come back to me.