Juniper paced the room. Her face was pale white as she heard the shouts of people running down the hall toward Kai’s chambers.
An unknown voice spoke. Juniper could tell he was crouched down to where her guard lay. “He’s out.”
“Ma Rye Teh,” Kai’s familiar voice swore. “Move!” Her guilt sunk, feeling nervous about deceiving him.
There were grunts on the other side of the door as they struggled to move the guard. Then the door shook, as this time it was properly locked. (Thanks to Teresa for showing her how.) The door shook with knocks as Kai called for Juniper.
She flung the door open and into his arms. “You came back just in time!” She was shocked that she had managed a few tears.
His arms defensively embarrassed her. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. I heard screaming, and they did something to the guard. They were trying to get him out of the way when they suddenly ran. Then you were here.”