They all nodded at she went in the opposite direction disappearing from their line of sight. "Well then see you girls later" Jen also walked away leaving just her and Glenda.

"I think we should split up" Glenda said with pressed lips, "mademoiselle said we should observe the debut and I think we will be able to do that better if we went closer to them and separated"

"okay, but don't go too far" Madison let go of her hand not wanting to be left alone all by herself but she didn't have a choice.

she had always had a hard time trying to talk and keep a conversation with people she didn't know or was not familiar with, so she didn't know her she was supposed to INTERACT and mingle.

She stood all by herself at a corner silently observing everybody else and watching the debuts cautiously. she sported jen from the corner of her eyes being led to the dance floor by a young boy, while Glenda was at the sidelines also having a conversation with a group of boys.

she breath in silently wondering how on Earth she was going to talk to the people there and how had the talked with the strangers with so much ease. it was probably because they were both charming and impeccably beautiful that anyone won't have a problem talking to them.

Glenda and mademoiselle Salome had often told her she was beautiful, but she doubted that, she wasn't blonde or raven or even blacked haired she was just a simple girl with extremely brown hair which looked black and sparking grey eyes, there was nothing special about her or her appearance, so she had always wondered what they saw in her when she didn't see anything herself and today her doubts where confirmed when no boy approached her to talk to her, that she was nothing but plain looking without anything special. She was sort of happy because she didn't know how to talk to a boy and couldn't remember the last time she actually talked to one.

But she admired them all right, some of the boys present where blonde, green eyed, black hair and whatnot the all looked different and handsome, each carrying their own grace. she also found some very attractive ones among them and one in particular caught her eyes he was blonde and was quite tall, he looked no more than sixteen. but she soon noticed that she wasn't the only one who fancy he had caught, as she saw a lots of young girls most older than her also staring at him as the formed a cluster around him. they all looked so beautiful and perfect that she knew she couldn't compare and he was never going to notice her among the crowed.

But while Madison was so engrossed in staring and observing other people she didn't notice the stares she was receivingherself. almost all the young men in the room were discreetly looking at her, trying to place her in their memory but they had none of her. She looked completely stunning in her eye catching ivory gown and long brown hair that anyone who passed by gave her a second look before continuing walking, and when she smiled her two dimples seem to attract them even more as she looked simply gorgeous.

None of the boys approached her to ask for a dance because they were scared that she was going to turn them down, little did they know she was itching to go to dance floor herself and that she would have accepted anyone to dance with regarded of who they were or how they looked like.

Feeling tired from standing in one place for far too long she decide to explore the wonderful looking ball room by walking around taking in the beauty of the place and giving back hers in return.

room looked just like a fairy tale castle to her that she got so engrossed in staring at the beautiful paintings.

the paintings were mostly about English lords and duke, all who were known in past history either for their courage or bravery, she was just about to step back and look at the next painting on the wall before she felt herself collide with someone.

The force was so strong that she fell backward but before she reached the floor she felt someone catch her by the arms and jerked her close. she had closed her eyes initially when she felt the impact of the hit and thought she was going to fall down. so she now gingerly opened her eyes to see what or who had saved her, and upon opening her eyes she felt them widen a little bit more than necessary.

The person standing in front of her was… she couldn't describe him, he looked unearthly, simply unreal to her; he had Deep Ocean blue like eyes which had her captivated and spellbound for a moment before she snapped out of the trance and took a step backward.

"Am sorry I didn't see you there" she quickly apologized and felt like leaving there not liking how this person made her feel.

"its fine" his voice sounded so manly that she had a hard time compelling herself to move from there. finally getting her bearing back she gave a small curtsy and was about to leave there before he stopped her "do you care for a dance?" he stretched his hands towards hers.

She took a deep breath not knowing how to respond to him or how to even feel about it. she could see the young ladies in the room practically drooling over him and throwing seductive glances at him.

The man was sinful handsome with his dark luscious black hair and strong hard jaw line. he was very tall, at least two head taller than her and he looked like he was around twenty or nineteen and judging by the attention and commotion his presence seemed to have caused among both the male and female population she concluded that he was a man of high standards and was obviously very rich because of the type of clothing he wore. And here he was asking her to dance when no other person had tonight.

Gingerly placing her hands in his outstretched ones, she nodded and he led her to the dance floor.

He took her other hand and placed it on his shoulders while she straightened her back and silently cursed herself from being late for all Miss Greta dance classes.

As the both swayed to the music, she noticed that people were now leaving the dance floor and before she knew, it was only the two of them left. Who exactly what this man? There many people who kept watch of them and she felt so uncomfortable. she felt her cheeks turn red all over due to the attention they were getting. She tried to keep her head straight by not looking at the wall beside him.

"Feeling overwhelmed by the attention?" he spoke again with that deep baritone voice of his and she looked up to see him staring intently at her which made her turn more red.

"Yes, it's quite uncomfortable"

He leaned down and whispered in her ear "will it make you feel more relaxed if you thought they were all wearing potatoes sacks" straightening back up he saw her confused reaction and continued talking "when I was a younger, I used to feel intimidated by all the stares and attention I was getting, but my brother told me that if I imagined that they were all wearing potatoes sacks, then they wouldn't look even the least intimidating as they did in all their perfect attires in fact the will look quite funny to you, and you won't feel uncomfortable about their presence anymore."

"Really?" she let out a soft giggling finding the whole thing incredulous. "Cant I just imagine they aren't there"

"Then what's the fun there?"He stared down at her.