And for the first time after meeting him, Madison saw his lips rise up resembling a smile but not quite it.

either way it was the first expression she had seen him make all night. "Well I supposed that if I saw all this nobles all dressed up in potatoes sacks and not their expensive clothing's it will make quite a view and paint a very funny picture.

"Yes and it always works. he told me that was the least advice he could offer because he actually imagined them in their underwear, but he doubted that will work for Me." he said it was such a straight face that she busted out laughing. "I supposed the whole aim, was for you to see that there is nothing scaring about them after all."

Nodding her head while still smiling she realized that the song was soon coming to an end. But she didn't want their conversation to be over yet.

she wished it could go on forever because she really wanted to know who he was, but she didn't know how to ask so she just shot the question right at him."Thank you for your words but I don't know who is giving them" she said with a polite smile

"I thought ladies ask for gentlemen names only after giving theirs" he looked down at her with mirth in his eyes, but she felt so embarrassed for her error of not knowing a thing as basic as that.

"Madison, Madison Salypse"

"Nice to meet you Madison."

she stared at him unblinkingly, expecting him to give his now "wont you tell me yours?"

"Well, I suppose I should but why don't I leave you guessing." the song soon came to an end and he bowed letting go of her hands "thank you for the dance" he led her back the wall with the beautiful painting before disappearing amidst the people present.

She couldn't believe him; he had left her to guess his name after she had told him hers without any hesitations. and how the hell was she even supposed to guess his name. He did look like a Michael to her or maybe brook.

But she found it quite odd of him to do that, as most men will have gladly given away their names enunciating their titles clearly.

But it didn't really matter to Madison whether he told her his name or not, his memory was enough for her to remember him. Moving to towards the exit of the hall she saw her companions already waiting for her.

"My God Madison, who were you dancing with just now?" Glenda pulled her as soon as she reached them and even Jen seemed eager to know.

"I have no idea"

"What do you mean; didn't you ask for his name?"

"I did but….

"he didn't tell you" Jen interrupted her with a smirk dancing on her lips "he must have danced with her only to save her the embarrassment of standing at the sideline all night, and that was why he didn't see the need to give out his name"jen said happily

"Jen" Glenda sent her a cold reprimanding look but she only shrugged her shoulders like she didn't say anything offensive, and the smile on Madison lips dimmed as she began to think that there was a possibility that what Jen said was true and that was why he left her guessing. He probably didn't want to have an encounter with her again so what was the need.

"Even thou he still asked her for a dance, and your just jealous because He was such a fine specimen of a man which all the ladies eyes in the room were literally glued to the whole time. he must have been from a noble family for him to be that popular" Glenda smiled at her and she returned it not wanting to seem rude.

"okay girls, let's go?" mademoiselle Salome approached the trio and together they all left the ball room back to their hotel suites, but regardless of what Jen had said Madison still felt glad that she had met the stranger whether he wanted to see her again or not.


The next morning they all went back to school, leaving London's gleam and glamour but Madison knew deep down that it won't be her last time there, she will come back one day in the future and she couldn't wait for it.

Upon their arrival in the school, the well greeted by all the girls as they formed clusters' around them asking them questions about London and the ball. And both Madison and Glenda left Jen to give her own exaggerated version as she didn't stop telling everyone she danced with a young viscount who was the most charming and handsome man in the room, but Madi knew deep down she had danced with the most charming and handsome man in the room.


It had been a week and half since Madison had returned back from London along with her entourage but she still remembered that day like it was yesterday.

At first she stayed up all night replaying their conversation that night in her head. she felt so silly for doing such that she soon started reprimanding herself to stop. Her thoughts often strayed to him when she was less busy or board so she always tried to keep her mind tasked with something to do.

She often went down to the library as she usually played chess with the Liberian. She simply loved chess and found the game enthralling so whenever she was less busy and all done with her school work she usually went there to have a game with the Liberian; Mr. Donald or simply to have a nice chat with him.

He was an old man in his fifties but his mind was still very sharp as she always had a hard time beating him. He had taught her the game so she had learnt everything she knew about the game from him, but she was also very clever and used his own tactics against him.

Staring at her chess pieces with deep concentration she moved her knight but immediately regretted the move, and Mr Donald had ceased the opportunity of her mistake and used it to beat her. Scrawling at him, she decided to observe first before moving rashly again.

"Madison" she heard a girl who was a year younger to her poke her head between the library door. "Yes?"

"The principal is asking for you."

Wondering what she did this time around she stood up but not before she noticed the frown on Mr. Donald face. He was like a guardian to her and the father she never had. He had taught her so many things be it ranging from politics to horse ridding, he was always there to be her mentor.

He was such a smart man that anytime she had a problem she would immediately seek his guidance. He often scolded her about getting into constant trouble saying she had a rebellious bone in that little body of hers, so she didn't want to face him without knowing what she did thus she quietly left the library without saying a word.