Chapter 7

Wake up birthday girl, happy birthday Demi, come let me pray for you. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed, Amen. Thank you sir. Now go and prepare for school. Dada dropped us off at school that day. I will be bringing gifts you would share in class. Okay Daddy, bye. 

  The time keeper rung the bell for the break period. I was in my class when a teacher came to me. Ademidun, the principal wants to see you now in his office. Okay ma. Getting to the principal's office, I saw my mum seated. Yes sir, this is my daughter. I went forward to hug her. Happy birthday dear. I baked you some pastries to share with your friends. I was shocked to see her in the school but I was happy. I had so many questions to ask her. We both went to the reception where she had kept the pastries and sat there talking for a while.

  I am so angry with you Demi, you did not for once call me. I did not have a phone, I used to borrow the nurse's phone to call you. I even called on your birthday. I replied. Except that day, you never called. I did mummy, I swear. Okay. Your Dad and I had a big fight that night and I had to travel out. But since I returned back, your Dad did not want me to see you guys, that is why I haven't been home in a while. But I'm back now. I knew there was more to that, I knew they were already planning to sign divorce papers,when I overheard my Dad and Mum Teni one time discussing about them going to court and he getting another Lawyer, because Mum Teni was also a lawyer. I was just glad to see her alive. I bought drinks too you could share with your teachers. I will have to go now because I wouldn't want your Dad to see me here. Okay bye-bye ma, I said hugging her before she left.

  Dada came to the school minutes after mum had left. As soon as he arrived, he noticed some pastries at the desk in the reception, although I had shared the pastries with my teachers in school with some help from my class mates, they were excited to help because that way, they could take as many pastries as they wanted for themselves, some even kept some for their siblings in the school. Wow, who is sharing birthday with my daughter, my Dad said jokingly, the new nurse and other teachers knew of the dispute between my parents, so they covered up for me, because they knew also that my Dad would be so upset to know my mum came to the school. I came to the reception after a teacher called to inform me of Dada's arrival. Daddy, I told you not to bring cake to school, I said as soon as I noticed the cake. I know but big mummy and mummy Teni both bought you cake for your birthday. Mummy Gbotemi also called to tell me she was bringing a cake she baked for you. I know you said you preferred cutting the cake in church, but I just taught I should bring this one atleast, so you could share the others in church. Dada brought some gifts too. That was one of the best birthdays I have ever had. My classmates were most happy for me.

  Getting home from school that day, I felt sad for not informing Dada about Mummy coming for my birthday but I did not want him to change our school again because of that. Demi I want you guys to change quickly, so we would go and greet big mummy and also thank her for the gifts she sent you. I shared birthday with my big mummy and Teni,Mummy Teni's son. I sat with Dada in the living room after changing, we were waiting for my brothers to change too. Every one wished you, some even sent gifts for your birthday Demi, except your mum. What type of mother is she! I don't know who neglects her child especially on her birthday. I felt really sad hearing those words from Dada so I had to tell him. Daddy, I need to tell you something. Earlier today, before you came with the gifts, mummy came to the school, she even came with pastries and drinks too. Dada gave me a cold look first, with a facial expression like I had seen a ghost. He did not say anything for a while at first. Why would you keep something like that away from me, Dada said his tone rising now. I will be going to your school to speak with the principal first thing in the morning! They acted so foolishly. How did they know she is your mother? They have never even seen her before. I told them Daddy, the principal asked me. Anybody can fake being your Mum, they acted so foolishly today, they should have called me to ask for my permission first, Dada said all furious. Dapo and Dolamu rushed out of their rooms after hearing Dada shout, we were all afraid. I took yourself and Dapo to the school, I paid the school fees, Dada said, emphasizing the I. I felt even worse for telling him. We went to big mummy's house later to thank her for the gifts, on our way home, Dada did not say a word to me because he was still furious.

  The next morning Dada, did not let us go with the school bus, he took us to school himself. After telling us to go to our various classes, myself and Dapo, Dada went straight to the principal's office. They argued for about an hour before Dada left the school. As a result of the argument, the school's proprietor, came to the school and had a meeting with all the staffs. We barely had classes that day because of that. The next week on assembly, the vice principal announced that the school had sacked the then principal and so he was the new principal. After the announcement, we all went to our various classes and I did not come out of my class, I kept to myself all the time and only went out when I heard the school bus horn, because I followed Liztol's school bus. I felt guilty for all that happened. 

  When we got home from school that day, Dada had not gotten home yet, so after eating, I went straight to sleep. Dada had gotten home by the time I was awake and he was busy on his laptop so I went to meet him. Daddy, I want to apologize for what happened in school the other day, I knew you were going to be angry that was why I had to tell you. Before I could complete my words, Dada cut me off. Demi, I just want you to be careful. I do not want her coming around you guys. If she truly loved you guys she wouldn't have left. I had a lot to say to him, but I just let him talk so not to upset him again. I think I will have to change your school again, Dada finally said. No please Daddy, we have been changing school and I'm tired of it. Besides I am already coping in this school unlike in Isoou, the boarding school. After several attempts to convince him not to change our school, he decided he was not going to change our school. Okay Demi, but when next she comes to the school, tell them to call me first, they have to call me first before they let you see her and I will have to discuss this with the school's proprietor. Thank you Daddy, I said and left the room.