Chapter 8

I was finally in ss3, I was elated to be completing secondary school. I was made head girl in school, it was really shocking because I opted for the post of health prefect but was elected head girl instead by the whole school. I became really close with Tayo Ajayi because we were the only girls in class, we were really close, we did most things together. Tayo was health prefect instead. We had our Jamb exam at the same centre, visited each other homes at several occasions and at some point planned to go to the same University. 

  Mum and Dad still had their ish. Dad was so mad at mum that even when she came back he did not want her around, he wanted to move on, so they dragged the case at court. Mum still visited us in school, but the school authorities would always inform Dad about her coming. The whole school knew about the issue including new students and it made me feel worse than before, much so that during breaks, I would leave the class real quick for some solace and also to avoid Tayo coming with me. My favourite spots in school were usually the school hall and sick bay. 

  The second week in school went smoothly. I and my classmates started to get along really well. We had extra classes particularly in subjects like Mathematics, English, Government, Civic and Catering Craft, to prepare for the senior waec examination and sometimes did not even go for breaks. I was in class when a student called me that my attention was urgently needed at the staff room. Few minutes later, Mr Dami came to call me himself, he took permission from the teacher in class for me to be excused from the class we had, then went back to the staff room. Mr Dami took senior school mathematics. Mr Dami was also favourite teacher of most students in the school. He took myself, Tayo and Dapo home lesson as well. Most times when he called to interrupt my classes, it was always to report about something Dapo did. What did Dapo do this time Mr Dami? I asked in a tone trying not to sound rude. I gave his class an assignment to do, but Dapo borrowed out his note to a new student. The problem is he did not do the assignment or make attempt to solve it out in another book, instead, the new student did the assignment for him and in his note for that matter. I just called you to report to you first before I report him to your Dad and as punishment, I will give him more assignments to solve during home lesson. I turned towards the new student, who already looked frustrated from all was going on, okay next time please do not help anyone with their assignments inside their school note, you can solve it in some other note. Then I went back to my class,when Mr Dami dismissed me. 

 Later that day during school close, while I was waiting for Liztol's school to come pick us, I felt someone behind me, turning back, I noticed the new student I had met earlier at the staff room. Hi! Sorry I did not get the chance to talk to you properly because of all that happened at the staff room. I am Nelson and I heard you are the head girl. Yes I am, I am Ademidun, I replied back. I wanted to talk to you too, hmmn, Mr Dami is usually not like that but because he also takes Dapo lessons, so he does not like it when we do not do our assignments ourselves. I have to leave now, the bus is here already, I added and left in a dash. The next day, we had a double period Mathematics class, the class after that was Biology class. I did not really like the subject but I enjoyed attending the classes because our Biology teacher was calm and really nice. Tayo and I walked together to the biology lab, on our way we met Nelson. Hi hmmn, he said trying to remember my name. Don't remind me. Ademidun, I said cutting him. My name is not that hard to remember. I know but I will try not to forget your name again. Hi Tayo, he said stretching his hands for a handshake. Hi Nelson, she smiled returning the handshake. We have a class now see you later, she said then we left for the class. 

 Nelson and I grew really close that he knew all my solace place in school. He too heard about my parents ish. He told me to try getting really close to my mum irrespective of what my Dad thought about it and how he and his mum were extremely close, what he would do to pacify her anger and all. Most people in school thought we were dating, although a relationship between us kicked after SS3. He would come over to my grandma's whenever we were at her place during weekends and I sometimes went to his house. The first time I visited at his place, I introduced myself to his mum as his school mum because I would teasingly call him my school son while in school till he asked me not to. 

  Senior waec examination soon began. My school acknowledged other schools SS3 students to write WAEC in the school. We started with English that week and we were to have Mathematics exam the week after. Dada dropped me off at school that day but he already informed me from home that Dapo and Dolamu would not be going to school that day because they were to appear before the court. Demi, we might get home really late today, but you don't worry, just prepare really well for your exams, okay bye. Later that evening, when Dada came home, I went on and on about the papers I had that day, I paused when I noticed Dapo and Dolamu were not with him. Daddy, where are the boys? I started to worry when I did not get any reply from him. He only sank into a chair in the living room. Daddy what happened, I asked moving closer to him. The judge ordered that they go with your Mum. Demi, do you know what, Dolamu did not even remember her, it had been so long. He kept shouting I do not know you, you are not my mum, until they carried him and took Dapo away in a car, he said, melancholically. There was heavy silence for a few minutes. Does it mean I will not be able to see Dapo and Dolamu again? Demi, I do not even know what to tell you, you would have also gone with her if not for your exams, she would have taken you all. But you are staying with me because the judge did not give her the right to take you with her, but I promise, my boys are coming back to me. Please try as much as possible not to allow this interfere with your exams, I will fix everything I promise, he said forcing out a smile.

 Throughout that week I would check Dapo's class to know if he was in school or not and during closing I still would not see him. We were almost done with WAEC Examination, I had French and Catering Craft exams left because my classmates dropped French in WAEC just like I later dropped Biology. But I was to have the exam in the following month. I went to school for French revision, my classmates were left with Catering Craft so they did not bother going to school. I would stay by myself in the school hall till Liztol's school came to pick me. One time when I sat alone in the school hall, bending my head over the table, I noticed a figure sitting next to me, looking up, I noticed it was nobody else but Nelson. Why do you like sitting by yourself? Are you fine, what's happening at home this time? He questioned. Nelson, the court ordered that Dapo and Dolamu stayed with my mum, while I stay with my Dad, I am sad because she might want to change their school or even worse travel out with them, then I might not see them again, before completing my words, he held my hands trying to calm me. That was not the first time he did that, one time when he came visiting at my grandma's, we sat together talking about family issues. When he asked about my parents and I told him they were always going to court and how I suspected they were planning to sign divorce papers. He replied with, you will be fine, everything will be fine holding my hands. 

 Have you seen Dapo in school lately? I asked. Yes, he still comes to school, I even saw him when he left school. I think your mum has a driver that comes pick him up. Wow, Dapo does not even come to see me, I responded. I will talk to him for you.