Chapter 12

I noticed the sudden change in Dada, he would drop us more at Mum's and when we asked his reasons why, he would tell us he had to check himself at the hospital that they had to run some tests on him and he would be there for days. He ate little and had lost so much weight. Different doctors kept bringing different sicknesses. One doctor ran some tests on him and said he had Pneumonia another said the test results were wrong. His cough had become worse that sometimes breathing properly seemed like a really tough thing to do, he started using Asthma inhaler too. 

   Mummy Teni came more often to the house and would take him to the hospital sometimes. At first, Dada did not want anyone to know the seriousness of his illness not even myself and my brothers, he stopped attending church services too. He did not want mum to know about his illness too. He warned my brothers and I not to let mum know about it. We spent more time with mummy and did not see him till he returned from the hospital. He did not show us the test results, he changed, he did not tell me things like he would normally do. Only Mum Teni knew what was going on with him. 

   Dada came back from the hospital one time and we went over to his. We spent about two weeks with him. Everything in the house changed. The doctor instructed him strictly not to take milk, sugar, honey, pepper. He could not stand strong smells, not even spray nor deodorants, it affected him. My uncle and aunts, Dad's siblings would come bringing foods and fruits for him. He spent so much on his health that he did not have much on him. I even started having disturbing dreams about him, going far away from him. I was so scared each time I woke up from a death dream about Dada. I told only Nelson these dreams and he would advise me to pray and give hope talks that Dada was going to be fine. 

  I phoned Mum one day, I felt sad that everyone knew something about Dada's illness and tried helping anyway they could, but she did not help in any way because she had no idea about his illness. I told her about how he had been going to hospitals for treatment and how his health made him financially unstable. I had to. I knew she would try to help in any way she could, irrespective of whether they were on good terms with each other or not. The next day, after church, Mum came to see Dada. She could not come in because there was a prayer section going on and she was afraid Dada won't let her partake in it. She brought so many food stuffs for him. I went out to meet her when she called me that she was outside, I tried letting her in, but I knew what I was getting myself into with Dada if I let Mum come in and I just wasn't prepared to face his wrath. 

  Mum phoned me to meet with her outside the house. I had to sneak out in between the prayer section that was on going to see her. On getting outside, mum came with some friends to join in the prayer. I had to persuade them not to come in. No problem, if you all don't want me in then we won't come in. I felt sad when she said this. I brought some food stuffs for him, like you asked me to. Dapo came out to see mum as well. So we both took the food items and beverages mum bought, through the back door, inside the house. 

  Getting to the kitchen, we met our aunt. Aunt Nike also came along with my paternal grandma for the prayer section held for Dada. I noticed you left quickly soon after Dapo left as well and I wondered what you both were doing that was so important. I told my mum about my dad's illness, so she came today and brought these foodstuffs. She noticed we had some food items with us. My mum wants to join the prayer section, she has some guests with her too, but I know my Dad won't like it if I let her in, I told her. Hmmn, what of these foodstuffs, what if your Dad asks where you got all these from what will you both tell him, I think you have to tell him about it. I will but not now, I will after the prayer. Alright, she turned to leave the kitchen, oo Demi, greet your Mum for me. We packed the foodstuffs in and kept them on the kitchen slab. Are you sure about all these because Daddy will be angry with you for telling Mum about his illness, Dapo said while we were packing in the items mum brought. Don't worry, I will tell him you do not know anything about it. After these, you should go back inside so he won't suspect anything for now. Okay I will. 

 When we were done packing, Dapo went back inside to join the prayer while I went outside to talk to Mum. Why didn't Dapo come back with you, and where is Dolamu, mum asked when I got out. Dapo had to go back inside so Dada won't get angry for us leaving the prayer section. Dolamu has to stay in too if not Dada would definitely suspect something. As soon as you both went in, I saw your grandma, she was standing right outside the door, mum said. Yes grandma is here as well I replied. I'm sure she would not want me in, the way she stood outside said it all. I'm sure it wasn't grandma you saw outside, it must have been someone else, other people are here for the prayer section as well, I replied trying not to get her upset. Aunt Nike is her. She said I should greet you. Alright, I would not want you not to partake in the prayer, I will leave now so you can go in. Okay mummy, thank you so much ma for the food items. We hugged each other for a while before she went in the car. 

 I stood and watched as the car zoomed off. I remembered then, a year before, when Mum had an accident which affected her ankle. Doctors kept transferring her from one hospital to another, giving her different drugs to take. She was in severe pains, at some point the leg stopped bleeding but the injury expanded and kept bringing out water. She could not walk properly, she had to use a walk stick. Federal schools were on strike then, so I decided to spend more time with Mum. I went with her one time to Lasuth for treatment, the doctors kept ignoring us, only one managed to spend few seconds to inspect the leg then jumped into conclusion that her leg needed to be amputated. God forbid, we both screamed out before the doctor left us like the others. 

  While Mum still tried to get a doctor to attend to her, my phone buzzled, I went out to answer the call when I saw it was Dada calling. 

I told him our situation at the hospital. Well I know some doctors in Lasuth that also know me too well, but I won't help her. Why, I questioned. Why should I, she doesn't deserve it. I tried persuading him to refer us to a doctor, but he still wouldn't listen. I called to check on you, because you haven't called or chatted with me throughout today and that is so unlike you. Dada and I were used to keeping in touch with each other. We either call or chat if we were not around each other. One more thing Demi, make sure you leave there latest at 5pm, if you have trouble getting a drive back home, phone me, I'll send someone to pick you up. Pick me up, what about mummy, we can't just leave her here, I replied. Well I have told you make sure you leave there early. We got home really late that day, at some point, I avoided Dada's calls till we got home.

  The point is, Dada refused to help mum when she needed him, even when he could have helped, but here she was, coming to help for his illness. Luckily, God healed her leg miraculously, she stopped going to hospitals for treatment, instead went to her church,the church gave her days to come and would clean the wound with antiseptic and anointing oil. She went to big Pharmacies for drug prescriptions for her leg too. The pain subsided eventually, but at the time she came to see Dada, she still needed aid with her walk stick .