Chapter 13

The stuffs mum brought for us were already properly packed in the kitchen, I went in through the back door to avoid drama from everyone in the house. On getting to the living room, I met Dada sited on a chair, he looked really furious too. The place was dead silent, even the pastor had stopped praying and it was like they were all waiting for me to come in.

  Where are you coming from? Dada questioned. I hmmn,she, mummy. Where are you coming from, answer me, his voice got a little louder now, but he still held his chest while talking and still carefully spoke his words, making gasping sounds. I told you I did not want her in my house again but you and your brother went behind me to invite her. It was my fault, Dapo did not know she was coming. I just wanted. Shut up! I told you not to inform her or anyone else about my illness. 

  The pastor once revealed to Dada and my grandma that Dada had offended someone who held a grudge against him, and he might not have necessarily done anything bad to the person, but the person felt that way. So he told Dada to apologize to everyone he might have offended in some way. I thought Dada would start from family and he and mum could talk things out, but I was wrong. 

  You did a very foolish thing today Demi. But the pastor said ...… I was just trying to help. You were being really foolish today, I don't want to hear anything from you again, just get out of my sight. I felt bad making him stressed, shouting at me but I was really angry with him because I did not see anything wrong in what I did. There was no much food in the house, Dada had stopped working, we went to mum's house more often and whenever we were at Dada's my uncle's, Aunts and my grandma would either cook or bring some food. I felt sad that everyone in the family was doing something to try to help with Dada's illness except Mum, because she knew nothing about it.

  The prayer section ended real quick, the pastors left later after eating. Grandma and Aunt Nike stayed a while before they left later in the evening. Dada was in the living room when I came so I went to speak with him to try make him understand why I let mum come. Firstly, those things she brought you'll be taking them to school so pack them all because I'm not going to be touching them and let this be the last time you invite anyone to my house without my consent. You did a really foolish thing.

 So I'm foolish, I'm foolish now because I let mum come. Dad hissed, instead of you to apologize for your foolishness, you're there asking me how foolish you are. Just make sure you pack those things, I want you to take them all to your room now! Did you hear me,right now! You'll also be taking them to your school. Did you hear me? Okay, I stormed out angrily. 

  The next day, some neighbours came to visit Dada, some brought some food items along with them. I was in my room all day and did not bother coming out except when I was called out. 

Whenever people came visiting, they prayed with Dada before they left. I sensed Dada got tired of the visits, sometimes he kept people waiting for minutes on purpose before coming out to see them, but anyone in his shoes would get tired of the usual sudden visits. 

  Mum Tenni and Mum Gbotemi came the day after, they bought some fruits to juice for Dada. I could hear them busy in the kitchen which was close to my room. There was a little silence then, before I heard a knock on my door. You can come in. It was Mum Gbotemi. Aunty Demi, how are you? Good afternoon ma, I'm fine ma. Why don't you come join us, why do you prefer hiding in your room. I'm not hiding, I just feel I might offend people with what I do now and I don't want to be foolish. What do you mean? I told her all that had happened the Sunday mum came to visit and how it made Dada angry.

  Aunty Demi, you just have to understand him and comply to what he wants and what he does not want. I know you meant no harm in what you did, but knowing that it would have offended your Dad, you just shouldn't have. Okay,next time. Better. We spent some time talking about other things like my school, the strike and hair products. Both the new hair products I bought weeks before mum's visit and my organic made guava shampoo and Chebe oil. Alright come out now and don't be like Gbotemi locking herself up in her room everyday, she had said jokingly before leaving.

  Memories of how I went to visit Nelson and his Mum popped in. I wanted to use the strike to spend some time with him as well. So I went to his place one time and that was the first time after Jupeb I went to his place. He mostly came over to Mum's. We spent a couple of hours together and then I left. The next day when I called him, he told me of how his Mum had called me irresponsible. That really messed with my day. Because we tell ourselves things, he told me how his mum once told him she would not let her son get married to a girl from a broken home. I was not really thinking of marriage with him but it still hurt me. I knew the attacks were because of my parents mostly.

  One time Dada told me how a church member had spoken to him about me. This your daughter ehn, she is a good girl, but it will be really difficult for her to get a husband, because no good mother would want to give her son consent to marry a girl from a broken home. Dada tried getting married other times but he did not because of us, because I rather be with my mum than a step mum. 

 I remembered times when Mum and Dada still communicated properly even after their divorce. I and my brothers could go to Mum's house one week and Dada's house the next, this kind of triggered them to talk together even though they mostly discussed about our schooling or whose house we would be visiting the next. One time Dada planned an outing with us all including Mum, we went to get pizza and some ice cream, they did not sit together, but it was really nice seeing them under the same building again.

   My birthday when Dada and I baked my cake together, we did a zebra crossing cake with my favourite flavours chocolate and vanilla. And on Dapo's birthday, Dada had initially refused to assist in baking his cake, because he went to visit Mum and decided to spend the week he was to visit Dada at Mum's. So he said he wasn't going to bake any cake for Dapo but I still insisted to bake him one. Dada kept coming to the kitchen to see if I was going to give up. You don't know how to cover a cake properly, no this is how it is done, he kept making corrections on the cake till he eventually ended up helping with icing the cake.  

  Getting out of my room, Mum Gbotemi and Dada were conversing in the living room. Dada looked like he was still angry over what happened the day before. I got something to eat in the kitchen then went straight to my room. Demi come here now! Dada called seconds after I went back to my room. Sir you called me. And did you answer me, no, she now does whatever she feels like. Go back to where you're coming from and reply me from there, shout I must hear you from here. But I'm here now and I answered you when you called daddy. I said go back to where you're coming from and reply me, he tried shouting back but was interrupted by a cough. I went back to my room and shouted in response then came back to where he was. Just get out of my sight, I don't want to see you, Dada had said. I sighed then left.

  Later that evening, Mum Gbotemi had gone back and Mum Tenni was asleep. I came out to the kitchen to see Dada sitting there. Good evening sir, I had greeted in a low tone, I got the water I came out for to turn back to my room. Demi, all this attitude because of your Mum, Dada had responded. I just want you both to settle, I don't like being looked at as the girl from a broken home by people. I wanted mum to do something too, everyone is trying to help in one way or the other except Mum, because she was not even aware of the illness and that is not how it's suppose to be. I told you not to inform your Mum about the illness, Dada replied. I just wanted to, Dad cut me off almost immediately. If I die you guys will suffer oo, I took care of you guys without her for close to five years, do you think it's easy, remember she left you guys, if I had not returned that night what would have happened to you, it was just you guys with Yetunde and Abayo alone. I do everything you want. Now you are taking her side and talking nonsense, I don't want to hear anything from you again. Just remember, I took care of you all, Dolamu was still even very young, I could have been the irresponsible father and left, but I didn't, I stood with you guys. Just go and think about it and get out.