Chapter 14

Those words broke me, all I wanted was for us to be one happy family again, why does Daddy talk in scary ways, what did he mean by we were going to suffer if he dies and why should he even talk about death, most people still survive worse illness than his so why is he giving up already and saying heart breaking sad things. I sat down on the cold floor in my bedroom with heavy eyes. I remembered what Nelson's mum had told him, I felt like a bad child like I was really foolish as Dada had called me the day of mum's visit. I felt like I was even irresponsible as his mum had called me, thought kept popping on my mind till I finally dozed off.

The next morning I woke up still sad from all the trauma but the last thing I wanted was to offend Dada, so I thought I should go see him to apologize for everything. I felt like I had no reason to apologize tho but I should atleast for mum's visit apologize for not informing him about it. No matter what I did to bring them both together I just make things worse so I should better still just accept being and being know as the girl from a broken home. I knocked on the door and slightly opened the door since no one responded. Dada was asleep on the bed, he looked like he was finding it difficult to sleep. He still breathe heavily even while asleep. Your Dad would have died yesterday night if I was not around and quick enough to catch him from rolling off the bed. Mum Tenni said coming out of the bathroom. The doctor strictly instructed he should not hit himself in anyway and it looked like he tried controlling himself from rolling off the bed but he could not. So I was there to help while you guys were busy sleeping in your rooms. Good morning ma, thank you so much ma for all you do, I said and went outside the room.

All these while I never liked Mum Tenni because I felt she was one of the reasons my parents would never agree to be together. Mum Tenni also helped me alot from my secondary school days, she sometimes helped me talk to Dada days he was being really difficult, but I thought to myself, my Mum would have been the one there with him at worse she would have called us all when it happened to be around Dada except of course if Dada had told her not to, but I was really grateful for her around. Dada needed her around. I tried cleaning the house and filling the flask with hot water for Dada then sat in the living room. Mum Tenni got out later to prepare pap for Dada. Let's go out to the market to get some food items Demi before your Dad wakes up. Okay ma, I'll just quickly get ready. I already woke my brothers and told them what Mum Tenni had told me, so they went to his room to stay with him. Mum Tenni drove us to the market, there was silence for a while before she broke the silence. You know something Demi, although your Dad asked me not to tell neither you nor your brothers but I have to just inform you. The other time you guys left for your mum's, I also had something to do at home, so your Dad was home alone with the dog, Resh. He said he had already looked up the doors that night when he slumped and became unconscious. If it hadn't been for Mum Gbotemi and Dad Gbotemi that decided to stop by at his place, he would have died that day. So they broke the locks since they tried knocking and calling him severally but he there was no reply from him, so when he told you guys that he was at the hospital for treatment he was actually at their place but still went to the hospital from there.

I know your Dad can be a pain in the neck sometimes, I've known him longer than you, but I want you to know he loves you all. He doesn't want you all to know all these so you won't worry much, but he really cares about you. He came back here so you all could spend sometime together, but he still has to go there to receive treatment because he is not getting any better here and there we can all contribute in helping him get better because you guys are still kids, you can't understand somethings and he won't want to trouble you. Thank you so much ma was all I could say. I had alot to say but I did not, I felt really bad, really scared that something bad was going to happen to Dada, I had started having bad dreams too. That I was going to be separated from Dada, that I was going to be separated from Nelson, but I did not want to loose Dada.

I want you to say something Demi, you have been really quiet. He told me he was going to get a help to assist him at home, I wanted to stay with him at his place but he refused and promised us he was going to get someone. He did not tell me about this, no one did and I would not have known if you had not told me. We later got some fruits from the market and headed straight home.

I sat really close to Dada in the living room when we got back. He was awake already and had taken the pap Mum Tenni made before we left. I had so much to say to him but I just kept steering at him. Demi please help me tidy up this place and wash the plates Dada had said definitely to stop my steering at him. You did a great job tidying up the house all by yourself self, that's really good of you. How did you know I was the one that cleaned everywhere? I questioned. I just know. When I came back from the kitchen I went to meet him, this time he sat outside, on the swing we made under the mango tree. Daddy, I'm sorry for not informing you about mum's visit, I just wanted, I paused before repeating I'm sorry. What you did was really senseless but it's alright, Dada replied. So why did you come outside,I asked him. Because Mum Tenni used the air freshener but it's started to affect me, so I came out for fresh air.

Silence sat in our midst for a while again before Dada finally broke it. I want you and your brothers to go to your mum's this weekend again. But why, let's spend sometime with you, I replied. You will just be spending two weeks with her while I go for the final surgery and when you get back you'll spend two months with me. I guessed he might as well leave for Mum Gbotemi's for his medical visits so I did not want to argue with him. Everything will be better as they were when I get back.

Everything will be as good as they were when I get back, we will be one happy family again Dada had replied to me telling him how I felt scared about him leaving for the hospital. He still did not want Mum around him so what did he even mean by that? My definition of one happy family includes Mum as we were before the divorce.  Mum Tenni drove us to mum's that evening. You should have just let them take a bike or something so we won't get to the hospital late because we are driving far.

   Mum Tenni had said, but  Dada refused. It is quite late, I can't let the three of them go there this late, it is risky. There was news of some people who took bike, were kidnapped and used for rituals. When we got to mum's, for some reasons I did not want Dada to leave, I wanted to go with him. I had asked earlier if I could go with him to the hospital while my brothers stayed with Mum but Dada refused. I want you and your brothers to always be together he had replied. I kept starring at him while my brothers hugged him. Please take care of yourself and get better soon I finally said. Dada smiled back. I will, you guys be good too. Mum Tenni was already angry we spent too much time and kept yearning about traffic pilling up the road. Oya oya oya oya oo, she kept saying till she finally zoomed off.