The battle against the chimera was hard fought and though they had managed to win in the end it came at a great cost for one of their members,
Tony the defender of the party had his arm torn off and while they were performing what life-saving measures they could by wrapping his wound up in bandages it did nothing more than stop the bleeding.
"If only..."
grief had taken hold of him as he saw for the first time the horrors of combat up close as his friend was maimed before him, thoughts about how if only he was as powerful as his in-game avatar he'd be able to fix this in no problem, no far from that here have been so powerful the chimera would've died from a mere flick of his finger.
As he drew his eyes up from his wounded friend a flash of inspiration jolted through his mind.
"Get him and his arm into the wagon, we'll be back in a bit"
without waiting for a reply Satou and Kurama who chased after him rocketed away from the party and dove recklessly into the forest.
"Kurama I need plants, lots of plants"
[Summon E-Rank Grass x25]
[Summon F-Rank Bird x 56]
"Fan out! and bring back all the herbs you can find!"
Having made his wishes known his small army of summoned creatures took off racing through the forest to fulfil his command.
At the same time he activated his inventory and pulled out a workbench strewn atop it was all manner of glasswork one would most find in a chemistry lab.
[My level is just too low, but if I can increase that level I can craft something that can fix this, he can be healed I just hope this forest has enough bounty to allow my profession to level up enough]
His mind racing and he began the process of grinding down the materials contained within his storage into various poultices and powders before mixing them in with other reagents working furiously all the while churning out potion after potion within his menu of recipes he'd already learnt leaving it up to the system itself to grind his exp 1 point at a time, while he chased after new recipes that would reward him with an exp bonus for their discovery.
As he worked his summons returned one by one delivering what they came across which was instantly added to the pile of to-be-processed goods before once again setting out into the forest's depth to continue reaping this unspoiled nature's beauty.
The hours passed as the sun and moons wheeled overhead, not once did he cease his endeavours to achieve his goal.
Until at last he stopped only to notice he had no supplies left to work with in his inventory, and all his summons had remained standing in a semi-circle looking up at him.
"So that's it, this is as far as I can go"
with a sigh escaping his lips.
In the hours he'd spent within this forest his nearly 100 summons had combed it depths and pillaged every single thing he could use to create the now over ten thousand different potions within his inventory.
[What am I missing? I've created all sorts of potions with the harvested materials but none of them even come close to my desired intent, my alchemy levels even risen as well so their more effective but still just what could be the missing key?]
Seeming to see the turmoil he was going through inside his mind Kurama puffed up his cheeks before exhausting her breath out producing just the tiniest fireball as if she we trying to be a dragon.
"That's it!!!" Kurama you're a genius, when we get to the city I'm going to spoil you so rotten your teeth'le fallout!!"
As he said this Kurama recoiled while holding on to her mouth a bit in fear she would actually lose her teeth all the while her master once again got to work on his alchemy bench, but this time rather than working once creating potions with materials he pulled a collection of potions out and began mixing them all the while beads of sweat poured from his forehead.
Inside, it felt like his mind was both racing at 100 miles an hour and getting into a car crash all at the same time.
At this moment on top of trying a theory of mixing his potions together to enhance their effect, he was also moving his mana around his body in an attempt to expel the controlled mana from his hands attempting to impart that same mana into the very potions themselves.
While his new round of experimentation was going on Kurama not being able to help any began to play around with the new summons, he'd yet to really catalogue all his skill summons as he more commonly was found using up his cards to summon monsters.
The F rank birds her the size of storks from his life and worked in tandem with the grass summons that looked a bit like a monster from a famous Japanese game, it's body made almost entirely out of vines which it could manipulate at will resulting in a creature with dozen of appendages allowing to go absolutely wild whilst harvesting filling the bird's bills up to the bring before they took off back to their summoner working like a quarry and it's lorry trucks to feed the materials back in the most efficient way possible.
Time continued to pass as the light which was once high in the sky had started to fade as night started to creep into the sky however his task was completed, he'd achieved it, though the forests depth may be darkened and the sun's light fading here Satou stood with a potion bottle atop his workbench that was glowing as if filled with a phosporescent substance one could use as a night light.
"Thank you all for you're help!"
Giving those who'd helped him a round of thanks before dismissing them, he turned to Kurama who had begun to pout that her new friends had gone away.
"We'd best be getting back, who knows if they actually stayed there or not"