Chapter 3 - Section 6: Elixer!?

Having spent a half day secluded within the forest Satou and Kurama quickly packed their things up before Kurama led the way back the way they came, she was her master's faithful scout, sniffing the air now and then as they ran back towards the companions they'd left behind and most importantly with the means in hand to save the life of one of their very dear friends.

Night had almost fallen entirely as the last vestiges of light escaped from over the forest top when Satou had re-emerged into the plains where they had that very same day slain the Chimera, except when they returned all that remained was the dried pool of the creatures blood and the splashed of tony's red dried blood in contrast against the monsters black blood.

"So they moved away, clever other monsters would be attracted to the scent of blood"

"Master! This way!"

With her tugging on his sleeve she took off once again, and after a few more minutes of running they came across the caravan they were to be guarding they'd formed up into a ring providing a defensive formation to protect the merchants in the centre while also hiding the light of the fire used to provide warmth and cook their rations.

After approaching close enough both stopped and raised their arms into the air as the distinctive sound of a bow creaking could be heard in the cool night air.

"Whose there!"

"It's Satou, guard for this caravan I'm back with medicine for the injured guard"

As they remained standing with hands above their heads conversations were being held in the distance as the sentry reported their appearance and alerted the other guards who weren't on duty or were resting.

"Bout time you showed up you bastards!"

Larr's charged out from behind the wagon wall and just about tackled Satou into the ground, Kurama meanwhile was pounding her tiny fists against the leg of the man who'd just assaulted her master.

Stumbling back a few steps just barely managing to remain standing Satou was floored, it'd been a long time since a man had hugged him, and here was Larr's doing so while crying like he was a little baby, teas and snot streaming down his face.

"Dude gross, get off of me you're ruining my cloak"

Aiding Kurama in her effort to peel this sobbing hulk of a man of himself they finally managed to get separated while Larr was still bawling, even after they made their way into the caravan circle.

Once within they could see a divide there was the group actively cooking, the group who was already sleeping so as to wake up for the next watch shift to protect the caravan overnight, and lastly, there was the group who was huddled around one wagon in particular.

This was the wagon they headed for as well, pushing through the onlookers and even extricating those sitting by the makeshift bedside.


Receiving more than a few words of surprise for his actions but there wasn't any more time to waste.

"Where's his arm"

"You know where that damned beast tore it off!"

"No, I don't mean that I mean literally where is that arm!"

"What well it's in that box over there"

The onlookers were all gawking at this 

But he didn't have time for it, from the minute she pointed to the box Kurama had manoeuvered around and raided the box bringing the dismembered arm till it was resting alongside the rest of his body.

"This is going to hurt"

Without another word said he pulled a dagger from his inventory and began to flens the roughly bandaged wound on Tony's arm cutting open the wound that had already started to mend with clotting.

The pain caused from this caused his body to thrash around.

"Hold him down!"

Not stopping his hands his voice resounded in an authoritative shout and those around didn't hesitate and all piled on to hold him as still as possible.

Fresh blood started to spill from his shoulder as the wound was re-opened, blood pooling into the bedding 

Once the wound had been fully opened the color from his face had started to fade as he got paler and paler.

This's gotta be quick

Lining up the cut-off limb with the newly reopened wound, while taking a specific potion vial out of his inventory.

The very vial glowed in his hands as if its contents possessed pure starlight itself.

Popping the cork of the bottle and carefully dribbling the solution onto the two halves a sizzling sound rang through the air as you could visibly see the skin reconnecting to one another.

"Ok now the tricky bit, we need him to drink the remainder but he's unconscious so..."

He was saying so as he held half the potion contents within the vial as he posed this question towards the surrounding helpers and his party mates.

Roseanne instantly flushed and stared at the floor for was he was suggesting

"I... I can do it! Wait Hey!"

Just as Quinella while likewise totally red in the face was about to volunteer herself to do the deed the vial was snatched from Satou's hand before being downed entirely by the thief who then knelt next to Tony, grabbed his head with both hands and forced his mouth open before sealing it with their own.

A moment of utter silence fell across the scene as everyone present just took in what had just occurred until

*Cough Cough Cough*


the body of Larr was sent flying only to be chased right after by Roseanne, and Quinella in hot pursuit looking to get their own blows in on the scoundrel.

"Good to see you back amongst the living Tony"

Not bothering to answer but instead looked on in shock as he could see that the arm he'd just punched Larr with was in fact the limb he remembered losing to the Chimera but now it was back and he could move every part of it and even feel when it touched things.

This was troubling for him so much so that he passed out shortly after.

His mind being overwhelmed by the return of his arm but also the passionate embrace of another man he found himself waking up to.