The gathered crowd had dispersed since the patient needed his rest, so instead they'd started to gather around the cowering figure of Larr who was still receiving his justified punishment from his parties fair beauties who were beyond angered at his stealing of the march on them even if it was only to save his friend's life without any romance involved what so ever.
Unable to atone any other way he just remained on the ground protecting himself as best he could while the girl continued to beat him mercilessly.
Having accepted that he deserved his fate Satou collapsed onto a seat in front of the flames watching over the encounter in the corner of his eye as he and Kurama finally distressed for the first time since the Chimera encounter.
The two sat there alternating gazes between the ongoing fight and the flames of the fire in front of them.
All the while drawing mouthfuls of their own rations that had been warmed up over this fire into their mouths.
The warmth entered their bodies quickly chasing away the chill of night that had started to settle on them.
Not fantastic but decent enough for food cooked up on the road without access to a system such as his own.
Time passed and most of the camp was now going about their duties either returning to sentry, going to sleep, or milling around waiting for the change of shifts.
Having vented their maiden fury enough the girls had retired into the wagon and taken rest near Tony who was still out from earlier resting to recover from the second round of bloodless in one day.
Larr on the other hand having been freed from his punishment had managed to make his way over to the fireside, still rubbing his new bruises the girls had been kind enough to gift him for his faux pas.
"Back among the living are ya?"
"Not cool leaving me to their fury's"
"Shouldn't have soiled my cloak then!"
"Well that's your fault for running off on your own again especially right after a big fight like that we assumed that you'd gone off and run into another one of those beasts and died a pointless death"
"We went to get help for Tony!"
"Well we know that now but I mean you could've spent even just a few moments telling us that before running off you know, especially if you were going to be gone all day"
"Didn't know we'd be gone that long honestly"
"Not our fault"
His excuse with her remark piled on made Larr crack a bit of a smile.
"Well guess in the ends it doesn't matter since you're both back, and with a cure and all, can't thank you enough for that even if it did land me in my own world of hurt"
"That was your own fault, after all from what I saw one or possibly even both of those girls have a thing for him, and you stole their chance of a first kiss, and better yet one that could save his life."
"Trust me I'm well aware of that now, I just wanted to save my friend"
"Well you certainly did that, though once he finds out pretty sure you should prepare yourself for another beating beyond the one blow he landed on you before."
"So you going to explain just what it was you did?"
"Used a potion to restore his arm?"
"I got that bit, but where around here would you gain access to a lesser elixer like that?"
"Elixer? No that was just a specialized healing potion, after all don't elixers regrow lost limbs not re-attach lopped off ones?"
"Well that's... true? but I don't think I've ever heard of a potion other than an elixir that can do what you just did"
Their discussion lasted for a while longer before the pair elected to retire.
The morning came in what felt like no time at all, and they set off on their way, due to still recovering Tony got a free pass to ride in the carriage without having to resume his guard duties meanwhile Quinella whenever possible sat at his bedside nursing him, while Roseanne had returned to normal but every so often would cast a glare in Larr's direction.
But life as a guard had returned to normal so he sat atop one of the carriages as a lookout while Kurama rested her head in his lap accepting the pets he bestowed upon her.
Inside his mind Satou was grinning from ear to ear, as everyone had agreed that the entire corpse of the Chimera was his, since they were the most involved in the fight and even the portion owed to the Marked Wolves was paid to him in trade for the potion used to fix up Tony.
Course this was debated heavily over breakfast since the worth seemed to overblown from Satou's end but in the end he relented and accepted, now the corpse was sitting in his inventory a button press away from being converted but he held off since the merchants in the caravan had already informed him just how much a beast like this could be sold off for in the capital, the future assets offsetting the ability to convert it to quick cash via his system.
And so onward their journey continued ever further towards the capital with an anticipated reunion with Heracles and the rest of their friends.
Satou (Kokei) Ekiken Age: 27
Race: Human Level: 42/45 +2 (Lvl: 102) +2 Class: Warlock summons 83 max +2
Title: From Another World, Dungeon Conqueror (54-Pale Grotto), Dungeon Master (54)
Health C Mana B
Strength D Dexterity E
Vitality D Intelligence B
Agility C
Unique Skill: Gamer [Yggdrasill] - DLC:
Minion Control (1)
Magic Hand (2), Fire Magic (1), Lightning Magic (1), Dark Magic (3), Light Magic (4) +1, Deception (2) +1, Mana Sense (4) +2, Mana Manipulation (6) +2, Mana Vision (5) +1
Summon (4)
Beast DEFG
Insect DEFG
Bird DEF
Grass DE
Stone D
Alchemy (6) +2, Blacksmithing (2), Cooking, (2), First Aid (5) +1, Herbalism (2), Leatherworking (2), Mining (1), Scavenging (7) +3, Skinning (4), Tailoring (2), Treasure Hunting (2)