Chapter 3 - Interlude I: Last of the Heroes

Earth, what a boring planet all the fun has died out centuries ago, nowadays even if you wanted some action it would take place hundred of yards away when you shot a bullet from the barrel of a gun.

What a life times were back when we still fought with swords and shields, to bad i cannot go get abducted or summoned to a world like that.

Oh well, guess I'll just do the next best thing and play a game that lets me live that way vicariously.

Going over to his desk and pulling up a browser and going to a search engine, typing in the keywords Swords, Magic, RPG and looking at the hundreds of millions of results.

Clicking on the first couple before backing up pages to get back to the search results.

Played all those ones before, i want something new this time

Now this one is new

Having clicked on the link to yet another result he was taken to a webpage that played a simple 30 second video detailing the basics behind the game, all the while he prayed for a skip button to take him into the interface so that he could start creating his character already.

Ok so lets see looks like I'm stuck as a human and huh that's strange it's even setting it the character to have my own age, well whatever.

If that's the case ill make the avatar look exactly like me then, next up attribute roll huh, well it is an RPG but man this concept is so dated this must be an indie classic or something to have been so far up the results listing.

Attribute 21

Without opting to choose either of the selections instead seeing what could be done with the roll he'd gotten, there were 6 attributes to adjust by a point system all of them starting at 10, and the roll being the spare points to which he could increase the others.

Without hesitating he moved the cursor over to the re-roll and clicked, and rapidly at that finger rolling as the number hasitly changed.

22 - 34 - 07 -12 - 32 ...

Carrying on like this for almost an hour until finally


Attribute 99

The goal was achieved through sheer will and perseverance he could overcome hurdles and play the game on easy mode, especially since like all things this was likely a Pay to win type game but with an boost he could enjoy the game for longer till he encountered the wall that would make him quick rather than actually spend money on the game itself.

Ok let's see what's next

Ok so same thing as last time but this time rolling for skills or skillpoints?

clicking the mouse once and seeing the produced results

Bah bad roll, lets try again

And just as before he started to pound on the reroll button, sometimes getting high skill points but with a garbage skill, other times a great sounding skill but almost no points.

This went on for hours until finally

Yes, another 99!

His perseverance paid off once again

now he'd have the ultimate start build a character that had the maximum possible starting attribute bonus and the maximum starting skill points bonus.

All that remains is the actual distribution of points, but try as he might he could find no other website referencing this one or it's game so he was at a loss for how to build his character.

It's got a system of magic, but primarily focuses on that or close-quarters combat, and if that's the case it'd rather be set to play a vanguard attacker than be someone who just stands there firing off attacks from afar.

After finally deciding on his assignment he began to pour through the skill list, not every skill was choosable, either because it cost too many skill points like dimension slash costing a whopping 10000 points, or because they were derived from other skills since they couldn't be selected at all not even to see their cost.

Some skills were available multiple times for different costs, such as herbal appraisal, mineral appraisal, as well as just appraisal.

As where the specific ones cost a single point to gain appraisal on its own cost 30 points to obtain even at level 1, and to get it to go to level 2 would use up almost all of his points.

continuing to scroll through he noticed skills that would be useless in a game such as napping, and walking, even found an entire section dedicated to ero-based skills but opted to choose those if the game had a decent enough 18+ environment after he started playing.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________Race: Human (Male)

Strength (35) Agility (25) Vitality (30)

Magic (14) Dexterity (25) Luck (30)


[Premonition Lvl 1] [ Increase Experience Lvl 2] [ Description Lvl 1] [ Job change Lvl 1] [ Skill Copy Lvl 1] [Skill Reset Lvl 1]


Having built his character around adaptability mainly since he had no idea just what kind of a game he was getting into so for security's sake best to have a backdoor policy to allow him to correct any flaws in his build without needing to start the game over from the beginning, such as Job Change, and Skill Reset, next of course the cheat sounding skill of Skill copy even though it was worrying to only be Level 1 and cost a pretty penny while it was at it.

But having hit the submit button his vision faded and he collapsed onto his keyboard never to wake again... at least not on Earth.