The night having blown by in what felt like an instant Satou awoke feeling refreshed as he finally had plans wherein which to save his NPC companion and his followers.
After gently waking up Kurama who was still sleeping soundly even with the first rays of light settling on her eyelids, the pair made their way down into the bar only to be greeted by Heracles who offered them food, which the two accepted and a new round of discussions was held whilst they ate.
"So I have a plan, but there are some things that I'll need"
"So soon? no, it's expected of Master, whatever you need we shall acquire it for you"
"No need to go overboard, but well firstly is time, we need a bit more time for my plan to come through at most a month, can we safely avoid the eradication for that long?"
"I can't guarantee that every one of us will make it but we can surely safeguard those we can"
"Good, then secondly every Hellenic who wishes to survive must be ready to leave the city and don't worry there will be a safe place for them to migrate to, and lastly I need a way to get myself out of the city to set the wheels in motion, but thanks to yesterday they are already looking for me, and I'd rather not change my appearance again if I can help it"
"It shall be done, we've got a method of escaping the city using the same system of tunnels you used when coming here, as for getting them to agree to move well that will be up to the individual since I shant force anyone to leave but given the alternative, I can't see many objecting"
with that business out of the way early, Satou prepared for the second stage of his plan, using the coinage he had on him, and the funds Heracles had scraped together he entered his skill store and provided the Hellenic resistance with equipment that they could use to avoid detection and surreptitiously surveil their opponents.
Having struck out on their individual missions, Satou took Kurama and once more used a Stone summon to open the floor and descent into the sewer system.
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The Lord Seer arrived yesterday and after learning the remainder of our plight from the Magistrate he provided us with the means to fight back, but how magnanimous he was to state we should not do anything that would risk our lives.
I joined Master Heracles in his vision for a better life, serving gods who actively took part in the world and its inhabitant's affairs, unlike those silent gods from the Goddess church.
But the church fears the loss of the powers it's spent hundreds of years accumulating against the rising of a new faith with powerful backers.
The new equipment we received from the seer allowed us to move undiscovered even in daylight, tailing knight targets and members of the clergy to discover what new heinous acts they were plotting against our brothers and sisters in faith.
When it's all over we'll have a new home to live freely, but I hope the seer will also deliver god's wrath upon these foolish people who dare mess with their beliefs.
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I'm so glad Master is back and was already working on how to solve his stupid follower's problems before I could even ask for help myself.
In just a matter of hours he'd armed my forces, and come up with a series of plans to reduce the church's authority and evacuate the faithful to a new home where they could live in peace.
I need to work just as hard to deserve the right to be called one of my Master's followers, and once we've sorted this mess out I can finally head out to find Lady Raisa and Miss Prim to let them know Lord Satou has returned, it's the least I can do but to let her take her wrath out on me before she finally see milord in an attempt to calm her down.
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Master took me to a really smelly place yesterday that was full of lil squishy's but he raced through them like he was a horse running through the grass.
Kurama was happy she got to hug Master for a long time because he didn't want her to have to soil her fur in the dirty water.
After we got out of the smelly place we found Uncle Herc, he looked a lot older than when we last saw him, lost of new lines on his face, but Master seemed to know why and they spoke a lot while we ate.
The food was delicious and by the end of the meal Uncles face had almost returned to normal, Master's amazing being able to make someone young again!
When Kurama grows up more she's gonna be with Master forever!
I fell asleep on Masters lap, how embarrassing I drooled on his pants, but Master didn't notice phew,
Once we'd said hello to Uncle again they began talking more, from what Kurama heard bad people have been bullying Uncle and his friends and Master is gonna help put a stop to it.
Kurama will do her best, she'll stop the big meanies who make Uncle sad.
Ewww, after we ate master let us ride on his back again which was great but we once again entered the super smelly dungeon which tries to burn our nose off.
Master ran for only a little bit before we could see light again, and he jump like really far until we landed in a green field looking back I could see the town we'd just been in.
Are we going somewhere?
Master put me down before starting to call up some new friends, more greenies and piggies started to appear all over Master is amazing to have so many friends!
Surely we can help Uncle and his friends with the power of all of our friends.