Chapter 4 - Section 5.5: ??? POV

"Knight Commander so good to see you, how has the hunt for the heretics been going?"

"Not so great as of later your eminence as my men seem to have done their jobs too well in that there are hardly any left if any at all still within the walls of the capital"

"Very good, please share my gratitude with your men, and of course don't forget to take my gift with you when you are set to depart"

The man was dressed in overly abundant shining white robes lined with gold and gems, sitting atop a throne of gold, and a golden sceptre in hand.

If an earthing saw this scene they'd certainly think this man was the abattoir of god, head of a powerful faith where all the donations flowed into his pockets, this man was the Pontifex or Pope of his particular country faith the ruler of the powers of the god's powers on Terra at least within the borders of his nation.

Any affront to this power was an insult to the man, who stamped out any non-believers or those who came from other lands with new faiths that would attempt to limit his power.

"Good good good, the gods are pleased with your progress, once the capitals knight order has finished its task we'll send you out to lead the other knight orders in the determination of this new growing menace before it can fracture our nation's peace and prosperity."

"It will be done my lord eminence"

With nothing left to say the knight commander bowed his head before walking to the chest filled with gold and gems, the pontifex had pointed to earlier before taking his leave from the chambers.

"These vile Hellenics, how dare they try to poach the faithful from my domain, they'll all pay and when I get my hands on the one they call their magistrate I'll make sure to enact Gods wrath through man's hands upon him for days on end until he repents his sins and confesses before the almighty gods and the people whom he sought to mislead"

The pope continued to talk to himself fantasizing about his upcoming victory and return to a life where none challenged his authority completely unaware that he was being watched by a Hellenic agent garbed in gear provided by satou who'd spied upon the meeting of two of the most powerful persons within the city.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's about time some strife hit my people, I was starting to think I'd need to declare war on another country or something, can't let my people get soft after all, we need to be strong, and keep getting stronger.

Those stuffed shirts in the church are finally getting off their backsides and moving for the first time in ages, sure they're using my knights to do it, but maybe now they'll realize the church should have its own militant wing, a religious combat order or something, then once they get cocky enough to think their own power rivals my own.


Slamming his hand down on the table

"I'll be sending them all packing with my own elite forces, showing them just who is really in charge down here on the ground"

"Your Majesty"

"mmmm What?"

Cracking only a single eye open from his fantastical musings to reply to the butler who'd interrupted him.

"A meeting has been called by the surrounding nations and they demand your participation as the Monarch of Joquet with regards to the Kingdom crisis that is still going on."

"Ragh fine fine fine, I'll set out in a bit, guess I'll have to settle for watching a battle of words rather than a battle in my own cities streets for now"

Begrudgingly getting up from his seat and heading off to get changed to then go forth to the summons requesting the presence of all the leaders of the nations that border the Kingdom which had fallen into ruin since the summonsed heroes had fractured the nation and made it descend into civil war.