Chapter 5 - Section 6: Clash of Darkness and Light

As we waited for someone from the popes brigade to locate us I took a seat atop the gaudy throne which was not much more than a fancy chair to me.

Worse still it was positioned at the feet of a giant statue whose figure pointed its cupped hands down towards this throne giving one an impression that if this statue was really a god's representation that they were acknowledging whomever sat here to be their chosen and one who could act on their behalf.

But as I sat there I kept having to shift around.

[Seriously who makes a solid metal chair just where is the padding this things so uncomfortable here]

Finally, someone arrived, an old man dressed as if gold was a common metal, whose hands were clasped on a staff that would remind someone of the papal staff from Earth but even more ostentatious

"Just what the hell do you think you are doing?"

The old man's voice was clearly filled with rage.

[Guess that makes this pain in my ass this geezer throne huh?]

Veins appeared on his head as his face flushed when I didn't respond but instead just continued to stare back at him without budging from his special seat.

He started raging right there in the middle of the room, calling me a heretic, amonst other things.

Man for an old man did his sanity snap or something cause he's throwing a freaking tantrum like he was really just a little kid who was upset someone else was playing with their toys.

A few minutes passed and the old man's raging finally came to an end, not because he'd said his piece but instead cause his shoulders were heaving as he was breathing deeply.

"Ready to talk?"

Mildly provoking him but honestly asking so, these words slipped from his mouth as he tilted his head, his face still shrouded in the darkness of his skill.

"You brat, talk... talk you want to talk with the high exalted eminence the highest spiritual authority in the world?"

[Well he's high on himself, I guess that's to be expected, however]

"I came to discuss this city's current state unless you mightiness has not seen what's been happening outside from high atop his lofty tower as he throws sweet nothings into the clouds"

Once again provoking this old man into anger to further destabilize his mind, this was a method I read about to get what you want by making the enemy not be able to see straight resulting in you being able to take advantage of them and earning even greater rewards in the process.

"You... you... how dare you mock my love and devotion for the goddess!"

[Ugh this is just wrong it's like watching a geezer defend his love of loli's to a teen's face and he's not even ashamed of it]

"Goddess, Spirit whatever, your gods are not of my concern I come under the banner of another"

"So.. this is it then, you're the apostle of those heretic gods come to save what's left of your people are you?"

The old man seemed to calm down In a flash ending his taunt with a sneer

"My purpose in being here is to solve all of our problems, you want the Herectics as you call them gone, well we want nothing more than to leave a kingdom ruled over by a religious tyrant who's so afraid of other gods than the ones he himself knows of. So we propose just that. We the Hellenics will leave the kingdom for good, those who choose to remain rather than leave you may do with as you please since they have ignored God's words, but should you follow after to continue your inquisition I say this now but no power of men can resist the power of the gods, be they yours or ours"

"Tch you think we'll just let your lot leave, after all the suffering they've done to the city?"

"You mean the suffering you've caused to the people, the god's wrath only occurred in direct response to your insane desire to eradicate the Hellenics by force, if you managed to convert them back to the goddess using peaceful means they would not care, but since you chose to main and slaughter them, the Hellenic gods will not stand idly by."

As he shifted in the chair due to the pain it was causing, a sliver of his mouth became visible from his shadow cover, though he was just grimacing, the pope on the other hand viewed this malicious smile differently as if this apostle was revelling in the fact that he could cause such calamity to befall upon the goddess's believers.

"You delight in knowing your gods intervene, thinking the goddess and the others care not for this world? You are sorely mistaken brat, our gods have been around for millennia nothing can stop their power!"

Having taken his staff up in both hands and raising it above his head, before chanting something in a garbled language.

Once finished he slammed the staff down into the floor of the cathedrals audience chamber.

Upon contact a golden radience eminated from the staff spreading out as if it was a barrier of purifying light.

[Hmm could be troublesome, it looks to be light magic so i should do this]

[Triple Maximize Magic: Darkness Wave]

Using the strongest form of casting he committed 5x the amount of MP to cast darkness wave to instead cause an enhancing effect on his dark magic spell.

And from atop the heavens throne, a tsunami of pitch black darkness erupted like a wave of tar colliding with the oncoming blast of the pope's own light attack.

As the two clashed rather than either being pushed back the light stopped expanding in Satou's direction, while the darkness wave continued on spreading over the circumference of the barrier dome, until it was fully enveloped.

The pope was now still safe within the barrier, but having seen his grand magic halted in it's place caused his pride to falter slightly.

Both spells ended and the stalemate continued, but the pope was more disturbed as he kept muttering thing just out of satou's ability to hear but he swore he heard the mention of something sacred?

"What is your answer Pope of the goddess, Let my people go? or will you wage war upon the very heavens themselves?"


Without hesitating the pope raise the alarm and by doing so chose the second of the two presented options.

"Fool you'll come to regret this, all that you hold dear in this world will be taken from you, and that of those who choose to believe in your blind faith"

Initiating a quick shadow slip spell Satou left the hall behind, the knights of the church rushing all over to arrest the intruder, from the distance Satou could hear the pope raging harder than ever to kill all the remaining Hellenics now!