Life was breathed into the city once again but rather than a lively breath it was more of a sickly last gasp.
The cathedral's knight squad arose into the pale night and like a flood of chaos tore into the lower city in pursuit of the intruder which had assailed their stronghold and withstood an attack from their supreme pontiff.
Though no one knew of this last bit, they all assumed the supreme pontiff had survived an assassination attempt in the dead of night and miraculously survived.
They believed this of course because this is what they were told, the old man refused to admit the powers of his gods had failed in the face of the equally strong powers granted unto the boy who'd brazenly broken in and sat atop his throne.
As the knights tore into the city, the citizens and guards within also woke up, the story spread like wildfire, and an army was awakened.
Having been harassed and starved for weeks on end, this story was all that it took to break the last straw for these people.
The madness spread as the rumours got worse, and the lone assassin quickly became a troupe of attackers, descending in the knight born from the ill blood of the Hellenic gods.
A wastrel and heretic faith attempting to deal a severe blow against the goddess faith by taking down this holiest of places alongside its holiest representative on Terra.
The zealousness was infectious.
These were no longer individuals but instead a mob, intent on one thing with only a single direction in mind.
The eradication of them that brought this evil down upon them.
Staring down at the city which had been set alight as the mass of bodies swarmed the street destroying everything in their path.
This mass of flesh convulsed and those caught in it's wake were torn asunder.
[So it has come to this, that old fool's answer is not to let us go but instead to destroy each other]
"Well, to quote a famous line from my own world might be apt in this situation."
Looking round until his eyes rested upon the form of Kurama standing by his side.
"This is how the world ends, not in a whimper but in a bang!"
This line was changed from its original back to what one would expect.
Turning his head round from his innocent companion eyes fixed now on the sky.
"But let it end, not with the bang they expected!"
[Summon: Slime x 84]
As far as his summoning skill would work he summon his maximum number of slimes high in the air above the capital before dropping what would become the true death sentence down upon the capital.
[Skill: Flock of Familiars]
In an instant, the 84 slimes that had appeared in the sky rapidly multiplied seemingly endlessly until a mass of slimes dropped into the city as he released the summons from his control.
Moving along the rooftops at speed, Satou repeated this Summoning his maximum number before casting the skill after its cooldown.
Within a span of a few dozen minutes, the city was buried in an avalanche of slimes having used up the last of his slime cards.
This was as merciful an attack as he could give them, these slimes were a special variety, once which for numerous generations subsisted solely on the waste of the city as they lived out their lives within the sewer depths.
Having been unleashed in even greater numbers within the city itself, these gooey creatures were overjoyed at the smorgasbord of food available to them.
The slime's greatest asset was that it was not like a typical monster, it could eat so long as it could absorb whatever it came across.
And these slimes being enhanced by Satous summoning skills were capable of eating at an accelerated rate.
Standing atop one of the city's fortifications watching as minute after minute more and more of the city seemed to just melt away into the ground, as if the earth simply was reclaiming what had been built atop it to be interred deep within.
The knights and citizens who at first stood shock become horrified quickly upon realizing what was happening.
These slimes were voracious even more so than the mob that had been formed.
They ate anything, Homes, furniture, weapons, armour, even clothes.
The tidal wave of slimes devoured all but living matter in it's path, as they'd been trained to do for centuries thanks to their overlord, but now they'd been unleashed.
Being caught up in the slimes was terrifying as for a few moments you'd be unable to move or breath but then after passing through the viscous fluid you'd be set free, naked as the day your were born having everything else eaten away.
Some with a lighter sense of humor remarked at how fresh their skin looked as the slimes had eaten away at the dead layers of skin on their bodies as well.
But to most this was absurd.
Their greatest city which was protected by the supreme pontiff and the love of the great goddess herself was being dissolved it's people left naked and penniless standing on barren soil and cobblestone streets that etched out the layout of what once was the city.
In the distance the grand cathedral itself was temporarily spared as upon starting to dissolve this holy structure the slimes were repulsed by the same golden barrier Satou had seen before, but as the minutes passed the barrier shrank as more and more slimes piled on to join in the attempt at snacking on the last remaining building aside from the very castle itself which the slimes left along.
Thinking on it, Satou assumed their was a ward of something in place that would prevent monsters from being able to approach or enter the castle as they could be used as tools of assassination.
But the vain struggle of the pope was shortlived his powers waned and the flood was released and the greatest centre of the goddess faith in this land followed the same fate as those of it's believers homes.