Danger Ahead

"These Gates will guarantee great rewards but you must be willing to endure the hell they will put you through." The Mysterious Being says.

High Risk, High Reward. But the problem is that those gates will probably be impossible to enter without fighting through an army of these new mobs.

Meaning I'd have to level myself quite a bit if I even wanted to stand a chance against them.

But suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by planes flying overhead, it seems the army is taking action in this whole thing. I didn't know how this situation was across the other countries but so far it seems like it could be the same for everyone.

"Everyone is to remain indoors. The Army will handle the situation at hand." An announcement says.

Above troops seemed to be parachuting in which didn't seem smart to me but I can't stop the army of Japan from doing what they want. This whole place is about to fall apart the more they try to fight by normal means.

But who knows, maybe it'll work but so far I'm not sure what to make of anything. On a side note, Astal also seems to have a system but I'm not sure if it's wise to share with him.

The world has basically been forced into an apocalypse so the last thing I need is someone with a system fighting against me. But it could happen regardless of him knowing or not.

"Best of luck Humans." The Mysterious Being says before disappearing.

This being looked a lot like the one who gave me the system in the first place but yet something stuck out to me. Quite a bit of people were here but do they all have the same system as me? Or is it different for everyone?

"Hey be careful out there." Astal says before running off.

~Quest Completed. 600 experience was given.

!Level up x3!

(5) Points available to use~

That'll put me at level 10 which isn't a bad place to be at so this will definitely be a good start. But I don't know what to start with just yet.

I ran back to my house and went inside, it was time to at least look back at my stats quick.

(5) Points Available for use~

•Intelligence Level 5

•Agility Level 5

•Reflexes Level 2

•Strength Level 3 (+3)

•Endurance Level 2

•Mana Level 1 (+3)

Other Stats are currently unavailable for viewing.

That's right, thanks to the skill tree I already have plus 3 on two of my stats. This will definitely help me in the future. For now it's time to stick to my plan and upgrade the stats I planned on doing.

I'll put 3 into intelligence and the other 2 into reflexes for the time being.

•Intelligence Level 8

•Agility Level 5

•Reflexes Level 4

•Strength Level 3 (+3)

•Endurance Level 2

•Mana Level 1 (+3)

Other Stats are currently unavailable for viewing.

There we go. That'll do for the time being since I need to keep certain stats at a high enough level for later use. Intelligence is bound to help when I upgrade my Mana so I'll definitely be smart for doing that now.

In the game it helped me greatly later on when I got further along. That's why I believe with these stats and these skills, I'll succeed in this new world.

Bang!! Bang!!

Something is banging on the door, what is happening now?!?!

~Quest Available.

~Survive the Undead Horde!

Undead Horde?!?! That's got to be a joke. Shit!!

I immediately ran to the kitchen and began to dig through the drawers for knives or anything sharp really. This was going to be the best bet against the undead Horde.

"Ashley I need your help!" I shout while putting everything on the table.

"Coming down now!" She shouts back while running down the stairs.

I hear her enter the kitchen in time for me to have everything out on the counter.

"There's an undead Horde about to enter the house. I need you to grab all the knives you can and head upstairs." I say while looking at the counter.

These should be enough to hold them back but for now I'll have to use what I can to keep them from going upstairs. Mom's life depends on what I do here.

"Uh...okay." Ashley says while quickly grabbing the knives.

She knew not to argue since we needed to fight for our lives right now, this world didn't give anyone time to prepare. Why would it?

I'll head into the basement quick, I know I have an old bat down there. I'll go full on zombie killing mode! Baseball bat style, hopefully I can handle this.

This is real life, not a game. But I need to prioritize mom's safety so maybe that'll help motivate me to fight against these things.

I grabbed a hammer and nails, time to make a spiked bat. Hammering away at each nail as fast as I could, the door was about to break at any second.


Back up the stairs I went and now it was time to push my limits. Seeing if I could handle this whole situation was the first test I'd face in this new world of mine.

Breath in, breath out.


"Grahhh!!" The Undead Horde growled as they entered into the house.

Shit! Shit!! Here goes nothing!!

I felt my instincts take over and just ran in to battle against the horde of undead before me. Bashing away at each one.

It was real... Blood came flying from each one that I made contact with.


Blood hit the floor as I bashed the undead heads off their bodies. They were slowly beginning to overwhelm me though, shit!!!!!

As they began to scratch and grab at me, I felt my skill begin to kick in. Regeneration!! Perfect timing for it to work!!

Damn this still hurts like hell!!

"Gahhhh!!" I began to scream in pain as I fought back against the horde.