Everything around me was getting harder to see as the horde surrounded me but I just have to keep going till they are all dead. Bashing away at the horde felt endless.
I can't do this forever either, my skill isn't going to help if the damage is too much so I have to do something about this.
All I could hear was the growling of the undead before me but is it even possible to kill all of them.
!Level up x2!
I'm glad I leveled up but that doesn't help with the current issues at hand here.
Finally I saw an opportunity and I immediately made my way towards the steps. The horde was dying off more but the problem was that the bat was breaking.
"Sev are you okay!" Ashley shouts from upstairs.
"I'm fine! Stay in the room with Mom!" I shout back while slowly going up the steps.
This is seeming more and more like the game but yet there are some major differences.
But the undead are coming so I don't have a choice but to push them back a bit longer. Without thinking I began swinging the bat once more while they charged at me.
Come on Sevarian, you got this.
The zombies began to fall one by one as they rushed me on the steps.
The bat broke off the last zombies head and left me without a weapon but luckily there was only two left. Or so it seemed, two zombies remained from the horde.
So I ran upstairs towards Mom's room and knocked on the door.
"Sev that's you right?" Ashley questions.
"Yes, it's me." I respond while waiting outside the door.
She opens the door and I reach my hand out.
"I need a weapon quick." I say with a serious tone.
Immediately Ashley handed me a knife so I could finish off the last of the horde. None of this was going to be easy, the world we knew was gone.
I ran back for the steps and as I reached them, the remaining undead had gotten to the top.
Stab!!! Slash!!!
I stabbed one in the head while slashing across the throat of the other. It wasn't good enough to kill the last one so I quickly forced the knife into its head within an instant.
I think that's all of them but I barely managed to make it through. I'll have to consider finding better weapons if I'm going to make it through this whole thing.
~Quest Completed. 1000 Experience Given.
!Level up x5!
Guess it's worth checking out a place to put those levels since it'll help me get stronger.
(9) Points available to use~
•Intelligence Level 8
•Agility Level 5
•Reflexes Level 4
•Strength Level 3 (+3)
•Endurance Level 2
•Mana Level 1 (+3)
Other Stats are currently unavailable for viewing.
I'll put 5 into agility, 2 into reflexes, and 2 into Mana.
!Level 15 Achieved!
•Intelligence Level 8
•Agility Level 10
•Reflexes Level 6
•Strength Level 3 (+3)
•Endurance Level 2
•Mana Level 3 (+3)
Other Stats are currently unavailable for viewing.
"Skill trees have been given a new opportunity to progress. Check now for more information." The System Says.
The tab immediately opened up to the options from before.
°Undead Soldier Tree!
°Demon Knight Tree!
°Slime Tree! <--
°Skeleton Tree!
"Slime tree selected, opening now." The system Says.
°Slime Tree (2 Available level ups.)
•Level 1 Absorption (Allows user to absorb lower level beings)
•Level 1 Regeneration (Allows the user to Heal briefly when damage is taken) <--
•Level Up Further for more!
Regeneration is definitely the choice to use for this tree.
•Level 3 Regeneration ---> (The user can now heal faster and more than before, Granted the user has moments out of excessive combat.)
That's not terrible, I can work with that. I'll just have to be a bit smarter when fighting against enemies but it's definitely an upgrade.
"Sevarian, what are you doing?" Ashley asks while standing there staring at me.
"Just thinking." I Respond.
Still doesn't seem like she can see what I do but now the problem is what will happen from here.
Before I could even check the other tree that I was using, the next quest became available almost immediately.
~Quest Available. Make it to the northern Square, Find the mysterious being. Reward ????
The northern Square?!?! That's going to be quite a problem if these are the enemies I'm encountering already. I can't leave mom here either though so I'll have no choice but to go alone.
"Ashley I need you to stay here with Mom, I have to go out there." I say while looking towards the steps.
"Are you crazy?!?! We barely survived those things in the first place." Ashley replies with a concerned tone.
"It'll be okay. I need you to barricade this place and only let me in when I return." I say while beginning to walk away.
"Fine I can do that." Ashley replies while following behind me.
As I left the house I was greeted by people fighting against the mobs all over. Some people fought while others ran away in fear. The world was slowly falling apart more and more but this wasn't going to be the end.
Everything was going to be different forever.
My biggest concern was finding the appropriate weapons to keep fighting against the mobs of the world. This system of mine will definitely be a big helping hand in this apocalypse.
"You are aware that you've hit one of many milestones right? Level 15 and you're the first to reach it. You've been given a new skill and reward for hitting the first milestone." The system says.
!Reward available! Skill Available!
Great, I'll check that out in a few moments but I'm getting closer to the northern Square. Everything is also looking a lot worse as I get closer to it but how are people getting by?
How many more people have a system like me?