"The stench is terrible." Rika says while slowly walking down the hallway.
"Yeah I definitely agree with you on that." I reply while looking ahead.
This definitely seems like a sign of a boss battle coming but I don't like that being this soon after fighting that guy. Rika seems exhausted and I'm not sure what I'll be able to do just yet.
Shit!! I didn't even get experience for that fight since the guy wasn't killed so that's an even worse feeling. Not gaining anything from that fight, maybe knowledge counts.
My thoughts were immediately interrupted by the sounds of footsteps getting closer and closer. Wait, that's more than one set of footsteps coming.
"Rika are you sure you can fight?" I question while lifting my sword up once more.
"Yeah, just give me a bit more blood." Rika responds as she comes over to me.
That's when I felt her cold lips press against my neck once more before sinking her teeth into me. Always a bit of a pinch but it felt nice for some reason.
"Thanks for the treat." Rika says after moving away from me.
She wiped her mouth again and we prepared for whatever was coming towards us. I didn't expect the dungeon to be easy so it makes sense to deal with such hardship.
Finally coming from the shadows was an undead army, I guess I'll never get a break from zombies in my world now. A combination of Zombies and Skeletons this time.
"This won't be as bad to deal with." Rika says while cracking her knuckles.
After Rika said this we both began to charge in towards the undead army. It felt just like before when I was in the city but yet it was different.
The army wasn't dying down at all, why was that though?
Plus side is the leveling I'm getting from this but it must be because of Rika and the level of the dungeon. It's perfect!!
!Level up x4!
Four levels already?!?! I hope this doesn't end then!!
Blood and limbs continued to fly off the undead army as we slaughtered each one. But the problem is that eventually we'll be tired so we need to find out why they keep coming.
"Rika!! I'm going ahead!" I shout while rushing through the army.
Rushing ahead I jumped up and pushed myself forward from the zombies heads. The further I got, the worse the situation seemed to be. The army was endless but behind all of them had to be the boss.
It couldn't just be an endless horde without a boss to keep sending them at us, but it is possible. Hmm, the scenario definitely feels familiar to the game a bit though.
Reminds me a lot of the undead kings army so what if this is them?
"Sevarian be careful!!" Rika shouts from a distance.
I'm already this far ahead so there's no reason for me to be worrying too much.
"Gahhhh!!!! Shit!!!!" I screamed as I flew through the air.
Something punched me with some extreme force but I didn't see anything but the undead army around us. Where...?
"Gah.. Cough." I cough after hitting the wall.
The wind felt like it was completely knocked out of me but was I right?
That's when I could hear the loudest breathing I've ever heard, in the distance before me was a giant creature. It was extremely tall, it was wearing old rusted armor, a crown was on its head and it wielded an old blade too.
I was definitely right!
~New Quest priority override. Defeat the Undead King. Reward: ???? 50,000 Zethel.
Damnit, I don't even know if I'm capable of defeating such a powerful enemy at my current state but it is possible.
I've seen people do it all the time!
So I picked my sword up off the ground and began to stand up once more. That hurt a lot, I'm honestly surprised I haven't died yet.
That's the one thing I haven't had to worry about, a health system but it is the real world after all...
I should be able to die like a normal person then, even with the system I have at the moment. I'll have to be careful regardless of what I'm doing in the world.
Stomp! Stomp!
The undead King made its way towards me and I did my best to run towards it.
As I ran toward it I jumped off some corpses and slashed my sword across it's face as it tried to attack me with it's sword. Shit I can do this.
While still in the air for the moment, the sword came flying towards me and I instinctively managed to push off of it with my hand.
Slashing across it's face again before falling back towards the ground.
Going past me and through the undead army was Rika to assist me once more. She punched across the knights face and began to hit it with a flurry of attacks.
Watching for a moment as she bombarded this thing was giving me the perfect chance to prepare a perfect attack. Breath in, Breath out.
I dashed in with my sword towards the king once more and tried to jump up again. This time I was going to try and cut through it's damn chest!
My blade connected with it's chest almost instantly and I used as much strength as I could to cut down through it's chest.
Blood managed to come out like a gyser from the wound as Rika continued to hit it with punches from her claws.
"It's almost dead." Rika says while punching the undead King.
After falling back to the ground I felt my hands shaking but why was this happening all of a sudden? I've been fighting against these things already so why are my hands shaking all of a sudden?
That's when I looked down to see that it wasn't only the undead kings blood, it was mine too.