Battle At the Square

The person I'd assume to be the Crystal Mage user, it was definitely them. Wearing these crimson colored robes, barely showing their face underneath the hood.

That was definitely the system user.

It shouldn't be a problem since I was told I was the highest system user out there but yet something is bugging me here.


Out of nowhere I felt a fist go across my face, it sent a couple of meters away but I didn't fall to the ground. Guy just caught me off guard.

Shifting my gaze to the area from which I was punched, I saw Astal. It was hard to recognize him at first but it was definitely him since his outfit was exactly the same as before.

"Sevarian you okay?" Rika asks as she taps my shoulder.

"Yeah, just was caught off guard." I respond while drawing my sword from my inventory.

The bright side is that I shouldn't have to kill them since it just stated that I had to defeat them. One plus side to this whole thing so I'll have to deal with them quickly.

I don't know if Astal will be the type to go down easily since he is intent on killing me. Him and this crystal Mage user are going to be a dangerous combo.

But I have Rika so it won't be that bad to fight against the two of them with her by my side.

"Let's stop these assholes then." Rika says while raising her fists.

As soon as I heard Rika say those words I dashed towards them with her alongside me. Hyup!!

Jumping up and slashing down at Astal was my first instinct but he wasn't going to just take my attack. Even with my speed enhancement it was bound to be blocked somehow.

"A lot faster than you use to be it seems." Astal says while blocking my blade.

He seems to be using some sort of reinforced gauntlets to block my sword but I'm not sure if that'll be enough to hold me back. I just got keep putting my strength into it.

Meanwhile Rika went for the mage user as I dealt with Astal. I could hear her clashing against the other user while I tried my best to deal with Astal.

I don't want to kill him but it could happen if I'm not careful.

"You won't break through Sevarian. I've gone through some work myself to get some stronger gear." Astal says while beginning to push back against me.

Gahhhh. This bastard shouldn't have higher stats but then again he has a completely different system then me. He is definitely starting to seem like a problem.

"Astal we can stop fighting and get out of this with no wounds." I reply while trying to be reasonable.

He probably won't listen to reason because he's already hooked on this whole damn system. I don't know how he could be so hooked on this thing already since it just happened.

But then again some people look forward to something like this happening.

Out of nowhere I felt my sword break through his block and it cut right down his chest like it was nothing.

"Fyuhhh! Shit that hurts!" Astal says while backing up quickly away from me.

"I said we could've avoided this." I reply while watching blood drip off my sword.

I didn't want to hurt him this much since I'm trying to avoid killing or hurting humans like me but it doesn't seem like it'll be avoidable. Sigh, Nothing can ever be easy.

"That's not how it works. Gah." Astal says while touching his wound.

My attack was successful but it's not going to keep him from fighting. Fighting without a weapon would also be suicide so that option is out of the mix here.

So without thinking I charged in once more and began to push him back with my attacks. Putting as much pressure on him as possible, striking faster and faster.

The more pressure I kept on him, the better the chances would be for me here.

"Gates of Divine power, provide me with the ability to summon the crystals!" The Mage user shouts as he aims a staff at Rika.

All I can hear is the sounds of crystals flying towards Rika as I fight against Astal. Just barely out of my sight I could see the flashing light as the staff sends them.

So it's loud and blinding..?

"Don't lose focus on me Asshole!" Astal shouts while charging at me once more.

As he approached me he tried to throw a flurry of punches but somehow I managed to dodge each one. He wasn't catching me off guard again so I'd win this fight no matter what.

The fight had gone on for quite a while but finally he seemed to be getting tired or his power was being exhausted. This was the chance for me to go in for a final attack.

Might even be able to end this without killing him.

"Just give up already..Huff.. Huff.." Astal says while exhausted.

"I should be saying this to you." I reply while charging in.

Running towards him I quickly dashed around to the right and went in for an attack, slashing across his back. Afterwards I kicked out his legs and pointed my sword to the back of his neck.

"Just do it already..." He says while kneeling on the ground.

"I'm not killing you. This fight is over." I respond while moving my sword away.

He fell to the ground after and now it was time for me to help Rika out.

"Coward..." Astal says weakly while laying on the ground.

I wouldn't say I'm a coward but I'm actually trying to do the right thing here, regardless of how this guy was towards me.

But I shifted my gaze towards Rika and the mage user, it seems she's having a hard time getting close to them. I'll have to help.

I began running towards the mage while trying to decide the best course of action here. They slaughtered a lot of people here and I'm not sure if I should handle them...