Approaching this mage I couldn't help but wonder why these system users are so different compared to me. Why do they see a reason to do harm to the innocent people of our world?
All because they were given a system? All because they received a quest? Screw that.
The mage doesn't seem to notice me so this is the best chance to try and end the fight before it gets worse. So I turned my sword the other direction and slid past his legs.
I got to do this right or else he'll become crippled for the rest of his life. But it didn't work out that way at all, I slashed across his legs and he immediately began to fall towards the ground.
"Gahhhh!!!!" The mage user shouted in pain as he fell onto the ground.
But the worst part was that his staff hit the ground and something crazy happened from there.
It fired off some sort of blast towards the Northern Square buildings and all that could be heard was more screams.
"Mom..." I said quietly while realizing what building it was.
I immediately threw my sword back in my inventory and began to run towards the buildings. The mage user was technically down and Rika could finish him off from there if need be.
Mom took priority after that whole thing..
"Mom!!" I began to shout as I got closer to the building.
Mobs were all around and beginning to flood into the square, this wasn't good at all. They were everywhere so the time was starting to become limited.
I need to find Mom fast...
All that echoed throughout the building were screams of people being killed by the mobs. This wasn't a good sign at all, I'm not sure what to expect here..
I continued to run throughout the halls looking for Mom and Ashley but no one seemed to be in sight wherever I looked. So how was I supposed to save anyone here if I can't find them!!
But as I turned down another hall I could hear a scream similar to my mom's voice. That has to be her, there's no way it's not.
I tried to run towards the direction of the scream until finally coming face to face with the person who was screaming. It really was mom...
Followed by some weird creatures that resembled that of dogs but weren't anything like them. Razor sharp claws, razor sharp teeth, and they seemed to be as big as wolves.
Hounds was the common term for them back in the game I played..
But that doesn't matter now when my...Mom... is torn before my eyes..
I immediately equipped my sword and began to kill the hounds one by one till none were left. It took a few moments but I managed to kill them all..
"Sev is that you...?" Mom asked with a weak voice.
No, No, No....
"Yes it's me Mom, everything will be okay..." I respond while dropping my sword to the ground before kneeling next to her.
I took Mom's hand and held it closely while trying to have hope that this wasn't really happening.
"You've really grown up Sev... Taking care of your old Mom..." Mom says while tears go down her cheeks.
"I'll always take care of you Mom.. It's the least I can do for you.." I reply while trying to hold back my own tears.
This wasn't what was supposed to happen... Mom was supposed to be safe here, Ashley was supposed to be safe here too...
Why did everything fall apart..?
"I love you Sev.." Mom says quietly..
"I love you too Mom.." I reply while looking at her.
That's when I noticed Mom's hand went limp and I couldn't hear her breathing anymore. This is all just a terrible nightmare right?
None of this can be real.
"Sev!" Ashley shouts while running down the hallway.
That's when I felt a warm embrace from behind, it was Ashley but why wasn't she with Mom?
"She's gone Ash..." I say while tears begin to flow down my cheeks.
"Grahhh!!!!" A Monster began to roar from down the hall.
"Sev we have to go." Ashley says with a serious tone.
I can't just leave Mom behind here, she deserves a proper burial.. I can't..
"Sev!!!" Ashley shouts while trying to get my attention.
"Yeah I know, but Mom can't just be left here..." I respond with a sad tone in my voice.
"We don't have a choice Sev, we got to go." Ashley says while grabbing hold of my arm.
I grabbed my sword and ripped my arm away from Ashley.
"I'll take care of it. Go." I reply with a serious tone while gripping my sword.
Sadness was all I felt and I didn't know what to do from here. Mom was a reason I did everything I did lately.
"That doesn't seem smart Sevarian." Ashley says with a worried tone.
"Go." I reply while walking down the hall.
I wouldn't let anyone else die here today and I would grieve after killing this damn monster. Nothing feels the same.
So I charged in towards the monster down the hall, it came out and was revealed to be that of an ogre. Surprised it even managed to fit in the hallway but it doesn't matter.
After this, I'm leveling up.
I kicked off a wall as I approached and slashed across the ogre's chest. It wouldn't take much to take down an ogre, at least not at the level I'm at already.
"Grahhh!!!" The ogre roared as it tried to swing it's fist at me.
Within an instant I dodge it's attack and then cut off it's hand, an effective attack. This was slowly crippling the enemy while giving me a better chance to defeat it.
It only took a few moments longer to defeat the damn ogre but it was worth it for the experience of fighting one. Still doesn't change the Terrible Tragedy that occurred today..