Power Leveling (1)

It's only been a couple hours since the event started but I can't help feeling like someone's always a few steps behind me.

I'll just have to be on guard for the time being until everything is settled down, but it doesn't make anything easier. The biggest challenge is leveling up enough to enter the first gate of the world since that's the start to free everyone.

"Sev, Sev! Dungeon over here!" Rika shouts while waving at me.

Seems that's where the true power leveling will begin. The dungeons have been the best place to get experience so far, plus they give me more boss fights.

Perfect practice for the time being.

~New Skill Tree Notice!

~Additional Skill slot opened.


Yes <---



{Skill Trees} Updated!

°Undead Soldier Tree!

°Demon Knight Tree!

°Slime Tree!

°Skeleton Tree!

°The Undead King Tree! <--

~The Undead King Tree was selected.

•Level 1 Resurrection (Allows user to bring back Low tier mobs)

•Level 1 King's Strength (Allows the user to harness a small portion of the Undead King's Strength permanently) <--

•More Skills after leveling up.

These seem interesting, I didn't expect to receive such a tree.

{Current Skills Active from Skill Trees}

•Level 8 Demon Blood (Gives the user power of the Demon Knight. A Boost is also given to Mana, Fire Abilities, and Strength by 9 Each)

•Level 8 Regeneration ---> (The user can now heal Immensely with ease, as long as damage is not being taken for a brief period of time)

•Level 1 King's Strength (Allows the user to harness a small portion of the Undead King's Strength permanently)


I forgot I even leveled up those skills a week ago but it seems this will also provide an immense boost to my stats. I can only wonder what the two powers will be like combined.

I've not used much of the powers in combat yet since my sword has been sufficient enough for the most part. But it'll also do good to learn some magic as well since my mana stats have just been increasing.


•No Knowledge known.


Hopefully I'll learn some magic soon, or maybe I can question Rika more about it. For now I'll be better off completing this dungeon.

"Yeah that's definitely a dungeon." I reply while looking at the dungeon entrance.

Compared to the last dungeon this one had an interesting design on the outside of it. Symbols were painted all over the dungeon walls, almost resembling the mysterious beings we've been seeing.

I could only wonder what that might mean for us. Entering a dungeon with such symbols might not be the smartest but I need to grind out the dungeons.

They've proven to be the best source of experience so far.

"Dummy." Rika says while standing before me with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Huh?" I question while looking up at her.

"You're standing here wasting time." She says while crossing her arms.

"Alright, Alright. Let's enter the dungeon then." I respond while equipping my sword.

I wonder if I'll be able to upgrade the quality of this sword in the future. This sword has been with me since the start, but I'm not sure how to upgrade the quality just yet.

I know I have the blacksmith skill but I'm not sure how to use it yet when I don't even have a base of operations. Screw it, I'll figure it out later.

As we entered the dungeon I could sense that strange feeling just like before. The feeling of death lingered in the air but yet this was somewhat different.

What dungeon boss would be here this time?

"Hey Sev, have you checked the levels recently?" Rika questions while stopping in her tracks.

During that week I had grinded out quite a bit of levels but I've hardly touched them.


Sevarian (Level 50)

!Level up x20!

Points Available: 40

My points available are insane but maybe that's why this system is so powerful. I could be wrong but for now I should invest the points into my stats.


Level 50

Points Available: 40

•Intelligence Level 15

•Agility Level 12

•Reflexes Level 12

•Strength Level 10 (+9)

•Endurance Level 6

•Mana Level 8 (+9)

This is the perfect chance to get some major stat upgrades.

10 points into intelligence, 8 into Reflexes, 2 into Mana, 13 into reflexes, 4 into endurance, and 3 into Agility.

{Stats Updated!}

•Intelligence Level 25

•Agility Level 15

•Reflexes Level 25

•Strength Level 10 (+9)

•Endurance Level 10

•Mana Level 10(+9)


For now, it seems like this will help immensely, but I've not seen any boosts or anything of the sort granted to me.

~The System is being updated. Please be patient, this update will give the granted bonus of each stat afterwards.

Isn't that convenient for me to be getting such a notice after just thinking about it. I didn't think this system would even get an update but I'll have to remember that.

It could be a good thing, but who is in charge of these systems? That's another question in itself so I'll have to keep that question in mind until I'm lucky enough to meet the beings in person.

"Yeah, seems I'm doing pretty good." I say while walking ahead.

"How far are you from being where you need to be?" Rika questions while following behind me.

"About 50 levels at least. They really didn't have this in your world?" I respond with my own question.

"No, but we did hear about these systems since it was common talk. Just no one knew much about their purpose." Rika answers honestly.

Odd, the systems did exist in her world but weren't used I guess. Then again, I still barely know that much about Rika and her world.

I just know a lot of this is similar to the game I played in the past.

That's the only reason I'm able to understand some of the stuff that I do.

"Grahhhhhh!!!!" A creature began to roar in the distance.

First encounter it seems.