Something was in the distance but neither of us knew what it was just yet, anything could be in this dungeon.
"Be-" Before I could finish speaking, Rika had begun to dash towards the distant creature already.
Slowly disappearing into the dark corridor, All I could hear was the distant clash between Rika and the enemy. Seems I need to make my way over there just in case there's more.
So I quickly made my way over there and as everything appeared before me, I could see a strange figure standing in the distance.
Capturing the same kind of appearance as the mysterious being, I couldn't understand who these beings really were.
Rika already dealt with the mob that was there but now we have this person to deal with.
"Seems you have caught quite the interest of Jun." The being says.
"Are you another one of those watchers?" I question while tightening my grip around my sword.
"Watchers are quite known to you already it seems. Yes, I am." The Being says.
I don't think I have it in me to fight another one of those watchers but then again, I have gotten a bit stronger since last time. Things might be different this time.
But this is a whole different watcher so maybe he's stronger than Jion.
"It's odd to see you amongst the Mortals of this world Rika." The Being says while looking towards her.
Is Rika part of the watchers too? That wouldn't be far off considering she's not even from this world in the first place. She also mentioned some stuff before about how she came here.
"I'm not one of you." Rika replies while glaring at the being with an annoyed expression on her face.
"Fine, be that way. You'll die here then." It says while running towards Rika.
I didn't even see it run towards her but it was in front of her in an instant. It only took a matter of moments for the being to get there so it's speed is already going to be a problem.
Within seconds I began to dash towards the being to try and help Rika, but to my surprise the being already turned around to block my attack.
"Fast, but you aren't going to catch me with that speed Sevarian." The Being says while blocking my sword.
"None of this makes sense." I reply while trying to slash my sword down.
The world is just full of shit that I thought I understood but now with these watchers it starts to make less and less sense. I'm not even sure about what these watchers do, other than hunting me it seems.
"When System users become stronger we are forced to intervene, as a way to assess if they really deserve to be here." The Being says while blocking both me and Rika.
"Don't I already have enough to deal with the way it is." I reply with a pissed off tone.
That's when all I could here around me was the sound of someone appearing. Teleportation seems to be something these beings possess, but how many will hunt me at the same time?
"You know that we don't have to hunt him at the moment right." Another voice says.
Footsteps began to draw closer as another figure made itself known.
"Sigh. Always a pain when others like to interfere with your plans." The Being says.
"Then listen when orders are given Zet." The Person says as it approaches.
Both of them wore the same kind of masks as the mysterious being but yet something was different here. The vibe between them wasn't friendly in any way at all, so are we about to witness a fight between them?
Within an instant Zet had disappeared from between us, Now it was over near the other being.
"We should go while they're busy." Rika says quietly.
"Won't we run into them again?" I question while staring at the two of them.
"Yes, but for now we need to keep going." Rika answers while grabbing my arm.
After a few moments she had immediately taken me away from the area. But now we were deeper in the dungeon, it was time to keep leveling.
Yet all I could think about was the two watchers back there.
"Sev we can worry about all that later. Let's keep going." Rika says while walking ahead.
A different feeling lingered in the air, yet it was still familiar to that of those watchers.
Then I saw them approaching, husks of previous people who entered the dungeon. This wasn't any normal mob, it was a husk of previous adventurers or even system users.
Mindlessly walking towards us with the only urge being to attack.
Rika immediately dashed towards them and began punching away like it was nothing, it only took moments for her to wipe out tons of them. But I wasn't going to let her have all the fun, I wanted to actually work for my levels as well.
So I ran in and began slashing away at the husks while easily dodging their attacks left and right. It wasn't hard considering they were a low tier mob in most worlds.
But to think there'd be so many of them is shocking to see.
After about an hour we had taken out all the husks within the area, it was time to find the dungeon boss.
"We're almost at the end of the dungeon Sev, Let's go." Rika says with a demanding tone.
Seems I'm not the only one who wants to get this done but I think that whole thing earlier got to her. I'll ask her more about it later.
!Level up x5!
Five levels is quite a decent amount for just killing husks but I wonder how much the boss will give us here. And that's right when I heard something give out a giant huff as it stood up.
This thing must be big, to have that much sound after standing up is insane.
"Hope you're ready." Rika says while cracking her knuckles.
It seems the boss is ahead.