
{Barely Outside the Southern Square} A day and a Half Later.

"Ever get tired of walking so much?" Rika asks while walking besides me.

"Yeah, but we don't have any other options right now." I respond while staring into the distance.

Cars weren't able to be used anymore in most areas because of the amount of left behind vehicles. Mobs also wouldn't allow anyone to get far in them so walking isn't that bad compared to the alternative.

"You're lucky." Rika says while looking up at the sky.

"Why do you say that?" I question with a curious tone.

"Seems the people from my world have given you quite a powerful system." She answers.

That makes me wonder how many people got the same kind of system, or something similar. Unless all systems are bound to be different by default, then I don't know.

"I guess fate is on my side for the time being." I say while looking at my menu.

I have points available to use but I'm not sure if I want to use them yet. I might wait and see what awaits me at the gate since I'm not even sure what the right level is.

Games are always different, but this is real life so I'm not really sure how much is going to be the same. I've been lucky thus far with the knowledge I do have on the type of system I got, and the enemies I've faced.

I'm also quite curious about how many gates reside within the world since they didn't give us a number. These gates provide a tremendous amount of rewards for the person who completed it, but the risk is very high.

"The Gate isn't far. I can sense it." Rika says while staring at the distant buildings.

This could go really well, or this could end horribly for me in the process. I've got no clue on what I'll encounter inside of this gate.

So we continued forward till we finally reached a cathedral. This was the exact location of the gate, you could tell from the aura it's giving off all around the area.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Rika asks while staring at the cathedral.

"Yeah, let's head inside." I respond while opening the cathedral door.

As I opened the door I was met with a giant gate surrounded by some strange black mist. It was all around the gate but I could only wonder what it is.

This is my first time seeing one of them in person so I don't know what to make of them just yet. No mobs are around it seems, but what is inside of them is the question.

"Just walk through if you're ready." Rika says while crossing her arms.

"That was the plan." I reply while walking over to the gate.

How would I even come back? Does it work just like it did in the games? Automatic transportation afterwards was quite common back when playing the boss gates.

Though they weren't referred to as gates like they are now. But fuck it, I can't hold myself back.

Right as I'm about to enter the gate I can feel my arm get grabbed.

"You really want to enter that now?" A soft voice asks.

"Yes, I'm trying to save everyone here." I respond while looking back at the person.

It was the hero from the meeting, but why was she here?

"It's not your job to save everyone. Just protect those close to you." She says while holding my arm.

"I didn't say it was my job, but I'm going to handle it." I reply while ripping my arm away.

"Don't lay another hand on him." Rika chimes in with a serious tone.

"Rika let's go." I say while moving back towards the gate.

That's when we both entered the gate, everything around us began to change in a matter of seconds. The environment began to take on a new shape as it appeared before us.

Destroyed buildings, that black mist floating all around the buildings and the surrounding area. Nothing in sight yet, just this mist, the destroyed buildings, and a distant floating castle.

I'm not sure what to make of this place, but it's definitely bound to be dangerous. The enemies just haven't appeared just yet.


"Sigh. You don't like to listen." The hero says.

"Are you not hunting me?" I question while drawing my sword.

"I have no reason to. Why don't we work together for now? We have a similar goal, even though you don't have a reason to do any of this." The Hero answers while staring at me.

I couldn't see her face or her eyes, everything was covered by her helmet. I'm curious if she's even from my world or not, she does seem to have knowledge that others don't.

So does that mean she is from Rika's world or is she just experienced from the games as well?

"Yeah we can work together, but do you at least have a name I can call you by?" I ask while sheathing my sword.

"Kallista. I presume you're Sevarian." She responds with an honest tone.

"Yes and this is Rika." I say while gesturing over at her.


[Party Leader]

Sevarian (Lvl 65)


Rika (Lvl 78) (Passive Active)

Kallista (Lvl Unknown) (Status: Hero)


Seems she was added to the party the moment I accepted her proposal but it's odd that she doesn't even have a level. Maybe it's a skill of hers since it wasn't uncommon for people to find a way to hide their levels.

Some did it to avoid players who hunted others. It'd come off as intimidating so people wouldn't know if you're some top level player or if you aren't that high of a level.

"Nice to meet you both, why don't we get to work on clearing this gate." Kallista suggests after being sincere.

Guess things just got a lot more interesting with a hero joining my side.