"Sev!" Rika's voice becomes clear.
Upon opening my eyes I could see why she was trying to wake me up, We were under attack by the first mobs to appear before us.
"I'm up." I say while jumping up.
Quickly equipping my sword, it was time to fight these strange mobs.
As they ran at me I noticed that it was like they were made out of ink, black and white creatures with no real tones to them. This world is devoid of color so maybe that's because life was basically drained out of it.
These creatures didn't charge at us empty handed though, they were wearing armor and even had swords to use as well.
That's when I noticed in each status bar above them was the name {Corrupted Knights} which meant they might be above the undead knights. But yet something seems off about how they are charging at us.
"Let's take them out." Kallista says while charging in towards the knights.
We began to clash back and forth with these mobs while fighting off what felt like an army of these things. But it would make me stronger so I had to take this as an upgrade to myself.
I can't lose here, not with this kind of experience at play! Hours upon hours of endless fighting, I could tell that I wasn't the only one reaching my limits here.
"How many more are there?!?!" Rika shouts with an annoyed and confused tone in her voice.
"Don't know! Just keep fighting!" Kallista shouts back.
I'm definitely going to upgrade my stats after this is all over, I need to invest in some serious points for the next battle.
~Sevarian, You've got another update for your system coming soon.
Now is not the time for this conversation, damn system timing is crazy.
~Maybe it'll be time to meet soon, Sevarian.
The system messages stopped coming after that but I was too focused on fighting these damn knights to pay attention to it.
I wonder if that skill activates on its own or if I'll have to manually activate it. This could help me immensely in this fight if used correctly.
My other skills from the two other skill trees seem to be acting as passives with automatic activation but this seems manual.
{Activate King's Strength}
~Successfully Activated.
As it activated I could feel a burst of power go into me that I never had before, this was definitely going to be quite powerful to have. I'll need to utilize it more for the boss fights too.
That's when I noticed my speed boost kick in at the same time as this power, it was time to finish these damn things off. We've definitely fought enough, so screw these things!
Dashing in towards the knights ahead, I began to slash away more and more till I could finally see things clearing up. My attacks were sending huge shockwaves behind each swing which also helped in clearing these damn knights out.
"Holy shit Sev! That's some crazy power." Rika says while fighting besides me.
"It is. I'm liking it!" I shout while attacking the remaining mobs.
It only took a little longer for us to finish off the enemies before us, it was quite an exhausting task. But by the time it was over, I was greeted with an amazing reward.
!Level up x24!
I'll take that any day! 24 levels is huge, it will definitely be a big enough boost to help me out in the gate boss fight. My stats are just getting stronger and stronger, I can only wonder how my skill trees are doing too.
"I'm exhausted, Sev give me some blood please." Rika says while hanging over my shoulder.
"We're all exhausted Rika, but fine go ahead." I reply while waiting for her to take a bite.
That's when I could feel her teeth sink into my neck once more, she's like a damn vampire with this shit. Constantly taking my blood, but it's got it's perks for both her and me.
Pretty hot to have some dragon girl bitting me all the time when she needs more energy or power. I wonder if there are more mob like girls?
Or girls with mob powers I guess. I wouldn't doubt that it's possible but I'm not sure if I'll be that lucky.
"Done. Thanks for the treat Sevy!" Rika says as she gets excited.
Well, that's a new nickname. Sevy.
"No problem Rika." I reply back with a smile across my face.
I can only smile because Rika has been by my side since the day we met, it's kind of nice to have her on my side. She's got her different moods but I still enjoy her company.
"You really are something else." Kallista speaks up while looking over at Rika.
"I'll take that as a compliment since I'm in a good mood after a tough battle." Rika responds while giving a smile.
This is the first time I've really seen her smile, what a beautiful sight.
"Shall we continue onward?" Kallista asks while her gaze is now upon me.
"Yeah, that probably would be the best idea." I answer while looking at all the dead mobs.
I hope to never see anyone close to me like this, nor do I want to see normal humans like this.
I know that's impossible considering the situation but I still don't want to see what happens to people anymore. It's cruel.
"Come on Sevy, we're waiting for you." Rika says while standing in front of me.
"Sorry, just got a little lost in my thoughts." I reply while looking up at her.
Met with those beautiful eyes once more, I've never seen such a sight. Those spiral eyes with the red mixed in just made it even better to look at.
Jeez what is wrong with me all of a sudden? I guess I'm only human right?
"Just don't think too hard, Come on." Rika says while grabbing my hand.
She pulled me along from there till we reached our next spot for rest.