After a few hours of walking amongst this wasteland of a world we finally found a place to rest. Nothing has been seen at all yet, so how are we supposed to find this damn gate boss?
"Have a seat Sevarian." Kallista says while sitting down on a log.
This place was kind of sad to think about, everything was taken from the people of the world here. It'll never return to normal for the survivors of this world, but I can at least ensure a future for those who did survive.
I won't let this happen to my world either.
"Sev are you ready?" Kallista asks with a calm tone.
"I'm always eager to learn." I respond while giving her my attention.
Eager to learn when it comes to games of course, since this is like a game.
"This book is one you can read and it will slowly teach you spells over time. But it doesn't contain every spell." Kallista says while pulling out a book.
A lot of games that I've played have always done magic in their own way but most of them would use spell tomes. Or books with magic imbued within them.
Making it easier for the user to learn the spell but it was not easy to find the books that contained these spells. They didn't give any signs most of the time when looking at them.
"Are you giving me this book?" I question with a curious tone.
"Yes. I've already gotten my use out of it." Kallista responds with a cheerful tone.
"Thank you." I say with an appreciative tone.
"You're welcome. I'm sorry about before, I'm just not use to someone wanting to help." Kallista replies with a shocked and sincere tone.
"It wouldn't be right for me to let my home turn into something like this." I say while looking up at the desolate sky.
No stars, No sun, yet everything was going through the same cycles on a daily basis. Some sort of light still illuminated the lands and it still disappeared just like the sun would.
That's not the kind of thing I want for my world, I liked it how it was, so I'll destroy all the gates and free my world from their grasp.
"That is a good reason, I didn't get to save my world." Kallista says with a sad tone.
Her voice had completely changed up, she went from being all cheerful to this depressing hero who lost it all. That gave me my answer about her being from another world or not, but I feel bad for her.
Losing your world, your home, is one of the hardest things to deal with. I was struggling when my mom died, I can only imagine what would happen if I lost my home as well.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I'd never wish that on anyone." I reply with a sympathetic tone.
I still need to learn more about Rika as well since she's also one of my companions. Someone I value a lot, and I'm sure Kallista will be the same if she stills in my party after this.
I'd like for that, but something tells me that it won't happen.
"Things happen. You learn to move on from a tragedy like that eventually." She says with sadness in her voice.
I don't think anyone could just move on from something like that, unless it was the people who caused it. Those people don't care about who they hurt or what they destroy.
Slowly everything is becoming more and more clear to me. The people who invaded my world will die, even if it costs me my life in the process.
I won't let anymore world's fall to these pieces of garbage. Even the worst people in the world deserve the right to live in their world, okay maybe not murderers and stuff like that, but still.
"Don't mean to interrupt, but you two should rest." Rika says while looking down at her nails.
"Sounds like a good idea." I reply while shifting my gaze towards Rika.
She truly was a beautiful girl, even though she could be quite scary at times. I do wonder what Kallista looks like underneath her armor too, but I doubt she'll ever reveal herself to us.
"I'll take first watch." Kallista says while standing up.
"It was my idea to let you two rest." Rika says while looking up at her.
"But you also need rest. I've got enough energy for the time being." Kallista replies while staring at Rika.
"Fine, but if you try anything, I'll know." Rika says with an annoyed tone.
I didn't need to say anything further about this and just got comfortable near a tree. This was the best we were going to get for now, I shouldn't complain.
Within minutes I had fallen asleep, it was odd. This feeling was something I haven't felt in a long time, Warmth.
"Everything is okay Son. I'm proud of you." Mom's voice echoes.
I'll never hear those words in person again, it makes me sad to think about her. She did so much for me, even after dad..
It doesn't matter, I can't change the past. Everything is set in stone.
"Sev come on." Ashley says while dragging me along.
"Where are we going?" I question while she pulled me along.
"The newest game came out! We got to play it!" Ashley says with excitement in her voice.
The first day the game came out was one of the best days of my life. My best friend even went to get it with me, she played the game just like me but didn't have as much interest as I did.
Where did Ashley go?
"Sev?" A Voice echoed.
I abandoned here without realizing it, didn't I? What is wrong with me.
"Sev!" The voice begins to get louder as it gets closer.
Who's calling for me? Oh right, I'm dreaming.
I should wake up.