The Corrupted Legion (1)

A strange fog began to form all around the area as the voice echoed around us. This definitely was the boss we were looking for, but it's definitely a lot different than I expected.

"The boss is only a couple of meters away from us." Rika says while looking down the hallway.

If that's true, we need to be ready to fight this damn boss.

"Rika take some of my blood." I say while raising my arm for her.

"I planned on it, but I'm not bitting your arm for it." Rika replies while walking past my arm.

That's when I feel her teeth sink into my shoulder instead of my neck this time. This girl loves to confuse the absolute shit out of me.

But like usual it was done within moments, my healing even finished immediately.

"Thank you for the treat, as always." Rika says while her gauntlets begin to form.

Her power really is crazy to see in action, but I'm not sure why she relies on the blood for. The Watcher even said it awhile back, you don't need blood to fight.

They seem quite powerful without drinking blood, but it does seem to provide some sort of advantage in some way. Must increase the power behind her attacks, or maybe it enhances the gauntlets themselves.

It's all quite strange to think about, and these thoughts come to me now.

"Don't just charge in Rika, this is a lot different." I say while gripping my sword.

"Okay, I'll wait." She says with an understanding tone in her voice.

"Let it get closer to us instead." Kallista chimes in as she draws her sword.

Slowly we could hear the boss getting closer and closer, but it was followed by more than just its own footsteps. This boss definitely seems to have its own minions alongside it.

Should've expected that.

"Be careful, sounds like we got quite the fight coming to us." Kallista warns as she looks ahead.

That's when finally we could see the boss coming into our sight, along with its minions who wore something similar to the boss itself.

All of them were wearing this knight-like armor, shrouded with cloaks that could easily go over their faces. It was quite a sight, but the boss itself wasn't massive. Appeared to be the same height as us, along with its appearance bearing that of a knight with a cloak draped over its helmet.

Baring a giant sword in its hands while the minions carried normal swords, axes, and spears.

Definitely the right place.

As the army of enemies approached us, the boss began to speak once more.

"Here to conquer my gate? No one else would disturb me, this place has been quiet for centuries." The Boss speaks while looking directly at me.

"Yep. Can only imagine what it's like to disturb the peace." I say while glaring at the boss.

"Haha. Anger, one of the most satisfying emotions to hear in a human before they die." The Boss replies while giving a laugh.

Within moments the army began to charge at us, along with the boss itself. This definitely wasn't going to be an easy fight considering how strong the knights were before.

But nonetheless we had to fight like our lives depended on it. So we began to clash against what felt like hundreds of enemies.

Hearing the clanging of each sword against mine while trying not to die was kind of a rush.

{Activate King's Strength}

~Successful Activated.

I felt the power surge through once again and began to fight against all the enemies that were before me. Cutting through them with extreme force while blocking against others.

It wasn't a painless fight by any means, I felt their blades cutting me with every swing but my healing was something I'd have to rely on.


Before I could react, a beam of light had come out of nowhere. It started to eviscerate a good majority of the enemies as they burned to ash. That's when I noticed where it was coming from, it was from Kallista.

That must be one of her skills, or was it magic that she was using?

Shit! That's what I forgot all about, reading that damn book.

I'll have to check it out when we return back to the normal world since I don't see me having a lot of time right now to read it.

"Cheap tricks won't win you the battle. I have some tricks of my own." The boss says with it's demonic voice.

The strange fog began to emit something strange that made it very hard to breathe. The boss was going to try and suffocate us it seems, shit!

"Sevy go for the boss!" Rika shouts while fighting against enemies.

Without wasting any time I had begun to dash towards the boss, avoiding all the enemy attacks that I could. It would only be a matter of time before we couldn't breathe at all so we didn't have any time to waste.


Jumping over one of the enemies and in front of the boss, I immediately slashed down at the boss before me.

"Fast, I like it. You interrupt my magic, you gave your friends time." It says while blocking my attack.

"It's time to stop talking." I reply while pushing my sword harder against it.

I'll definitely kill this thing and get through this.

"Sevarian, an interesting name for someone who won't make it out of here today." The Boss says while slowly pushing my blade back.

"Gah. You should be happy to know my name before you die." I say while pushing my strength to the limits.

I could feel my arms wanting to give out but this would result in a serious injury against my shoulder. Shit, I'd be lucky not to lose an arm against this giant ass sword.

It has some crazy strength to it too, how the hell am I going to beat this thing.